Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who does Stealth PE?


Who does Stealth PE?

I’ve been meaning to ask for a while: how many of us are doing Stealth PE?

I do it on the sly because my wife would flip if she knew. She would mostly be worried about me hurting myself, but I also think she would never let me know that my size in inadequate (something she may not be sure of herself since I am the only one she has ever been with). She is also a true skeptic about such things and would simply be against it on principle. When and if it ever gets to the point that she comments on my size growth, I’ll tell her about the “Men’s Health Exercises” I’ve been doing to ward off ED and strengthen my prostrate.

So, how about the rest of you?

11 JULY 2007 - BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.75" NBPEL: 4.5"

11 JUNE 2008 - BPEL: 6.75" EG: 5.0" Base EG: 5.5"

KingPole is my Sensei - Goal: Just a little bit more - Progress/Routine - My Pictures - Perfect Measuring Technique

I was trying to go the stealth route, just to surprise my lady, but I got caught. Now she is asking my if there is a Thunder’s style place for BE (Breast Exercise). I said I don’t think it would work the same way.

When I was 5 years old my mom told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy." They told me I didn't understand the assignment, I told them they didn't understand life. ~John Lennon

How is this for stealth?

In the summer I stay at my sisters house as she has a nice place by the sea shore. I get terrible Internet signal strength when I try and use my wireless in my room there so I actually drive to this parking lot in this strip mall that is right off a main road and do my PE in my car with my laptop on the passengers seat so I can use porn to jelq.

Each time I pray that a cop car doesn’t happen by me. If this were to happen I’ve decided that perhaps they would cut me some slack if I confess that I’m just working out my penis so it will get bigger.

The reality is I bet I get arrested for something like in-decant exposure. I wonder if because I have my pants down around my angles and I’m all but jerking off in my car in some parking lot if I’m breaking the law?

Originally Posted by Marius69
I was trying to go the stealth route, just to surprise my lady, but I got caught. Now she is asking my if there is a Thunder’s style place for BE (Breast Exercise). I said I don’t think it would work the same way.

You could always volunteer to help her Breast Jelq. [Squeeze and Pull… Squeeze and Pull…]

Originally Posted by baywatch
Each time I pray that a cop car doesn’t happen by me. If this were to happen I’ve decided that perhaps they would cut me some slack if I confess that I’m just working out my penis so it will get bigger.

You could get out of he ticket by giving the cop the Internet address to Thunder’s Place!

11 JULY 2007 - BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.75" NBPEL: 4.5"

11 JUNE 2008 - BPEL: 6.75" EG: 5.0" Base EG: 5.5"

KingPole is my Sensei - Goal: Just a little bit more - Progress/Routine - My Pictures - Perfect Measuring Technique

While I’ve never heard of breast exercises, I have heard of vaginal exercieses. There was a thread by zaneblue called Vaginal tighetening. She mentioned a product called gyneflex, , which women can use to gain some amazing control of their vaginal muscles. Sorry, I don’t know how to link to the thread, but it is a good read.

Originally Posted by SideBanger
You could always volunteer to help her Breast Jelq. [Squeeze and Pull… Squeeze and Pull…]

If that made tits bigger hers would be hitting her knees when she walked by now!

When I was 5 years old my mom told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy." They told me I didn't understand the assignment, I told them they didn't understand life. ~John Lennon

Originally Posted by SideBanger
I also think she would never let me know that my size in inadequate (something she may not be sure of herself since I am the only one she has ever been with).

To the best of your knowledge.

Cynicism aside, it’s fine not to tell her as this is something you are doing for yourself. True, it will have an impact on her (pardon the pun), but it’s about your body image and your desire to change and improve such.

Many people don’t let others know about their PE. It’s a very personal thing, and the reason this is set up to be an anonymous forum and our anonymity is guarded and respected.

Apart from my friends here on the forum, I have told exactly one person about this - and only because she has proven herself to be highly trustworthy.

Originally Posted by SideBanger
I do it on the sly because my wife would flip if she knew. She would mostly be worried about me hurting myself.
She is also a true skeptic about such things and would simply be against it on principle.

She’d be right about worrying. There are many ways to injure yourself with this stuff. Even people who are careful have made mistakes.

Pay close attention to your PI’s.

Originally Posted by SideBanger
When and if it ever gets to the point that she comments on my size growth, I’ll tell her about the "Men’s Health Exercises" I’ve been doing to ward off ED and strengthen my prostrate.

There’s a lot of stuff that has PE like components that you can point to. The Multi-Orgasmic Man , for example has a lot of info about the health of the apparatus, a page of PE info and, of course, a lot of info on how to be a much better lover for yourself and your partner. I’d say check it out, as it may be a great ‘value-added’ selling point down the road.

Originally Posted by ismellzesty
While I’ve never heard of breast exercises, I have heard of vaginal exercieses. There was a thread by zaneblue called Vaginal tighetening. She mentioned a product called gyneflex, , which women can use to gain some amazing control of their vaginal muscles. Sorry, I don’t know how to link to the thread, but it is a good read.

It’s a good reference. This should be enough to get started. Zaneblue’s links

For future reference, zesty, all you have to do is paste the address of the thread into your post. The site will do the rest.

Originally Posted by baywatch
I wonder if because I have my pants down around my angles and I’m all but jerking off in my car in some parking lot if I’m breaking the law?

Public nudity laws vary. They can be different in the same state at the county level.

Jerking off in public, however, is pretty much forbidden in the United States. Lude conduct. If you get caught please try not to mention Thunder's. The last thing he needs is some law enforcement types trying to shut down the site.

There may be better ways to establish some privacy for yourself, baywatch.

Buying epsom salt and taking a hot bath behind a locked door with a little music playing might be a better way to go.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by baywatch
How is this for stealth?

In the summer I stay at my sisters house as she has a nice place by the sea shore. I get terrible Internet signal strength when I try and use my wireless in my room there so I actually drive to this parking lot in this strip mall that is right off a main road and do my PE in my car with my laptop on the passengers seat so I can use porn to jelq.

Each time I pray that a cop car doesn’t happen by me. If this were to happen I’ve decided that perhaps they would cut me some slack if I confess that I’m just working out my penis so it will get bigger.

The reality is I bet I get arrested for something like in-decant exposure. I wonder if because I have my pants down around my angles and I’m all but jerking off in my car in some parking lot if I’m breaking the law?

Why don’t you splurge and buy some porno, or, I don’t know… download some?

Your routine seems so ridiculous, I can’t believe you actually do it. How do you even warm-up?

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

I’m on vacation now, and I live with 3 people now. So I have to do PE when everybody is asleep or early in the morning when they are still sleeping. Its was pretty tough at first but I am adjusting now. Only bad thing is that I had cut out part of my length routine.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

I stealth as well. I’m either at my parents house in the summer, or in a house with 6 other guys during school. It’s rough goings, but at least if I get caught at school they’ll just think im jerkin it.

Current: BPEL - 7.375", NBPEL - 6 1/8" - 6 1/4", EG - 5.375"

Goals (Modest): BPEL - 7 3/4", EG - 5 3/4"

Goals (Maybe one day): BPEL - 8.5", EG - 6 "

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Jerking off in public, however, is pretty much forbidden in the United States. Lude conduct.

If you were doing your PE under the influence of Quaaludes , that might constitute "lude" conduct.

However, I suspect that what you describe, Baywatch, would better be described as lewd behavior.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


Lampwick stirkes again!

Well done, sir. :thumbs:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Uhh, Mr. Happy, what does stirkes mean?

I definitely do Stealth PE myself. I have two roommates not to mention a bunch of friends who randomly stop over and a girlfriend. I have to be as stealthy as possible, it is pretty tough actually.

Originally Posted by Pringles Can
Uhh, Mr. Happy, what does stirkes mean?

It means that my laughing affected my typing. (:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

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