What about a PE conference?
Just a thought:
There’s a lot one can learn on this forum, and I really enjoy it. I’ve been patiently plugging along and had success in the five months that I’ve been practicing PE - gone from just under 7” bpel to 7.75 bpel (girth after eight!)
The videos are great but limited. The written advice and guidance is great, but sometimes hard to interprit. Am I jelqing effectively? Is this hanger on right? What else could I be doing?
I know it sounds a little bizarre, but what about a low-key PE workshop at some hotel or something? Doesn’t have to be like the plumber’s convention, and I’m not sure the hotel would rent out ballrooms for demos, but if people could handle being around other dicks, I’d be interested to see how people do what they do, and to hear some of the stories about successes and failures.
I live in the DC area - have no idea how to organize something like this, but I am eager to learn more. Thunders is leading the way - is there a way to do this? Is it a bad idea?