Hey man, glad to have you chiming in, we need more anecdotes from long timers like yourself!What you said here may be the exact reason for your plateau. Have you had an extended deacon break?
After speaking with Tutt on the topic of the necessity of allowing the tunica’s collagen fibers to reorient themselves, I decided I was about 10 years overdue for a decon break. This is back in May. I hadn’t seen gains, particularly girth gains, in most of my 12 years of PE. Extremely negligible. And at some point I had stopped seeing red spots, no matter how hard I hit it, which, take for what you will, have always seemed to accompany good sessions for me. I kept hitting it, harder and harder, with absolute dedication. Months of intensive logging, thousands and thousands and thousands of jelqs, ulis, stretching, pumping. And all I noticed was that the tissues seemed less and less pliable. It honestly felt fibrous. Which more or less is what you get from attacking the tunica without decon for years and years.Anyway, I’m rambling, but long story short, I took a two month decon break (which is admittedly less than the 8 months that Tutt recommended to me) and in that time, I saw better flaccid hang than I’d seen in years, better EQ avery quickly, and the near total disappearance of a spongiosum injury that had been plaguing me for longer than I could remember. And when coming back to PE after those 2 months, I could feel the pliability, the tissue expansion, and penile health in ways that had been missing for most of the last 10 years. I just want to add purely anecdotal emphasis to the perspective that Tutt and many others have said throughout the forum: decon is non-negotiable for PE.
The thought of taking 2 months off was honestly terrifying to me. It felt like I would be turning away from months of gains. I now believe this is one of the more nefarious illusions we’re bound to experience with PE, because I had been turning away from years of possible gains by avoiding a decon break that I probably should have taken in 2011. I wasted years and years and a horrifying amount of time trying to persist through exercises without taking a break.
Which is not to say that this is conclusive evidence or a magic bullet, since I may still see negligible gains going forward. Maybe I’m one of those whose bodies simply will not respond to PE. But I’m not finding that to be true, overall. I will try to get better data going forward to lend more credence to the decon-centric theory. In the meantime, for those who get anxious at the thought of taking a break, I highly recommend surrendering to a vacation from PE.
Thanx! Good info.
I invested in the Soundcare plus machine. It seams to work a lot better and maintaining heat.
I’m using 3mhz @ 2.0 until things get hot and then reduce to 1.4 to stabilize overall heat.
This regime is working for me:
Extender: 20 mins with heat lamp as warm up and 10 min cool down.
Later: Extender with heat lamp for 8 mins then ultrasound 3mhz @ 2.0 for 4 mins, then 3mhz @1.4 for 4 mins and final 3mhz @1.4 for 4 mins.
This is while increasing tension on extender.
After this heat session: I wrap up fast and start hanging for around 15 + mins. I’m advanced, so I start at 30lbs for 2mins, then add 10lbs for 2mins, then add 5lbs for 2 mins, then add another 5lbs for 4-6 mins. Depends on weight tolerance. Then I start backing down on weights, ending at 40lbs, till I hit the 15 min mark. I usually do a 1 minute real hard hand pull and hold stretch.
Later in day, a few hours later, I repeat the same process with ultrasound and weight hanging.
I usually wait the next few hours and do a final weight hang, with same above lbs and same time but without ultrasound or heat & I sometimes repeat same session. That’s if I’m not real sore.
Now, I do this regime for two days straight. On the second day, I have to reduce weights to make it bearable, because of soreness.
I take a 3 day break then go with above weight hanging session, no heat at all. I do this two times on 3rd day. It feels like I have strands breaking in there. I think it’s the fibers breaking as they are being healed.
For these 3 days, I usually pump my balls.
I then wait two days and begin process all over again, starting with heat again.
My total gains have been 1/2 inch from previous hanging, that I have gained back from my past road block, I have new gains of a 1/2 inch. So I’m up an inch total and happy.
I’m curious if I’ll reach more length towards my stretched length on a long break.
My plans are to take a deacon break till next April.
Remember, it took years to build up to these weights and I’ve been real cautious hanging after a good heat session. It takes less weight hanging after the heats been applied.