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Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

Originally Posted by dickwut
If anyone’s trying to emulate Tutt’s full approach, this combo has everything needed, and is a decent price for everything included. That evo model is a bit hard to find. I’ve been looking for a used autosound for a while, just don’t need the rest unfortunately.
Richmar Therasound EVO, Autosound applicator, and Autogel packets | eBay

Has he shown any reports for radiofrequency?

I’ve bought the vertica labs and am very interested in it’s potential uses for decon and not just it’s heating abilities

Originally Posted by Itouchedyou69
Has he shown any reports for radiofrequency?

I’ve bought the vertica labs and am very interested in it’s potential uses for decon and not just it’s heating abilities

I am using richmar ultrasound plus machine it’s similar, results in my topic

Originally Posted by Oreshnik
I am using richmar ultrasound plus machine it’s similar, results in my topic

Yeah I think I might end up buying that too. Hoping tutts is still visiting this thread.

How to use the vertica on decons

Originally Posted by Itouchedyou69
Yeah I think I might end up buying that too. Hoping tutts is still visiting this thread.

How to use the vertica on decons

Vertica labs is totally different device, you cannot use it for properly heating, buy the richmar. 3MHZ
You must to not to do absolutely anything during the deacons!

The vertica device will indeed heat, just not as aggressively. It is a 1MHZ device.

the device is no longer listed — do those cost around $1300? (pretty expensive…)

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG


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