Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What does everyone's username mean?

My username sucks, but there is a reason behind it.

By the time I registered here I realized I was becoming obsessed with PE. I didn’t intend to post, or at least not much, so I didn’t bother to pick out a clever name. I chose hobby to remind me everytime I log in that PE is only a hobby, not the answer to life’s problems.

Pinocchio is a fairy-tale character. The wooden boy whose nose gets longer whenever he tells a lie. In my case, my dick gets longer whenever I tell a lie. Of course that’s just another lie… Wait a moment… Damn, my dick just grew two inches in the last few seconds!! Eight inches, ten, twelve, twenty… Oh, god. And there it goes. Through the roof, up in the sky, reaching the moon…

This nickname is speaking against itself, so to say :) Doesn’t have any deeper meaning, but I do like it….

Restarting everything.

Cajun reflects the culture of the place I live. Great food, great fishing and hunting, fanatical football fans, lousy politics. I’m actually a “Heinz 57”, Scottish, English, French, German and who knows what else made it’s way into the gene pool. :jumpers:

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

I simply Still Want More….nuff said?

I’m a shower, not a grower :D

Originally posted by shower
I'm a shower, not a grower :D

I Started at 6.5”

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

People in high school used to call me puff because I smoked funny cigarettes. I don’t anymore. Puff was taken at yahoo, so I thought to myself “I’m the real puff!” Then like Luvdadus, realpuff was taken so US had to be added.


P.S. This was an intresting read. Great post.

Easy enough,

Mirlin because merlin was taken :)

Merlin because I fix computers and my nickname was wizard from my co-workers for the longest time. the 1960 is my birth year sooo,,, Mirlin1960!!

The ravings of a madman...

As “grower”, I’m the opposite of shower above, as defined in the FAQs. Before PE, I had an OK BPEL of 6”, but drop my pants at any given time, and a 2 inch flaccid was there. On a cold day it would all but dissappear. It profoundly effected my existence as a youth. Stayed away from sports (the dreaded locker room shower!) and girls. With hanging, I have added an inch or so to both flaccid and erect. Thank you Thunder and Bib.

I have two sons, of which the older (now 13) will need the help I have had.

xxm = extra extra medium, it reffers to my starting stats - your average 6x5

I’m a fan of the poet/rapper Nas, escobar is one of his sur-names.

Canadian Wood——cause we grow ‘em big here. Well, we have the POTENTIAL to grow ‘em big!

If you procrastinate you choose LAST



2 meanings:

Penis Myth, as in, there is nothing you can do about your size.

Penis Smith, as in, a builder of penis.

I like to sign w/ PS which is short for penismith but also indicates that there is more to come, as in, more penis ; ) This was not originally by design, but once I saw the connection, I was quite pleased with myself.

Unfortunately, I have not lived up to my name: (


So, as you can see, I am still optimistic!

Last edited by penismith : 04-09-2003 at .

skinneeD - mainly for “skinny dick”- I started at 4.5” girth. I hope that eventually I’ll have the username stand for “skinny dude”, when skinny dick no longer applies. :) Also, it has a rap flava which I thought was cool at the time.

"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams


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