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Uninterrupted heat PE


Uninterrupted heat PE

I am not talking about hot wrap. Thisis about continued heating while PEing. You are heating the tool to shape it like a blacksmith does. I suspect heat + stress will give better strain. Heat is known to reduce the yield point in materials (point after which the material exhibits plastic strain, before which strain was elastic).

So I am going to experiment with keeping the “hair dryer” on & focussed on your dick while jelqing & stretching and squeezing (I don’t hang). But hangers could try this. I think hangers will get best results because of the long duration. Its a totally automated hands free method ;)

With hot wraps, you heat the dick initially. But once you get ready to PE, your member is either luke warm or at room temp. With the above method, you don’t need intermittent heating breaks during a PE session to run to the bathroom for hot wraps. What’s more, the heating is hands free!

You must be wondering about the method of heating - a hair dryer. But as I said in a previous thread, I have tried microwavable bands, heat pads, infrared heat massager, etc and all these are a total ripoff. The infrared heater is 100% trash. It’s not possible to jelq with a heating pad on. So the best thing is a hair dryer or a 100 to 200 watt table lamp focussed on the willie. I’ve rested off this whole week because of blood. I’ll give this a try in the weekend. Others who try it out (esp hangers), do keep us posted! Yippie!! Sounds exciting…:D

Are the electronic heat pads really that bad? I was considering getting one. It would stay on for me because I’m hanging BTC. Cheers for your thoughts.


I dont know about running a hair dryer man. I think the optimal way to PE with heat would be in a sauna or something. They say that wet heat penetrates deeper and it wouldn’t scorch or dry out your dick.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

Great concept rg and good ideas. Im not so sure about the 200 watt heat lamp idea though, because my dick is already tanned from discoloration.

For the past month Ive been my doing a heat based routine in the shower and Ive seen some good gains Ill post the results soon.

I agree with Gandolf wet heat is the way to go and the shower is the definately the ideal place for stretching: privacy, constant hot water….

As for hanging I guess you can create a suana affect in the bathroom with a hot shower running.

"The greatest inspiration is not out doing others but out doing ourselves."

I must have been very lucky when I bought my heating pad. It gets plenty hot, and too hot sometimes at the high setting. It does cycle once it’s hot, but hasn’t disappointed me with it’s heat output.

I got it at CVS, and it’s 11x15 inches if I remember correctly.

Here’s the one I got..
CVS - Online Drugstore, Pharmacy, Prescriptions & Health Information

Gandolf, water has a high specific heat so it can retain heat for a long time. But as far as heat transfer to the dick is concerned, the amount of heat transferred depends on thermal conductivity of the penis and the temperature difference (outside temperature - internal penis temp). So whether it’s water or it’s air from hair drier, both quantities remain same.

Infact in case of hair drier or table lamp, the outside temperature can be maintained a constant (outer foreskin temp). It doesn’t have to be burning hot to drive heat into the dick. It can be the same comfortable high temperature that the water in a sauna is. The trick is to keep it on for a long enough time to stabilize the outer foreskin temperature of the penis at the comfortable high temperature.

The only problem I see with hair drier is the possibility of the penis being more dry as compared to putting it in water.

Note for newbies - Guys, don’t try it till you are comfortable with hot wraps. Just be careful and don’t go all out for heat or keep it on for too long. I wouldn’t suggest this experiment for newbies, as none of th experienced members seem to have tried it out yet. The 100 watt table lamp is somewhat interesting to try out but who knows….. it might produce a tanning effect!

MDC, I’m trying to do constant heat jelqing, which isn’t possible with heating pad!

Has any one tried the new warming touch lubes with jelqs and a heating pad ? It seems like it would help with the blood flow if any thing.

Originally Posted by Good_Knight
Are the electronic heat pads really that bad? I was considering getting one. It would stay on for me because I’m hanging BTC. Cheers for your thoughts.

I like the electric pads best (and I tried everything).

Hair dryer’s disadvantage is that the heat transfer from air to a solid object (your dick, - hopefully, at times at least) is less than optimal.

Later - ttt

60% of your dick is water, if you heat it enough it won’t melt, rather it will evaporate.

I heat up my unit after stretching, before jelqing, and again after jelqing before my second set of stretching. The whole thing feels more supple.

I once tried the hair dryer and found it dried out the skin and was awkward to control. I now use an IR lamp on a stand that I can move about while doing whatever.

I keep a hot buckwheat filled bean bag on my ligs and shaft base the entire time I hang. I heat it up in the microwave. I notice a definite difference in the stretch I can achieve.


July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

I use a ceramic floor heater and put as much heat as I can on my unit when I stretch and hang. But, I don’t have the heat so high that it hurts my unit, but I feel it being VERY warm. I think heat makes all the difference and is just as important as the actual exercise, in my opinion.

Why don’t you get an IR lamp and a chair.. clamp it to the chair and have it pointing down at your penis while doing your routine?

I hang, jelq, pump, and do wantsmores all day at my desk with two heavy duty IR lights clamped to a folding chair, one pointing down, one pointing up. Sometimes 4 hr hanging sessions with uninterrupted heat. Weight goes over the chair on a bungee cord, lights are cooking my package (figuratively), and I can get my work done.

If privacy and utility bills aren’t an issue for you.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

I sit at my pc desk with a ir lamp pointed a my cock the whole time I jelq .

It gives a better workout and I hardly ever get bad indicators

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