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What effects does porn have on a male besides.

What effects does porn have on a male besides.

The fact he won’t find sex and his wife good enough. Is there other effects on the body and brain. When I first joined this site I found it funny people quit porn because they said it was for the best. But I have joined the club I’m moving on 48hrs lol nothing much I now but hey, gotta start somewhere . I find I should be getting better erections then what I’m getting and even porn can’t get me turned on or rock hard.

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

From what I have read and seen on this site and others it takes a couple of weeks before you start seeing a difference. But good luck

The effects are somewhat similar to other aberrant behavior addictions in that it moves a person in negative actions. Positive would be pursuing the high ideals of a society and individual empowerment and negative would be tearing down the individual and ultimately leading to the detriment of the individual and society. So, like most things there should be moderation and balance so the individual can self-actualize.

TillmanTilly is Shilow the troll spouting bullshit again. Dude talks like a pretzel.

Not saying I will never watch it again , but I’d like to see if anything changes. I’ve been looking at porn for 10 years. Starting with pics which weren’t naked women but bikinis and that’s enough to get hard when your 13. But will probably maybe watch once a week later on. How can I stop watching Sasha grey and bonnie rotten. My penia would hate me for life lol

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

Originally Posted by TillmanTilly
The effects are somewhat similar to other aberrant behavior addictions in that it moves a person in negative actions. Positive would be pursuing the high ideals of a society and individual empowerment and negative would be tearing down the individual and ultimately leading to the detriment of the individual and society. So, like most things there should be moderation and balance so the individual can self-actualize.

Very well said. I concur.

Yep like any addiction it has many different bad effects (a few are already mentioned).

Yet I believe it is at its worst when a young virgin teenager, with all the anxieties and insecurities of his age, plus his lack of first hand experience, becomes addicted to it.

This, depending on the tendency of the lad, will make more depressed, introverted, insecure etc..

There’s a website called yourbrainonporn which is worth watching.

On the other hand some use it without any problems, and it can also be positive within a healthy sexual life.

I was reading that masterbating is desensitizing and in the article I was reading, the guy watched porn all the time(and pulled it). He was upset that he couldn’t cum thru vaginal penetration, Only thru masterbating.

I think that would be awesome but that’s just me.

Ya really ,I bet his wifes happy. As long as he’s staying hard.

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

I think it’s liberal feminism BS. I quit porn for months, and the difference? Nothing.

Less than nothing, actually. I couldn’t last as long. I’m a better lover when I watch porn and edge.

For the women who’s husband can’t get hard because she’s a land whale, guess what, porn isn’t the reason he can’t get hard. But it’s easy for them to blame the porn, because he can shockingly get hard watching hot chicks get naked and fuck.

Like most things, moderation is key. Take alcohol. Obviously everyone knows alcoholism is bad, but studies have shown that a small amount such as a glass of wine a day to be beneficial to your health.

B4: ?? 2019: 6.875" NBPEL / 7.5" BPEL / 5.75" EG

2/20: ?? NBPEL / 7.75" BPEL / 5.75" EG

Goal: 8" x 5.75", maybe coveted 8 x 6

Originally Posted by mike_rach
I think it’s liberal feminism BS. I quit porn for months, and the difference? Nothing.

Less than nothing, actually. I couldn’t last as long. I’m a better lover when I watch porn and edge.

For the women who’s husband can’t get hard because she’s a land whale, guess what, porn isn’t the reason he can’t get hard. But it’s easy for them to blame the porn, because he can shockingly get hard watching hot chicks get naked and fuck.

Like most things, moderation is key. Take alcohol. Obviously everyone knows alcoholism is bad, but studies have shown that a small amount such as a glass of wine a day to be beneficial to your health.

A lot of what you say is valid. I went through a difficult time with my wife and had little interest in her sexually. At that time I became sexually dependant on the hot chicks you alluded to above.

It was my belief at that time as my wife and I reconciled that the porn needed to stop if I was to be interested on my wife.

A year on our relationship is great and my dick works like a teenager, yet my porn use has crept back and hasn’t affected me in the bedroom at all, in fact pumping with porn has my wife well satisfied given my EQ and stamina are 100% every time.

So, outside the obvious moral and feminist arguments against pornography theres not much one can say against it.

Having said that, adolescents are harmed in that they are taken from normal social relationships before they can make rational adult decisions, and suffer all the obvious Morphic distortions as a result.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Even for moral arguments, I’ll say there’s nothing wrong with it - normally. A woman is paid some amount of money to have sex on film that she finds agreeable. Only in a case if there was coercion would I say it’s morally objectionable.

There can be some harm for adolescents, like the body morphic issues - penis size in particular. Personally, I’ve suffered at some extent to PE, which could be due to the fast wank watching porn. But overall, I believe it’s searching for a problem where largely none exist.

B4: ?? 2019: 6.875" NBPEL / 7.5" BPEL / 5.75" EG

2/20: ?? NBPEL / 7.75" BPEL / 5.75" EG

Goal: 8" x 5.75", maybe coveted 8 x 6

Philosophy deviates from the OP’s thread objective. But I’ll leave this here anyway without any need for reply or comment:

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I disagree. I stopped porn and masterbating and I didn’t realize how desensitized I was. Now I can see the slightest cleavage and I’m trying to hide a hard on springing up. I’m much more passionate and sexually aggressive without porn and masterbating which of course is well received. Try it out and see for yourself.

It messes with the brain in the way that you train your brain to receive sex fast. For most woman you need some game to get them tomate with you.
But porn trains you to get your satisfaction fast which will in many cases not be comaptible with woman.

I know that this works also on a unconcious level. When I dont wank to porn and jsut phantasy around I get more attention from females espacially when not cumming for some days. Its like they smell if you have some ammo to shoot or if you are wanking infront of a flat screen into a piece of paper ^^

Originally Posted by bigdick1
I disagree. I stopped porn and masterbating and I didn’t realize how desensitized I was. Now I can see the slightest cleavage and I’m trying to hide a hard on springing up. I’m much more passionate and sexually aggressive without porn and masterbating which of course is well received. Try it out and see for yourself.

This has been my experience as well.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


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