When I first started PE, about a hundred years ago, I would warm up with a hot wash cloth, stretch my penis right, left, then down, then up, then straight out, for thirty seconds in each direction. I would do two cycles like that. Then I would do one hundred jelqs. I would edge for a few minutes, take a shower, and put on my extender for four hours, five if I could, taking it off every hour or so to make sure it was getting fresh blood in it. The length of the extender arms, measured from the bottom of the base, straight out at a ninety degree angle was shorter than my Bone Pressed Erect Length, by about an inch and a quarter. Which seemed silly to me, like, what difference could that possibly make? But after just five days of doing that, I was masturbating and thought to myself “Hey,it might be my imagination. but it does seem bigger”. I measured, and I had gained a quarter inch. I couldn’t believe it. Measured again after doing the same routine for another week, and I had gained another quarter inch. For a total of a half inch in length in just two weeks. If a product had been claiming it could do that, I would have never believed it. After this, my gains slowed, Where I was gaining a quarter inch every two weeks. That continued for another four weeks, when I hit a wall and just switched to working out every other day for a month. So I’ve read post where people claim you must extend at a longer length than your BPEL, but I don’t believe it. I had awesome gains with a light workout, and then “healing” or recovering anyways, in a slightly extended state. Just basically an inch or so longer than my regular flaccid state. Now I would not tell you to get your hopes up that you can gain an inch in length in just six weeks. I realise that is a very atypical result. But that was my experience, and I wish you much luck and hope this inspires you some. Remember, recover in an extended, but not stretched state. It definitely worked for me.