Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

When I have made great gains, I...


I most definetly will post on this thread from time to time. Like I said, I noticed yesterday morning (my very first rest day of PE), my morningwood was not as strong as usual, and after reading your thread I made a point of noticing my flacid hang during the day. Guess what, it was a bit shorter than usual (I know that generally fluctuates but it was consistently shorter throughout the day which rarely ever happens). What I have done is started a document, documenting my routine every day (or noting that it was a rest day), then I have a section right below the routine where I can write observations about my PI’s, and will take measurments once a week or every other week. This method should help me into the zone for maximum benefits from my routine (which for me is gains AND penile health). Again, GREAT JOB, man!!!! And we definetly need to persuade whoever it is to make this thread a sticky thread.


sparkyx, I would love to participate, but -maybe you figured it out for yourself by looking at my (then) number of posts and my thoughts on injuries ;) - .. I’m in a healing phase at the moment since I fucked up my ligs by trying out rotational manual stretches => yeech.
That’s where the pain started which I haven’t been able to get rid off for a month now (the penile ligs are so darn hard to heal IMO).
It’s a psychological barrier, of course.. Darn I gained 1” length by that accident.. really exciting.
I _do_ know I need to let it heal, but try to masturbate without getting fully erect / not have any sex at all for over a month (and then the real healing just starts if the penile ligs are anything like eg. your ankle’s ligs).

That’s why I was a) glad and b) angry at Murphy (yup, the one with his own book of laws ;) ) that I had to go through all the pain in order to learn from my body.. Well at least I learned to respect my body and my body’s responses, especially when it comes to PE.
BTW: Interesting that you talk about “your body” as if you were separated.. especially since none could really live without the other. Maybe that is where my original problem was.

Well, in any case good luck with your theory..


P.S: Your theory is the only theory about aspects of PE that got my 100% ACK when reading it (Bib’s great LOT theory only went to 95%). Now if this isn’t a sign I don’t know what is </shameless.egotistic.behaviour> ;)

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Excellent idea! Let us know how it goes.

First and most important…GREAT AVATAR! Wadzilla crushed me when he changed out his most intersting glass holder avatar…oh well.
Sorry to hear about your injury, I hope you heal up well! Yeah the penis is really something you don’t want to put at risk, so slow and sensible is the rule of the day.

I had one mild injury, I had popped a vein, and had a dime size hematoma. I actually saw it happen when I was experimenting with DMSO…scared the crap out of me!

Anyway, if I was in your position, I would use daily heat and some gentle traction, just slight traction, not to any discomfort level. This should help in the healing and remodeling of the ligaments in a more functional pattern, than just random scar tissue being laid down. The key is very gentle pull and hold for a couple minutes.

If I was going to recommend a wt, it would be like 10 ounces, and only if that was not causing discomfort.

Good luck,

ps I would PM Luvadus or Westla for some advice on the subject…they are the MD’s here.

Hi all— I’m a newbie. I’ve been reading the forums for a day or so and drinking it all in.

I’ve got a few question for sparkyx (I apologise if my questions seem a little ‘left-field’ but I’m trying to get a handle on this whole phenomena):

sparkyx wrote:

> “If I overdo the stimulation, my cock will be in a contracted state most of the day..”

My questions to sparkyx:

Q. How do you know the shrinkage isn’t part of the growth process; might advising people to lower their intensity not slow their development?

Q. Am I correct in assuming that for your theory to hold water, ‘cell production’ must be to to ‘cell damage & repair’ what ‘aerobic exercises’ is to ‘anaerobic exercise’ (where the PIs are comparable to the tell-tale-signs of wheather the individeal exercising is in either an anaerobic or aerobic state)…otherwise shouldn’t maximum intensity bareable over longest timeframe bareable ultimately lead to long term cumulative gain (the overall trend — if not the individual occasion — producing visibly increased growth)?

Q. If you advocate the slow and steady approach, have you considered using a Penimaster (PM)?
(I’m new to PE and am currently using a Penimaster.) Penimaster is designed to promote cell production with a long slow pull.

Q. Have you considered using the PIs you’ve found in your own routine to coach someone (who’s plateaud) in your method in order to prove out your findings? (which seems to me like the best way to validate the theory)

Here’s an extract from my first post (in the Penimaster thread)— it contains the only PIs I have so far (I’ve only been PEing for a little over a month:

“I got my PM around the end of November ‘04 (just over one month ago) and set my first goal as getting to where I could stand the full traction…

(Before getting the PM I did very little PE ([virtually] none)).

…I pursued my initial goal very aggressively and am now (approx. 6 weeks later) wearing it at full stretch and full tension and I’ve already noticed slight improvements:

After a few weeks of using the PM:

• My flaccid size increased,
• My unit felt […] heavier and harder in my hand (more dense),
• It kind of look(ed/s) a little bigger (I find myself looking at it askant)
• I can feel development beneath my buttocks & behind my balls (I don’t mean with my hands— I mean that the way that that area of my body feels has changed (I can feel it when I walk): it feels more developed, as if it’s filled out or got fatter.)

…I believe it’s this initial development that’s allowed me to wear the PM at the higher levels of traction.”

Last edited by Beaver Eager : 01-08-2005 at .

well I tried that already.. _very_ gentle and only when being warmed up totally.
Now the problem is that whenever I’m totally warmed up my ligs get _really_ stretchy.. Compared to their usual strength this is about factor 5-10 !!
In other words: Every pull I bring on my ligs is either unhealthy (as in “not warmed up”) or way too strong (as in “ligs are too elastic”).
Their sheer elasticity when being well warmed up triggered this whole problem for me (but I prepared it when trying out a mild rotational manual stretch without being warmed up correctly two weeks before that).

Go ahead, figure ;)

My plan for now is: I won’t do any PE or even mild lig stretching until this stuff is fully healed (except for the little pulls you are doing by time to time.. eg. a good 100-120% erection.. or a mild down pull on the penis to get a more comfortable hanging on the toilet.. etc.)

Oh a little sidenote about the infamous “Bloating” thread somewhere else: The way you can kick up your testosterone and other hormone levels by sheer autohypnotic imagery is really astonishing.. And it apparently helps healing my ligs if I don’t overdo it (*sigh* this “overdoing” problem is everywhere, isn’t it? :( ).

beaver eager,
Err you aren’t talking about your prostate by chance, are you? (the thing “behind” your balls)
If you do, make sure you don’t let it grow into oblivion by not getting off for a longer time.. An overgrown prostate is a known medical condition. (On a sidenote since I was just on about this: Saw palmetto is supposed to help prevent this.. According to google ;) it’s a wellknown medication vs. Prostate Hyper-growth).
If it’s not the prostate we are talking about => Nevermind, just forget what i was typing :)


She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

YS…don’t worry, I’m sure it’s the penimaster— my dick feels a lot harder all the way from the top down to behind my balls…the increase in development is pretty uniform all the way through.

I must admit it did cross my mind that someone might think it was a problem if I posted it, but I’m sure it’s just healthy growth from the device (I found it to work really well.)


I am looking to get past all the speculation as to what is actually happening, and encourage a methodology of observation that will bring some “science” to this procedure.

What I recommend is to observe as many of your personal PI’s as possible. Some of the suggested ones are;
-flaccid hang
-erectile quality and quantity
-size gains or loss

Now, as to what is best for YOU? I don’t have enough info for that yet.

What I can say is this…size gain is the ultimate PI. That is what we are trying to achieve, right?

So with this in mind, this becomes the bottom line in any experiment in PE, the MOST IMPORTANT PI!

So, do what ever you decide to do. Observe your personal PI’s. Measure at some reasonable time frame, like once a week or biweekly or monthly, let SIZE tell you what the other PIs’ mean for YOU!

So if you find you get shrinkage all day, yet good erections at nite…but MAKE NO GAINS…you are NOT ON TRACK!

Or…you get shrinkage all day, good erections, and MAKE GOOD GAINS… obviously shrinkage may be a POSITIVE PI for you. Do you get what I am saying here….YOU MUST OBSERVE PI’S and then GROWTH OR LACK OF IT!!!!

Surely if you aren’t seeing some measurable gains after a month, it is safe to say you aren’t on the right track.

So lets further say, you are doing a routine when your penis responds by contracting for 3 days, yet when you have recovered, is 1/4 inch longer….great! Report back to us, and we will all have more good info.

I am not really trying to tell people what works best here, I have given my own opinion based on the majority of responses of good results I have read, and personal results. I certainly can’t rule out that other approaches can also work.

What I AM saying here is observe and record your PI’s in order to get some indicators of what works best for you!

I have no interest in coaching anyone, we all have lives that are fairly busy. I am however willing to give advice to someone that is using their own brain, and is using the PROCESS I have outlined to determine their own best routine.

Yeah, thats why I say no more than about 10 oz! Gotta let them heal! I think like one golf wt, worn during the day will help lay down the repair fibers in a more productive pattern.

Good luck man, and next time…GO EASY!



By the way, I think the Penimaster is an excellent concept…just a matter of finding the right time and force for your ability to respond.

Once again, observation of your PIs’ should guide your decisions. I would say that erectile quality and quantity are critical, and size gain, will tell you accurately where you are at in the process.

Don’t guess at those PIs’… they either are or aren’t improving.


ps, firmness of an erection is good, firmness in a flaccid indicates build up of scar tissue (in my opinion).

I think elasticity and suppleness of a flaccid is a better sign.

sparkys, hehe last time I _was_ going easy.. Prob was, my ligs were so warmed up they chose to do the same way..
I didn’t have any problem with that particular (easy) manual stretching unless I got home from my fave club and a freaking 120% boner => OUCHY.

So even erections can be bad to your lig health.. Although they usually only get right below the point where the pain is starting (causing pain, stopping engorgement, compressing ligs for healing because of the pain.. Repeat until minimum lig size and pain found. A superbly done natural process indeed ;-)).


P.S: What actually does work is getting an erection without any manual interaction whatsoever.. It keeps the ligs and other tissue floated with fresh blood and (at least for me) really helps healing.

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Thanks for the input— that seems to make sense.

I’m going to use the penimaster for an entire month and measure gains so that I have a base figure for increase before adding other PE exercises.

The sheer amount of information on this site is pretty overwhelming also for an enthusiastic newbie.

I can’t help feeling a little discouraged by the time it all takes also…I guess I’m really going to have to get to grips with a good routine— I was originally thinking that I’d just strap on the penimaster and forget about it but it seems that might take a lot longer than I originally thought it would…

…I’ve got to read up on the proper methods for measuring also— I think the figures I’ve given are still in-accurate.

hehe I felt exactly the same way (and sometimes still do) when I got here in Dec 2004.

In any case I think this pretty much sums it up when it comes to PE:
Do PE while living.. not the other way round :)

This also relieves you off the pressure to get XXX (gain) in YYY (time) :)

Good luck on your gains (again),

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Thanks YS that makes real sense (and makes me feel a lot better)…I’m getting more used to the idea of long-term exercise.

Its a lot like investing in the stock market.

If your trying to make a million dollars in your first year…staying glued to your computer…trying to see patterns and getting on the trends at the bottom and out at the exact top…YOU ARE GONNA BURN OUT!!! And chances are you are gonna lose your money!

However, if you diversify your portfolio, and make smart buys in good stocks…you can kick back and check in once a week. You are in it for the long haul, and you go about your normal life and job while your equity slowly builds…and you can retire RICH!

If you find you are going to the bathroom every hour to check your dick…if you are doing hours a day of PE…if every time your dick shrinks or gets hard, you are scared/thrilled…you are WAY to involved in the whole process and you will burn out.

Start with a simple, short routine. Watch your PIs’. Adjust you routine about once a week if no progress is seen.

Base the adjustment on your gains or lack of, combined with the PI’s.

Good PI’s combined with lack of gains…increase your PE.

Bad PI’s combined with lack of gains…decrease your PE.

Bad PI’s combined with loss of size…LAYOFF TIME! When recovered (return of good PI’s) start with much less PE than before.

Do your routine, then FORGET IT! Make it part of your life like brushing your teeth.

You will eventually find the right routine and recovery time for you, and you will learn what your particular PI’s indicate for you.

When that happens, you will make gains. When you have your routine dialed in… I would suggest that you measure no more than once a month.

Also when you have your routine dialed in…STICK WITH IT! Don’t start adding a bunch of crap to it, until it no longer produces any gains. Then, add one thing at a time, and start with a SMALL amount.

Once again, go by the PI’s to determine how it is effecting you.

Many guys have newbie success, for a short period of time. I wonder how many newbie gains are cut short by a overenthusiastic guy adding far too much to his routine out of enthusiasm?


Wow, first post. I’m going to have to do a lot of reading up before I even try anything. Then I’ll start to post results and experiences with PE.


This is an excellent place to start, then go to the newbie routines.

I would suggest jelquing as a good place to start. Heat 5 minutes, jelque 5 minutes…and your done for the day.

Do that for a week, going easy. Read about how important it is to give your blood vessels and nerves time to get used to the increased force.

Think that you really need a few weeks to begin to condition, to prevent injury.

This thread will give you the understanding on how to read your bodies reaction, it will help tell you what you need to do next.

Set your mind that this is a time commitment. I figure if you think less than a year…don’t bother.

Think in terms of braces for your teeth…slow and gradual…and you’ll end up with a great smile…at least your girlfriend will! :)



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