Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What does everyone's username mean?


- because I am a sci-fi fan,

- because my penis was shortened in an operation for peyronies,

( I don’t recommend it ) and

- because of the length I am trying to regain.

My username? Hmmm ok well when i was at school there was a chinese kid who had a slight speach impediment. My name is Gordon (often shortened to Gordy) and the kid was unable to say Gordy properly, it always came out has Gorby. This kinda stuck and Gorby ended up a nickname for me. GorbieWan came about i guess when i mixed Gorby with Obi Wan Kenobi (the Star Wars character)

In fact looking back i wish i had chosen something a bit more meaningful…oh well lol

Hi. my name is easy bobuk 25 well I am bob from uk 25 year i was born am i the oldest PEer


Hi bob!

Great to see another brit on these forums! As for being the oldest PEer at 25? Hell no… there are guys here in their 60’s and up. Unless of course if you mean you were born in 1925. If thats the case then you may just have the record :D Good on ya for making the decision to improve yourself one way or the other.

The constellation Orion, the hunter, suits me! I didn’t like traditional pronunciation o-ryan….so I spell it phoenitically OR eon; if you pronounce it like that you’ve got it….but not to worry….I answer to hey!

OR eon

65 yo

Hey Skeptic,

Mine means I’m working hard at it (improving size). It’s come to mean a little more. Since I’ve started reading Thunder’s forum, I believe stimulating the pecker after PE and during off days helps alot. So, I’m “hard at it” alot more.

I wish I had paid a little more attention to how I wrote mine out when I first made it. It easily reads “Long to Belong” which I guess was fittting when I first became a member of this forum, that I wanted to belong or fit in. However, its originally intended meaning was and still is that I “long to be long(er)”. Not that I am some girth monster, but I have always been content in my girth size (highschool buddies used to call me stumpy) , hence long to be long.

Nice thread BTW.

Fat tire is a beer made in Colorado USA it good shit ! Also could mean fat dick.

Wow this shit works!


Named after that cynical little clay fuck from the Gumby show. It represents my doubts when it comes to PE, since on the show Prickle would always be the negative one. Plus it has the word “prick” in it. So there ya go.

Becoming.... Godsize


Mine’s a little word-play. Pronounced oscillate, meaning to move or vibrate. I kind of got it from one of my favourite songs by The Smiths- ” Oscillate Wildly”

I originally wanted MAC8 (emaciate) as I have many tats, piercings and brands, so that’s how people have felt I look, but it was taken and since I keep the same screen name or some version of, I chose this one.


Mine is simply the name of my favorite song by Nirvana ‘Sappy’. I had tried to register at another site with ‘Sappy’ and it was taken so I took ‘Sappy1’. I now use this for all user ids as it just makes it easier to remember.


'The force is with you young Skywalker.....but you are not a Jedi yet.' - Darth Vader 1980 TESB

This really is a cool thread.

Mine is a little obvious, but I got anna nimity from the word anonymity. I got a chuckle out of finding a name that said my name was none of your business yet said a name anyway. I just changed it to be a feminine name. I’ve had it for some time now and have used it everywhere online. I still get people who tell me “You should never use your first and last name while you are online”. :)

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Hi Gorbie wan yes 1925 I was born so I stake claim to being oldest.But still trying to improve I hope Bobuk 25.


The Dark Trick:

The act of transforming a mortal into an immortal; causing something to change to a state of eternity or immortality; the act of becoming a preternatural, or supernatural entity.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Dark you rock lol….in case you all havent got it yet mine is monster spelled backwards…Oh and read my quote.

Sept 2 2002 Bpel 6.8 Eg 5.5 Sept 2 2003 Bpel 7.6 Eg 6.0 Yeah i know...5 years..updating soon i hate mesuring...


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