Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Undeniable gains

Undeniable gains

After 3 months of consistent pe’ing I measured today. I have without question gone from 6 inches BP to 6.5 inches BP. Will measure every month from now on.

LOT: 6:30

Routine: AM

5 Minute warm up in shower
2 x 15 minute sets of stretching straight* out

Warm up again in shower for 5 minutes
1 x 10 minute set stretching almost straight up
5 minutes of manual stretching, blasters, jai’s, hard stretching left, right and down.

Same in PM.

* I use surgical rubber for my stretcher, attached to rope that hangs over a pulley under my desk which is in turn tied to a small weight to keep it still. I get the desired poundage by stretching the rubber, instead of having to attach more weights. I play video games to distort the space time continu’um and session is over quickly, reducing clockwatching and risk of demoralisation.

Addendum: For those who struggle keeping hangers/ stretchers nearer the head of the penis rather than the base, do not lose hope. I have made these gains stretching nearer to the base than the head. You will have to make sure your hanger/stretcher is firmly attached at the base however to pull the internal structures of the penis, rather than skin as already discussed. It took a bit of experimenting with attachment techniques to do this but its bearing fruit now.


Genitals prefer Blondes


First let me give you a hearty welcome to this board: Welcome to the board! Thunders is really a great community of dick pullers (like you didn’t know that already:) )!

I totally agree with you. PE works if you stick with it! My routine consists simply of dry jelqs and v-stretches. It’s really simple, but I’ve already begun to see effects despite the short time. I’m very intense with my pulls and squeezes, but I know my limit and I can guage my discomfort to know when too much is too much. I generally go for 30 mins to an hour each session. Sometimes twice a day, but at least once!

I’ve only really started PEing earlier this month and had taken some time off in the middle because I experienced the doughtnut effect and was waiting for my unit to return to normal. Once it had though, I’ve been consistantly PEing. So I’ve been going for about 3 weeks.

Anyway, I can already see a difference in the general size of my erection. My dick looks a lot heavier as my girth has jumped from about 5.5” to just about 6” before all PE was started (I started PEing before posting). Last night, I spent more than an hour looking in awe at my new unit. It was really something.

My length still remains 7” but I can feel the tendons when I stretch, so I know they’re being worked and it’s only a matter of time. One positive piece of news is that I can now manually stretch my dick to the 8” BP mark. It’s not an indicator of my erection but perhaps it’s a prelude of things to come. I can easily see myself hitting 7.2” EBPL in a months time, if not more. I’m very excited.

My only concern is PEs addictiveness. I know that at 8”NBP I should stop, but I know myself. I’m going to constatly want a little more. I hope I don’t grow my dick to the point where I scare away the tight-pussied types of girls I date (read: v/ short and skinny).

In short, like citizen says, PE really works. My advice is to learn to read your body. Just to commit to 200 wet jelqs daily may not be enough depending on the person. Some may require more, some less. Also reading your body is good to know when enough is enough and very effective in preventing injury. I know that I personally take each exercise close to the limit, but am very careful not to go past.

As this science matures, I’m sure based on certain factors (height, weight, blood type, etc) one will be able to look on a chart to see the ideal excercises and durations of PE for maximum growth.. But it aint their yet, so build your PE experience and share with this wonderful group!


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Nothing breeds success like success

Hi, and thanks for the welcome, I enjoyed reading your post.

You’re right in that this is so addictive, it’s a long road for me yet before I contemplate stopping however. I am going all out for length, have put aside two years for this, then onto girth work.

Thanks again, being around positive and supportive people is half the battle. Good luck with the gains.


Genitals prefer Blondes

Way to go. That first measurement where you are CERTAIN that you’ve actually gained is fantastic, isn’t it?

I believe that dedication is far more important than is searching for the “Perfect Routine” (as if it really existed anyway). Don’t get me wrong, I suggest you read all through Thunder’s to make sure you’re doing things right - but then get on with it.

luvdadus gained more than 2” erect by simply doing sets of dry jelqs throughout the day, until he was up to about 900 per day. He said he rarely even did stretches. Very simple & to the point, I’d say.

Man i got the same thing the frist month!

Wow this shit works!

When I started PE, it was like stepping to the edge of a cliff. When I got my first real gains, it was like jumping over the edge; the point of no return.. I measured around 7.2” EBPL early this morning. For the first time, I feel like I have a big dick. When I’m staring at myself in the mirror, it’s like I’m looking at another person.

I’m not surprised that luv gained that much with dry jelqs. I find that no other excercises work me like dry jelqs and v-stretches. They’re also delightfully easy to do any time in any place.

Fattire, I’m interested… Tell us more!


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Well done lads

Well done all, just put in a quality session, so here’s to next months measuring.


Genitals prefer Blondes

Congrats and well done citizen245 !!

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

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