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Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

Originally Posted by Tutt
First off, what do you mean by decon? My baseline assumption during decon is that there are frequent natural erections, but no exogenous tissue stress.

We haven’t yet figured out a way to continue PE indefinitely without the physiological response of toughening the existing tissues. I strongly suspect that it is primarily strain rate that is the primary problem. But anyway we are left with trying to work within the most optimal cycles using the current data. Keep in mind that the tissue responds heavily to tissue stress about 10-21 days into repeated treatment. That is, your body has mechanisms to avoid using precious tissue-building resources responding to random isolated stressors. After about a week of repeated stress, the body assumes the stress will keep repeating and begins to fortify the tissues. This response correlates to the intensity of the stress. Faster, higher load, colder, more damaging stresses create a more rapid and intense physiological response. As the stress continues into weeks 3, 4, 5, etc. the body fully adapts and makes the tissue so tough that it could withstand exponentially higher loading. Absent the stress, the tissue will regain a significant amount of elasticity within 3 months, which means the fibers begin to reorganize, re-crimp, and re-bond. However, the increased tissue density remains much longer.

At this point we get into pure theory in the absence of controlled trials. On the one hand, it might be optimal to perform treatment until short term gains are exhausted and then decon for 3 months until the modulus has changed enough to create elasticity. On the other hand, it might be optimal to cease treatment at about 18-21 days to abort the full physiological response, then take a 3 month decon. Then again, it might be best to perform treatment so infrequently (once every 4-7 days) and optimally (reaching absolutr maximum strain very slowly at perfect temp) that the tissue response simply doesn’t happen.

We simply don’t have the data for this. But there are somethings we do know. The first of those options absolutely creates an adverse tissue response that builds over time. To the point that not even a 3 month decon will work. Depending on the person, the long 6-12 month decon will be required, in order to allow more than 80% of the old tissue cells to cycle.

The last of those could possibly produce the greatest long term results, but require incredible dedication over many years of slow progress. While the second protocol might be the best hybrid of reasonably rapid results with only short bursts of dedication.

But for you currently, I don’t see any way that you can avoid at least a 6 month decon and then another 3 month decon after each intense cycle, the way you are currently doing things.

How much do you think can be gained in one, two, three years. In the first, second, and third cases? Provided that: 1. There was a break of several years, 2. Perfectly studied theory, 3. Equipment is prepared and mastered, 4. With medium stiffness TA. Theoretically, of course.

Sorry for my English

I just want it on record that the Dupuytren Contracture Institute sells a 3mhz ultrasound device for $160 that DOES NOT meet the minimum specs. It produces no heat, the site does not list its power output but it is apparently far too low to work as advertised.

Repeat DO NOT buy the Dupuytren Contracture Institute ultrasound device.

Originally Posted by kushextender
FWIW, the Therasound system I have maxes out at 2.1 watts, which after 15-20 minutes isnt enough to get above 37C with a 8 temperature probe embedded silicone phantom I use on the dorsal side.

Which Therasound and applicator do you have? And was it used? Did you have it at 100% duty cycle?

Originally Posted by Holdion
How much do you think can be gained in one, two, three years. In the first, second, and third cases? Provided that: 1. There was a break of several years, 2. Perfectly studied theory, 3. Equipment is prepared and mastered, 4. With medium stiffness TA. Theoretically, of course.

When we are purely in theory land, it is really hard to say. I think generally people should be able to consistently see 1.5” to 2.0” of gains with the first method within a 2 year window, but then the plateau will kick in. Some might see more, but I suspect that the resulting plateau will generally prevent most people from getting much beyond that.

It’s possible that the third method would be able to reach gains of 3-4” over many years because the plateau wouldn’t materialize. Albeit gains would come very slowly, like 0.25 to 0.5” per year. Pure speculation, and possibly it is just too infrequent to produce gains altogether.

I generally favor the second approach in theory and think something like that is likely to produce the greatest gains for those who don’t just want an extra inch or so. More than an inch the first year. A bit less than an inch the second year, and maybe seeing a total of 3” by the end of year three if it was perfectly dialed in.

But again, we don’t have the data to support this, so it might be too optimistic.

At Holdion

I don‘t think, that you need a Decon of 3 Months after just 21 Days of Exercise, I have read of Progress Reports, where people gained 2.5 inches in Length in a 1.6 Year Window with Hanging.

Also, the Body is very efficient with everything it does, so if you don‘t stretch regularly in Sports, don‘t train your muscles, everything goes away super fast, so if you only train for 21 Days, I think that you need a Month max, I would still push for as long as you can, then switch to Jelqing to close the gap from BPEL to BPFSL.

I think we can actually gain for as long, as we can increase the load slowly, until we Plateau. We also know, that people have done that and gained 2.5 inches in a 1.6 year window.

The question is, which approach is faster, how much do you gain in a 21 Days/3 monthOFF cycle, compared to going until you Plateau, Then take a Decon of 6 - 9 - 12 Months, and focus on BPEL or Girth in that Window.

Another question for me is, how much of our Gains, do we cement, with a 21 Day / 3 Months off approach, It could happen, that we don‘t gain at all, because 21 Days is not enough to cement anything. It also contradicts the experiences of people who gained consistantly over 1-2 Years.

I think because we have emperical data, we shouldn‘t start from scratch, Holdion says that after 5 Weeks, the tissue gets so tough theoretically, that it withstands exponential Load of weight, but that contradicts the data, of people who gained 2.5 inches in 1.6 years.

We cannot leave the Data out and start from scratch, why do we do that, we have some Data, so we should mold the theories around the Data we have.

Start 2011: BPEL- 5.62 | BPFSL- 5.62 | MSEG- 4.33

Progress: BPEL- 7,28 | BPFSL- 7.87 | MSEG- 4,92

Goal: BPEL- 9 | BPFSL- 9 | MSEG- 6.3

Originally Posted by kushextender
FWIW, the Therasound system I have maxes out at 2.1 watts, which after 15-20 minutes isnt enough to get above 37C with a 8 temperature probe embedded silicone phantom I use on the dorsal side.

Please tell us about your phantom. Did you make it yourself, from what and how? Thank you.

Sorry for my English

Originally Posted by Tutt
When we are purely in theory land, it is really hard to say. I think generally people should be able to consistently see 1.5” to 2.0” of gains with the first method within a 2 year window, but then the plateau will kick in. Some might see more, but I suspect that the resulting plateau will generally prevent most people from getting much beyond that.

It’s possible that the third method would be able to reach gains of 3-4” over many years because the plateau wouldn’t materialize. Albeit gains would come very slowly, like 0.25 to 0.5” per year. Pure speculation, and possibly it is just too infrequent to produce gains altogether.

I generally favor the second approach in theory and think something like that is likely to produce the greatest gains for those who don’t just want an extra inch or so. More than an inch the first year. A bit less than an inch the second year, and maybe seeing a total of 3” by the end of year three if it was perfectly dialed in.

But again, we don’t have the data to support this, so it might be too optimistic.

Hello. Do you think there is a difference for the TA between stretching out and down? How much better is stress relaxation than fluidity?

Sorry for my English

Originally Posted by Holdion
Hello. Do you think there is a difference for the TA between stretching out and down? How much better is stress relaxation than fluidity?

Angle mainly effects the gains you might get from the inner structures. IOW, those gains that people here call newbie gains. Which as I’ve described in other posts are actually just increased range of motion. My protocol and devices focus on gains in the size of the external shaft.

The biggest potential benefit of stress relaxation over creep is the ability to control the strain rate more precisely. In a typical creep protocol, there is no regard for strain rate, only load. That is a substantial weakness as strain rate is critical.

Are there any means to “speed up” decons? Using the US not for gains but for recovery, for example. US (applied in a therapeutic manner, I.e. Lower Watts, lower time under ultrasaound) is known to help healing stressed tissue such as tendinitis in wrists and elbows.

As far as I understand, the reason for decon is to give the accumulated collagen (due to strain over weeks/months of hanging) time to break down. Applying US might help accelerate this process. It is just a fickle theory, but the enzymes responsible for collagen break down might become more active due to US induced heat or mechanical stimulation. If US might help us gaining, why not with recuperation from the process of gaining, too?

I’m considering joining as well. But where do fellow EUs buy their ultrasound machines? Ebay? US Amazon? I can’t seem to find any proper vendors, or at least I can’t tell which sites are legit.

US Pro 2000:
US PRO 2000 2nd Ultrasound Ultraschall Professional Serie Portable Schmerztherapie | eBay
https://www.ama … /dp/B086R88N6K/
US Pro 2000 Portable Ultrasound Therapy Device [Over 10,000 Sold!]

Soundcare Plus (maybe a bit pricey, wasn’t someone here selling one?):
Roscoe Medical Soundcare Plus Pro Ultraschallgerät mit 1cm & 5cm Head dq9275 NEU | eBay

I assume the power plugs on these machines don’t fit into EU sockets, so I’d need an adapter as well, right ? Amazon is spammed with company names I’ve never heard of, but it’d be something like this?
https://www.ama … /dp/B083PZPYY2/

As for the rest of the equipment, I’m thinking of using:
- totalman extender

- DIY phantom using Dragonskin, not sure which material to pick. 10 NV?
Dragon Skin™ Series, High Performance Silicone Rubber | Smooth-On, Inc.
- some electronic hanging scale. Maybe:
https://www.ama … /dp/B017ZAA9HQ/
https://www.ama … /dp/B007L20ZOQ/
- some K type thermometer. This one was mentioned in another thread:
HT-9815 Thermometer mit 4 Temperatur-Eingängen

Be aware that TotalMan has high shipping costs and a customs duty, as well. I bought the vac hanger ADS set of TotaMan on discount (~52€) but ended up paying 25€ for shipping and 23€ for customs duty. Doubled the price for me. The product itself is great imo. Service, too. Even included 3 micropore tapes even though not advertised in that offer. Your link does include the frame work only. So other purchases would have to follow

I am from Germany and bought a US device manufactured like 30 years ago. Still works but no info on BNR. It was manufactured by Dr. Born. Maybe buying a used one might work?
I contacted a vendor from india about this product: (New Chiropractic Ultrasound Therapy 1 Mhz and 3 Mhz Ultrasonic Machine | eBay). They include the proper cable fitting for Your socket - they claim. Plus they have sent me a manual. India’s India, though and some complain about the poor quality these Indian US devices have.

For Phantom: I am thinking of cutting a penis sleeve lenghtwise and evening out the inner structure meant for stimulation. The material is called Cyber Skin and I don’t know any parameters regarding US resorption rate, etc. Like Rocco does about Dragon skin. Cyber skin can’t last higher temperatures as well. But well, it is available at home and easy to manipulate. Applying lots of gel will be mandatory, anyway. Kyrpa once suggested to use a steak as a phantom, so why not experiment a bit :D

Last edited by injept : 06-18-2022 at .

Originally Posted by injept

Be aware that TotalMan has.

Oh yeah I know, I bought the vacuum cups a year ago and I thought they were great. The shipping + import taxes made it quite expensive, but as long as I don’t have to waste time browsing though Indian/Chinese crap, I consider it a win. I don’t think it makes sense to penny-pinch if I’m going to spend hundreds of hours doing questionable things to my willy. Better safe than ending up in a bizarre newspaper story.

As I see newbies asking for more information about the use of heat, I am bumping these threads which contain the most valuable information related to PE in the last few years including the use if heat and ultrasound as a scientifically proven method.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

I’ve been weight hanging for prob 10 years. The last two years have been like hitting a brick wall. I read all these posts about ultrasound and I’m finally gaining progress again.

Thanx for all your hard work.

Originally Posted by Dnkydk
I’ve been weight hanging for prob 10 years. The last two years have been like hitting a brick wall. I read all these posts about ultrasound and I’m finally gaining progress again.

Thanx for all your hard work.

That is great news. Would like to hear what exactly was your routine before and how have you modified it with the heat??


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