Originally Posted by Heen
Please forget the warnings about black dick, necrosis or something like that and get focus in if use a “ANS” in the correct way could deliver some gains.
I’ve done it for a week with a vacuum extender, it’s not worth it.
-First I’d say about the quality of your sleep, when I used it for a week to test it I was using ALL THE TIME, but in the gym and at shower. And at sleep I was waking up every 2 hours, that means that I was not getting into REM sleep, if so that means no body regeneration, cells, neurons, memory and most important HORMONES, you are made of hormones, every decision you make are because of hormones, diseases are because of hormones, everything. Now hormones about your penis, if you get no testosterone you won’t have an erection, nor tissue repair, expansion and regeneration. If you get no HGH, you probably won’t have gains on your penis in erected state, but in flaccid state is another talk. Do you have sex? If so, you probably care about your erection quality because if your penis don’t regenerate from the stress of the training program, the next day it will not only be sore but it won’t get hard. For me I got hard, but maintaining it for a good time? not possible, because the tissues are weak.
-Second, you don’t have to use extender everyday, depending on the way you use the extender it won’t make gains, it is normal to go through some guys here at thunders and see no gains from them using extender. Because they lack some information about how PE works, but hey who am I to talk about other people’s routine?
-Third and last, I don’t think you can make gains doing anything when sleep, if you don’t stress throughout the day and at the only time on the day you are supposed to make gains (sleep time) you are stressing it even more.
I stopped because I didn’t wanted to lost some good sleep time, but if you want it to, go on.