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Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

The length of the Autosound applicator is just over 7cm, so one might not get to treat the whole length of the shaft unless you move it around, or maybe move it each session to treat closer/farther away./etc. On an alternating basis. Either way, it isn’t maximal efficiency, but still probably good enough given the convenience.

I just made a cylindrical phantom that is about 0.5 cm thick to use with a 3mhz US, so we’ll see how that goes. Was hoping to have my first session tonight, but Fedex unsurprisingly has dropped the ball and not delivered the machine on time.

Originally Posted by nshaq
@alexiogerio, this is something different at play here. Tutt used heat pad to help speed up and maintain the temperature at therapeutic levels. He didn’t use it as phantom.
Also, regarding the covering of the shaft with silicone sleeve: When you put the US head directly on the shaft, the sound waves penetrate through the skin before they are absorbed as heat, so this is why you don’t feel higher temperature at skin level. When you put silicone sleeve between US head and shaft, it absorbs some of the heat. The increased temperature in the sleeve is directly felt on the skin.

Thanks Nshaq, that explains it all..


Many thanks for your kind help; I´ve been following you for quite a time now, so your comments mean a lot to me.

Sort of crossposted from the strain extender thread, but might get more appropriate viewing here:

First time trying the US- I used a thermocouple slipped inside the bottom of the Phallosan sleeve along the ventral side. It never got above about 28c even though it was right against the skin. The thermometer works. Just not sure how you guys are getting solid reading on it.
How does everyone attach them exactly? Micropore tape the end directly to the shaft and slather it with gel? And then tape again on the wire somewhere to stabilize? I should probably have it on the dorsal side as well using 3 mhz, but even so I should have gotten at least a body temp reading closer to 37C if not higher. Not sure what was going on there. On the other hand, the gel is cold so any time you add some, it’d throw off the reading right?

I’m doing the heated stretching Kypra and Tutt have laid out. I’m only doing doing 2 on followed by 3 off. My question is could I also use the pump for on my work days or off days while I’m actively trying to gain length? I’m not trying to stretch it in the pump but want to build girth at the same time or would be better to focus on length for a month then girth?

Just wanted to say I’ve been doing the length restricted pumping and I’ve never seen girth like this. It’s insane how much better it is than regular pumping. My girlfriend has been saying my dick feel much bigger overall longer and very thick.

I notice with the restricted pumping at only 3hg my dick seems to stay pumped for a very long time.

With 1mhz (US Pro 2nd) is it effective applied dorsally if temp on ventral side reaches 42-43?

I’m vac hanging fulcrum and have a fulcrum that seems to be working fine as a phantom in a short test.

Mar21 - BPFSL: 6.5", BPEL: 6.5", NBPEL: 6", MEG: 5.5"

Feb25 - BPFSL: 8" (cold), BPEL: 7.5", NBPEL: 6.875", MEG: 6.5"

One Day - BPFSL: 9.5", BPEL: 9", NBPEL: 8.5", MEG: 6.5”

I built an extender with a linear stage like Tutt’s. It works perfectly well, but I’m building an even better more complicated one, and was wondering if anyone would be interested in buying this at cost (and shipping).

Includes linear stage with about 46mm travel which I purchased used for a very good price. Attached to plastic base, with L brackets to connect your extender in whatever fashion you prefer. Plastic piece on top to set the weight scale on (scale not included). 12v motor with mounting bracket and flexible coupler attaching it to the micrometer. Reversible switch with variable speed adjustment. 12v battery and battery charger. All in it cost me about $250, so I’d sell for about that, plus shipping. Not a bad deal since the linear stages can go for $500-750 even used. Trying to attach a picture…

(33.9 KB, 431 views)

Question for Kyrpa

I am not new to PE and I’m interested in the possibilities of ultrasound to help with further gains. I have read your entire thread “gaining volume with Kyrpa” with great interest and I want to thank you for all that information.
Some questions has still arisen;

Question 1: When you were starting out with the ultrasound it seems like you were doing it in your extender. You made great gains then with only one ultrasound apparatus, seemingly not having any problems with temperature in extender like some people have reported. Did you heat on the ventral or dorsal side then and did you put something on the other side at that point?

Question 2: Some people have created advanced phantoms, but couldn’t the reflection issues (air barrier) be solved also with an object that has good absorption of ultrasound waves on the other side (like a rubber block with gel on)?

Question 3: You seem to heat one side with the intention of heating the other side. My impression from reading up on ultrasound was that the heating capabilities is always greater closer to the source, no matter the MHz. That would mean that both 1 MHz and 3 MHz does a good job of heating superficial tissues, although the 1 MHz can reach further? My understanding is that 3 MHz would be used primarily for superficial tissues because most superficial tissues have underlying deep tissues that you might not want to heat, hence using 3 MHz instead. Since that is not the case here and there is air on the other side, it would seem perfectly fine to use 1 MHz also from the dorsal side to target dorsal thickening and just to make sure absorption on the other side is taken care of?

Best regards

Last edited by Biggie23 : 05-15-2023 at .

Hi Biggie Swede,

Thank you for your interest and good questions.

Originally Posted by Biggie23
Question 1: When you were starting out with the ultrasound it seems like you were doing it in your extender. You made great gains then with only one ultrasound apparatus, seemingly not having any problems with temperature in extender like some people have reported. Did you heat on the ventral or dorsal side then and did you put something on the other side at that point?

I have not looked into the process in retrospective for a while so I needed to check some old notes first.
Yes, I did gain using an extender at first. Though I did use either my fingers or my palm on the opposite as an ultrasound cushion so to speak.
Also needed to use a heated rice sock for keeping the heat on the shaft.
At the time of approximately 3 cm BPFSL, and 1,6 cm BPEL gains (from July to late November ), I had already changed to OTL stretching/hanging with the elastic band.
You can see the first notes in the log latest in December mentioning this. Not so clear but it is there. From there on the extender was used only for the preparing phase, extending cold before the heated part.

This allowed me to really build the heat distributed evenly on the shaft, feeling the process against the top of my thigh.
It has been the most comfortable way to do it as well. And I like to think been a key element in the rest of my length gains thereafter.

I don´t think 1 MHz should be used without the sound conducting pad, water, or tissue on the opposite side. And I did heat on the ventral side, as I continue to primarily do today as well.

Originally Posted by Biggie23
Question 2: Some people have created advanced phantoms, but couldn’t the reflection issues (air barrier) be solved also with an object that has good absorption of ultrasound waves on the other side (like a rubber block with gel on)?

The penis just happens to be a too-thin obstacle for using 1MHz without the sound-conducting material behind it.

We should take into account that in physical therapy underwater solutions are typically used for hands or feet when applying ultrasound.
Particularly 1MHz ultrasound therapy.

Choosing a good absorber can be a good thing but only if the material has similar acoustic properties to the soft tissue you are heating.
If not, it will make the sound waves just reflect back as it does from exposal to the air.
Choose absorbing material and let it heat within your cock, but only if the continuity for the sound waves to propagate without significant reflection has been secured.
The fat pad on my leg is a fine example of a highly absorbing material having near enough acoustic properties to the penis.

Originally Posted by Biggie23
Question 3: You seem to heat one side with the intention of heating the other side. My impression from reading up on ultrasound was that the heating capabilities is always greater closer to the source, no matter the MHz. That would mean that both 1 MHz and 3 MHz does a good job of heating superficial tissues, although the 1 MHz can reach further? My understanding is that 3 MHz would be used primarily for superficial tissues because most superficial tissues have underlying deep tissues that you might not want to heat, hence using 3 MHz instead. Since that is not the case here and there is air on the other side, it would seem perfectly fine to use 1 MHz also from the dorsal side to target dorsal thickening and just to make sure absorption on the other side is taken care of?

Best regards

Once you stick the 1MHz on the shaft, keeping the shaft against your own flesh you will understand immediately why I chose to do it.
The heat build-up just seems to be superior on the opposite side of the shaft.
If the absorber is there you have like a uniform larger mass you are heating with the 1 MHz than the penis alone.
It stays my preferred method as long as it is the case of 1MHz.

You can think it also the way 50% of the intensity used is absorbed as late as 5 cm deep with 1MHz.
Contrary to 1Mhz with 3MHz this amount of energy is absorbed in the tissue to build up heat on about half of the distance already.
According to this, the hot-spot is supposed to be deeper as well with 1MHz, and weaker with equivalent intensity.
It certainly feels and looks to be that way.

And if it could (1MHz) be used dorsally, surely it can be done. It is really difficult to measure the exact heat distribution properly, with the penis and in literature as well anyways.

In your description, you mention the superficial tissue, the penis falls into this category by the way.
Using 1MHz the extra dept is necessary to make it work properly.

Lately, I have been running tests and playing with 3 MHz. The shaft seems to be thick enough to run even without a cushion at the back of it.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
You can think it also the way 50% of the intensity used is absorbed as late as 5 cm deep with 1MHz.
Contrary to 1Mhz with 3MHz this amount of energy is absorbed in the tissue to build up heat on about half of the distance already.
According to this, the hot-spot is supposed to be deeper as well with 1MHz, and weaker with equivalent intensity.
It certainly feels and looks to be that way.

And if it could (1MHz) be used dorsally, surely it can be done. It is really difficult to measure the exact heat distribution properly, with the penis and in literature as well anyways.

In your description, you mention the superficial tissue, the penis falls into this category by the way.
Using 1MHz the extra dept is necessary to make it work properly.

Lately, I have been running tests and playing with 3 MHz. The shaft seems to be thick enough to run even without a cushion at the back of it.

Hey Kyrpa!

Are you using 3MHz ventrally or dorsally?

While fully extended in an extender, i can feel a very obvious dorsal thickening. Its by far the most tight tissue at that moment.
So far i have been using 3MHz US on the dorsal side, and used a phantom on the ventral side. And it looks like exactly what you described in your post. Like the hot spot misses that dorsal thickening, and most heat is absorbed below it. I will try to perform the same thing, but try to heat from the ventral side, and put the phantom on the dorsal side.

Originally Posted by nshaq
Hey Kyrpa!

Are you using 3MHz ventrally or dorsally?

While fully extended in an extender, i can feel a very obvious dorsal thickening. Its by far the most tight tissue at that moment.
So far i have been using 3MHz US on the dorsal side, and used a phantom on the ventral side. And it looks like exactly what you described in your post. Like the hot spot misses that dorsal thickening, and most heat is absorbed below it. I will try to perform the same thing, but try to heat from the ventral side, and put the phantom on the dorsal side.

I have tried from all directions and with this experience, I can only confirm that at the distal part of the shaft, the 3 MHz is superior to the 1 Mhz. It seems to produce pretty uniform heat through the shaft regardless of the entry side.
At the base, I would use it dorsally at least with a flaccid base girth of 14 cm or more.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
Hi Biggie Swede,

Thank you for your interest and good questions.

I don´t think 1 MHz should be used without the sound conducting pad, water, or tissue on the opposite side. And I did heat on the ventral side, as I continue to primarily do today as well.

Choosing a good absorber can be a good thing but only if the material has similar acoustic properties to the soft tissue you are heating.
If not, it will make the sound waves just reflect back as it does from exposal to the air.

Thank you for your answers Kyrpa. I’ve ordered 2 us pro 2000 2nd edition now, and I will try OTL. How did you manage to get the root against the leg so that you don’t have to direct the ultrasound to your pubic fat pad?
Though I still don’t see why the material on the back must have the same conductive properties as the tissue. I see the problem with air (a good ultrasound reflectant) and certain other materials that also are reflectants of ultrasound, but I don’t see how an ultrasound absorbant would cause reflection simply because it has different conductive properties to the tissues. It seems to me smarter to have an ultrasound absorbing material on the backside, because if you have a conducting material at the backside then you still have to have it thick enough since at the end of that material there could still be some reflection? With an absorbant it would all be absorbed sooner than with the phantom and decrease the risk of reflection further.

Best regards

What do you guys use to protect the balls?

Originally Posted by Biggie23
Thank you for your answers Kyrpa. I’ve ordered 2 us pro 2000 2nd edition now, and I will try OTL.

1. How did you manage to get the root against the leg so that you don’t have to direct the ultrasound to your pubic fat pad?

2. Though I still don’t see why the material on the back must have the same conductive properties as the tissue.

.I see the problem with air (a good ultrasound reflectant) and certain other materials that also are reflectants of ultrasound, but I don’t see how an ultrasound absorbant would cause reflection simply because it has different conductive properties to the tissues.
It seems to me smarter to have an ultrasound absorbing material on the backside, because if you have a conducting material at the backside then you still have to have it thick enough since at the end of that material there could still be some reflection?
With an absorbant it would all be absorbed sooner than with the phantom and decrease the risk of reflection further.

Best regards

1. Using a massive amount of conductive gel between.

2. I am in favor of your way of thinking about absorbing material as a cushion.
However, the importance of having a similar acoustic impedance to the penis has already been discussed pretty intensively already.
Heating problems with extender users
The thing is there is always a reflection at the boundary of two different materials, and tissue types as well.
The greater the difference in acoustic impedance the greater the reflection. With the materials used, we are talking about a few percentages.

By the way, natural rubber seems to fit into the category pretty closely as well.
It has an acoustic impedance really close to the skin, which I didn´t notice earlier. So kudos to you for bringing the topic alive.

Silicon rubber compounds and synthetic gelatin phantoms which have similar acoustic impedance to soft tissue, usually have attenuation coefficients at 1 MHz typically ranging from approximately 0.1 dB/cm to 2 dB/cm.
The synthetic gelatin pad I have used has an attenuation coefficient in the range of 0.2 dB/cm. I am not aware of the values of phantom materials others have used.
Compared to soft tissue in general which has approximately 1 dB/cm with 1 MHz. The attenuation is relative to the frequency used. With the 3MHz it is greater.
The attenuation coefficient does not take into count the real-life scattering which actually increases the absorption in the tissue.

The attenuation coefficient of natural rubber is typically in the range of 1 dB/cm to 5 dB/cm, according to the sources used. This means that rubber is a greater absorber than silicon or gelatin, or the tissue as well.

If the pad is thick enough, like in my case being ~2 cm the absorption (0.2 dB/cm) seems to dampen the reflection low enough not to interfere with the transducer.

Looking for materials having the perfect match with attenuation and impedance as well we need to look for materials from Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) catalogs as well.

My personal choice for absorbing medium having near enough perfect match would be water having an acoustic impedance coefficient of approximately 1.48 (soft tissue1.6) and a closely matching attenuation of ~ 1 dB cm^−1 MHz^−1.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)


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