Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

Question for Kyrpa, does US without tension result in shrinkage?

I’ve been thinking about ways to make the head smaller somehow.
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but some guys who are huge, as big as 8 inches, look average like closer to 6 inches because they have big heads, while ones with tiny heads look way bigger than they actually are. If you don’t believe me, take a pic and photoshop your head to 1/10 of your length, so if you’re 7" then make it 0.7", now it looks like 8 or 9 inches.

You did It it the same Way I Described Exactly ? (You Were Making Sure That You Hit the heat zone that we want and after that pumping immediately and what was the strain ?)

Originally Posted by NewYellowBanana
I have thought of this, and also put it into action but didn’t stay consistent with it due to me wanting to continue with the routine I’ve been gaining with. I’m interested in Kyrpas thoughts on using US for girth work. I know he must’ve thought about using US on the penis while clamping, he’s probably even spoken about it in this discussion but its hidden somewhere among the 90 something pages. If US helps to reform collagen, then using it while the penis is at 110% while clamping could be useful. I even thought about the usage of PGE-1 to create an ultra hard erection and then using US, then the penis will be kept enlarged for a couple hours after the US treatment since PGE-1 can cause erections that last hours.

If someone who has read or kept up to date with this topic could create a summary of all points to get started on US correctly. Then I will gladly purchase an US unit and begin documenting my experience due to my lack of confidence in my NIR pad.


I have had a venous leak for a few years or some injury to the base of the penis that makes it impossible for me to have and maintain erections. Has anyone used the US Pro 2000 2nd and seen improvements?

Pills and cock rings help a lot.

Or can anyone help?

Originally Posted by heisenberg23
I have had a venous leak for a few years or some injury to the base of the penis that makes it impossible for me to have and maintain erections. Has anyone used the US Pro 2000 2nd and seen improvements?
Pills and cock rings help a lot.
Or can anyone help?

"a venous leak or some injury" sounds very vague and inaccurate. Are you speculating this or were you diagnosed with an ambiguous condition? There is no way to tell the effects of Ultrasound without a specific detail of what you have.

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by igigi
"a venous leak or some injury" sounds very vague and inaccurate. Are you speculating this or were you diagnosed with an ambiguous condition? There is no way to tell the effects of Ultrasound without a specific detail of what you have.

Technique: An ultrasound study was carried out with a 10 MHz multi-frequency probe. A Triplex morphological and hemodynamic study was performed after intracavernous injection of 10 mg of PGE1.

Morphological Study:
The cavernous bodies have normal morphology and ecostructure, with no signs of calcifications or fibrosis zones.
Cavernous arteries with a linear course, normal caliber and without morphological alterations.

Hemodynamic Study:
Early phase (5 min):
Normal velocities were observed in both cavernous arteries with low resistance flow characteristic of this induction phase.

The speeds obtained were as follows:

Maximum speed 35cm (m/s) 35cm (m/s)
Minimum speed 13cm (m/s) 15cm (m/s)

Late phase (15m):

A satisfactory erection was achieved at an angle of less than 90° to the abdominal wall. The velocities obtained in both cavernous arteries are within
Normal limits. However, positive diastolic velocities that are not characteristic of this phase continue to be observed. There was also a flow in the dorsal
Vein of the penis with a persistent character and with increased speeds (20cm/sec).

The speeds obtained were as follows:

Maximum speed 42cm (m/s) 55cm (m/s)
Minimum speed 5.1cm (m/s) 3.7cm (m/s)

The morphological study did not reveal alterations worthy of reference in the corpora cavernosa, namely areas of fibrosis or defined calcifications.
In the Doppler study, no signs of arterial insufficiency were observed.
However, there was persistent flow in the dorsal vein of the penis and positive diastolic velocities of the cavernous arteries in the late phase, aspects
Compatible with some degree of venous/occlusive incompetence to be valued according to the patient’s clinical data.

Blood tests are all ok!

copied from another thread…

I’m trying US heat and I could use some help. I know some of this has been discussed extensively before but reading and doing are two completely different concepts and I just want to make sure I got this right.

I’m having trouble keeping my dick warm with my US pro 2000 2nd Ed so I don’t know if I’m properly heating up with US. The gel is cold to the touch, and immediately after warm up + pre stretch when I put the gel on my dick contracts in protest. My balls contract too and everything gets tight which I’m pretty sure is the opposite of what good practice is for any kind of PE.

I’m also skeptical of putting a rice sock or heat pad under my dick when doing OTL because I’m concerned about wave reflection back into my dick as I feel I’m getting more random stinging when attempting to use them. I definitely feel SOMETHING going on down there as I feel localized pinching even after US. I think I need to just put a thermocouple somewhere as maybe im just not not feeling the heat aside from when I shift my body and physical contact between my dick the US gel and my leg is lost and I feel stinging.

I’d be interested to know if you guys feel heat on your leg while using US or is it normal to not feel it as the waves are penetrating beyond the surface level.

In general… do you guys feel heat anywhere? Or is US supposed to just be wildly different from convection heating methods to the point you literally don’t feel heat on the surface of your skin carrying the waves?

11/14/2015 6 x5 1/8 -> 4/25/16-6 3/8 x5.5

Restart 3/24 @ 7.25BPEL / 6.5nbpel/ 5 3/8 meg

7/31/24 @ 8/ 7.25nbpel/ 5.375meg ~ lost 1/8 this month :(

Just want to add ~ today the opposite side of where the transducer was yesterday is a little sore. Feels similar to a chafe or sunburn. But the interesting part is it only feels this way on the line of where I have some scar tissue right about my circumcision line. Really really weird because I can SEE the red through the thin layer of skin and it follows perfectly
the scar tissue start zone.

I don’t know what to make of this yet. On the one end my penis feels good today and I’m hitting good EQ with good measurements. So I’m almost inclined to think the US waves were somehow absorbed by the scar tissue more than adjacent tissue causing it to get hotter or be affected more?

On one hand maybe it’s good because it means it’s breaking up scar tissue. And on the other hand maybe it’s bad because it’s irritating that area more and instead of more vascularity more collagen will be deposited in the area in response to inflammation.

Would appreciate more experienced opinions on this.

Should I move the transducer faster? I’m not even convinced I’m heating up my dick that well in the first place so this seems counter productive. But im wondering if this is a bad sign of tissue damage or a normal affect of beneficial thermal and cavitation for scar removal.

11/14/2015 6 x5 1/8 -> 4/25/16-6 3/8 x5.5

Restart 3/24 @ 7.25BPEL / 6.5nbpel/ 5 3/8 meg

7/31/24 @ 8/ 7.25nbpel/ 5.375meg ~ lost 1/8 this month :(

Originally Posted by RebelRebel
Just want to add ~ today the opposite side of where the transducer was yesterday is a little sore. Feels similar to a chafe or sunburn. But the interesting part is it only feels this way on the line of where I have some scar tissue right about my circumcision line. Really really weird because I can SEE the red through the thin layer of skin and it follows perfectly
the scar tissue start zone.

I don’t know what to make of this yet. On the one end my penis feels good today and I’m hitting good EQ with good measurements. So I’m almost inclined to think the US waves were somehow absorbed by the scar tissue more than adjacent tissue causing it to get hotter or be affected more?

On one hand maybe it’s good because it means it’s breaking up scar tissue. And on the other hand maybe it’s bad because it’s irritating that area more and instead of more vascularity more collagen will be deposited in the area in response to inflammation.

Would appreciate more experienced opinions on this.

Should I move the transducer faster? I’m not even convinced I’m heating up my dick that well in the first place so this seems counter productive. But im wondering if this is a bad sign of tissue damage or a normal affect of beneficial thermal and cavitation for scar removal.

This pinching/burning feeling seems to happen in the same position for me as it is with you. Im not circumsized though. Its where my foreskin attaches and when the ultrasound goes over thius area, it instantly pinches and starts to burn quickly. Im not sure why. Kyrpa seems to have given up or left. Quite irritating that it seemed the whole site has died. No more interesting topics are discussed.

But youre not alone. Dont fall into the trap of buying a better ultrasound machine. Because i did that. And didnt experience any gains.

You asked me in another thread, what is my routine. But its just a simple routine that I believe Kyrpa explained in his methods. Stretch for 20 mins up to your weight where you will then apply the ultrasound. Apply ultrasound for 30 mins, and cool down stretch for 10 mins.

No penis is different. What works for one, will work for another.

Agreed the site is dead it seems. The only responses we get now are moderators telling us to use the search functions

I’m gonna keep doing US. Maybe not as the main routine but at the very least 1/3 days I PE because I’m curious what it might do to the scar tissue I have. The fact that I feel anything at all on the opposite side of my penis is just too interesting for me to not continue to observe it. Hopefully with time I will get more experienced in managing the heat and maybe it’ll make a difference above and beyond what I’ve been getting from normal stretching with convection heat, but this is to be determined…

Really I’m most interested in this now to see if over the leg stretching + US can contribute to girth gains and scar tissue dissolution. In the last 5/6 months I’ve gained a respectful amount in length but little to nothing in girth and the small indents I have from who knows what (jerking off aggressively since I was 10?) only seem to have also stretched along with my length. So I will continue this for a year with a decon break in march and report back. I have some hope but eh we’ll see.

11/14/2015 6 x5 1/8 -> 4/25/16-6 3/8 x5.5

Restart 3/24 @ 7.25BPEL / 6.5nbpel/ 5 3/8 meg

7/31/24 @ 8/ 7.25nbpel/ 5.375meg ~ lost 1/8 this month :(

If anyone’s trying to emulate Tutt’s full approach, this combo has everything needed, and is a decent price for everything included. That evo model is a bit hard to find. I’ve been looking for a used autosound for a while, just don’t need the rest unfortunately.

Richmar Therasound EVO, Autosound applicator, and Autogel packets | eBay

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
- The main safety notions in the manuals tells not to use ultrasound on reproductive organs or intestines.
- Therefor DO NOT point the transducer beam towards TESTIS, PROSTATE OR YOUR INTESTINES OR THE ANUS.
- AVOID CONTACT of any kind on testis with the transducer head.
- Treating the base of the penis or the cruras of the penis use the 3MHz instead of 1MHz if possible.
- Transducer should be constantly moving.
- Circulate the transducer head around the target for maximum of 10 seconds and move outside the area just treated in circulating pattern. The patterns overlapping slightly.
- Not to immediately visit same spot with the transducer head area to allow the possible excessive temporary peak temperature drops down.
- Not to use more than 2.0w/ cm^2 intensity with the knowledge available at this point.
- Several sources indicate that the intensity can come intolerable for many at 2.5w/cm^2 especially using 3MHz US application.
- Total of 20 minutes application with 1.6- 2,0 w/cm^2 intensity can be considered to be relatively safe as the build up to + 40° C takes time up to 10 minutes which after the duration limitations comes safety issue depending of the temperature value.
- There is very little actual knowledge of any total time limitations for the ultrasound therapy applications.
- After the 10 minutes application temperature tends to stabilize at the desired level.
- With a transducer having bigger than 1:4 beam non-uniformity ratio (BNR) it is recommendable to stay at low as possible intensity still heating the penis. BNR tells the non-uniformity of the ultrasonic beam, the ratio between he highest intensity in an ultrasonic beam and the output reported on the meter.
The bigger the ratio the greater the uncontrollable peak intensities outside the labelled uniform beam intensity.
- Don´t use above 3.0 w/cm^2 intensity in any case. Above the intensity the probability of the adverse effects raises significantly
- These are applications made for professional use therefor you should self-educate yourself on the topic before incidentally risking your health.
- Be aware of the risks involved with the unappropriated and irresponsible use.
You are using the ultrasound application with a considered risk on the site not recommended by the machine manufacturers.

Hey guys,

I’m searching for US machine but the specifications said that the intensity is between 10 and 300 mj . How much is this in W/cm^3? Does this work for PE?


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