Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experienced PE'rs long term extender results?

IMO it is to early to tell.

Originally Posted by pyle
I don’t know man, I have been extending now for 4 months, 5 hours EVERY DAY, half an inch above my BPEL and I haven’t seen any gains, neither EL or FL, NOTHING. The only change I have noticed is somewhat improved EQ. To be honest it really makes me question extenders, and it really is hard to continue when you don’t see any signs of it working. I guess I will be forcing myself to reach 1000 hours, but if there is nothing at that point, I can safely assume that extenders don’t work on anyone.

Some variables to think about: Are you using the extender correctly. For instance, it took me awhile to realize I needed to get enough skin feed through the base. Are you training too hard (everyday may be too much), or are you being inconsistent? I went through a few months were I was training too hard, and didn’t get any gains. Also, I think diet and exercise play a role. You need proper nutrition to build new connective tissue. I know a lot of PE’ers take arginine, but arginine competes with lysine, and lysine is needed to build connective tissue, so try adding lysine if you are taking arginine. Time taken doing PE can be time not exercising. Exercise will build up hemoglobin, and testosterone levels.

Regardless, 4 months is not very long to be expecting results, but it is long enough to start thinking about what you could be doing different. It helps to make your PE pleasant, and then it won’t seem like it is taking so long. I found my Penimaster uncomfortable, and I would have given up, but I started using Vac3 extender with it, and then went on to just hang weights equivalent to my Penimaster tension 4 to 6 hours a day from just the Vac3. I can wear the weights for most of what I do, so they are comfortable, and do not take up much of my time.

I think most PE’ers start out being skeptical. I doubted it would work, and even now that I have some modest gains, I have to keep checking to make sure I still have them, because it seems surreal.

The other thing to consider is if it is worth your time. Is spending a year or two for an extra inch or two worth it?, and that is a totally personal thing.


Good advice

> but arginine competes with lysine, and lysine is needed to build connective tissue, so try adding lysine if you are taking arginine.

I do not know much about lysine but read somewhere you should not take it at the same time as arginine because as you say they compete. I read lysine is good to take say when you have a virus (cold etc ) and that is when you stop the arginine.

>The other thing to consider is if it is worth your time. Is spending a year or two for an extra inch or two worth it?, and that is a totally personal thing.

Another factor I find is the enhanced EQ I get when I do PE right. Believe I would keep doing it even if future gains were minimal.

Hi Fred

Originally Posted by austfred

Good advice

> but arginine competes with lysine, and lysine is needed to build connective tissue, so try adding lysine if you are taking arginine.

I do not know much about lysine but read somewhere you should not take it at the same time as arginine because as you say they compete. I read lysine is good to take say when you have a virus (cold etc ) and that is when you stop the arginine.

>The other thing to consider is if it is worth your time. Is spending a year or two for an extra inch or two worth it?, and that is a totally personal thing.

Another factor I find is the enhanced EQ I get when I do PE right. Believe I would keep doing it even if future gains were minimal.

I enjoy your thoughtful posts. Copper is also important for connective tissue, but copper deficiencies are very rare. Anyone taking any more than 50mg of zinc should consider taking a copper supplement (3mcg) because zinc competes with copper the same way. Also large amounts Vit C (>500mg) or lots of cilantro will bring down copper levels. Too much copper can drive a person crazy manic, and not enough will weaken tendons, arteries and connective tissue in general; can you say “aorta blow out”?

My experience with lysine has never seemed to support the anti-viral claims. I have tried large doses of lysine for cold sores, and every time I have the cold sores got much worse, but that is just my limited personal experience.

Good point about EQ. I had the impression the O/P er was younger. I think more EQ when I was younger would have killed me.

Originally Posted by repeter
. I had the impression the O/P er was younger. I think more EQ when I was younger would have killed me.

Maybe but some of the young guys also seem to have EQ issues. Perhaps they work it harder than we did when we were young or too much porn which was not around so much then.

I have been using a VacMod on my X4 for over three years averaging 3 to 3.5 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I have gained a little over 3/4 inches which I consider productive based on the limited time under tension.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942

I have been using a VacMod on my X4 for over three years averaging 3 to 3.5 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I have gained a little over 3/4 inches which I consider productive based on the limited time under tension.

dt, how much tension do you use with your VacMod? I think the highest spring setting on my Penimaster =’s 2.5”s.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I have been using a VacMod on my X4 for over three years averaging 3 to 3.5 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I have gained a little over 3/4 inches which I consider productive based on the limited time under tension.

but I guess you complemented it with something else like pumping?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92

but I guess you complemented it with something else like pumping?

Do you doubt gains from just stretching?

I am interested because I tried stretching and pumping for a few months, and got nothing but girth. Now I am back to just stretching 4 to 6 hours per day. I am seeing more flaccid, but I haven’t measured EL yet.

I see you mean extending(using an extender) when you say stretching right?

there are people who have gained from just manuals strethes and also from just extenders, or both. I say that because I have spoken with Dtwarren and I remember he was really into pumping as it helped him cuz he is diabetic. I think chances to succed using it just 3 hours a day are low, but perhaps during 3 years is posible. Why not?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

I had been pumping and did a limited amount of manual exercises for over a year prior to starting with my extender (600 to 800 gr. of tension) and had not achieved any meaningful gains in length. Six months after starting my extender routine, I had gained 1/4”. Based on the above experience, I feel strongly that the extender was and still is by far the major contributor to my length gains.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by GettinGrown
Pyle, what studies are there showing that extenders work? Would be interested to see that. I know of the Phallosan study, but that is not a peer-reviewed study it seems like a low budget study done in a urologist office with a relatively small number of patients. I don’t think it’s any more credible than the broad spectrum of personalities and languages here with reported gains, but I do in general believe the results. Could every person on Thunder’s be lying, no. Could Thunder’s be a big scam with an organized group of creative, smart people creating and posting with pseudo-identities -that is definitely possible but it would take a WHOLE lot of work and there doesn’t seem to be much incentive. The only conclusion left is that people here are making gains, although their stated size and gains may not be accurate in some cases. So I guess my point is if nearly everyone here is saying jelqing is the foundation of any PE routine, and you are going to spend the time doing PE, why not add at least 10 min. or so daily for safe measure? Anyhow, that’s how I see it. I am going to have some good gains to report at the end of this month, making my total gains not spectacular but not insignificant. It is pretty surprising you have gained nothing, although you weren’t clear if you had already gained previously and therefore exhausted your initial gains that seem to come much easier. I know they say some people don’t grow, but I gotta believe that comes down to technique and consistency, with some room for physiology as well.

Is this Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device the one you are wearing? I noticed there is no gadgetry on it to indicate force. Could insufficient force be part of the problem?

so are you saying that this forum isn’t a 100 percent truthful, but yet you still believe in the result? If so why can you elaborate?

Originally Posted by GettinGrown
Pyle, what studies are there showing that extenders work? Would be interested to see that. I know of the Phallosan study, but that is not a peer-reviewed study it seems like a low budget study done in a urologist office with a relatively small number of patients. I don’t think it’s any more credible than the broad spectrum of personalities and languages here with reported gains, but I do in general believe the results. Could every person on Thunder’s be lying, no. Could Thunder’s be a big scam with an organized group of creative, smart people creating and posting with pseudo-identities -that is definitely possible but it would take a WHOLE lot of work and there doesn’t seem to be much incentive. The only conclusion left is that people here are making gains, although their stated size and gains may not be accurate in some cases. So I guess my point is if nearly everyone here is saying jelqing is the foundation of any PE routine, and you are going to spend the time doing PE, why not add at least 10 min. or so daily for safe measure? Anyhow, that’s how I see it. I am going to have some good gains to report at the end of this month, making my total gains not spectacular but not insignificant. It is pretty surprising you have gained nothing, although you weren’t clear if you had already gained previously and therefore exhausted your initial gains that seem to come much easier. I know they say some people don’t grow, but I gotta believe that comes down to technique and consistency, with some room for physiology as well.

Is this Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device the one you are wearing? I noticed there is no gadgetry on it to indicate force. Could insufficient force be part of the problem?

I’ve never seen the phallosan study, could you link it by any chance? I know of the andropenis study publish in BJU, probably the most famous study, which seems to be referenced a lot as evidence, even by other penis extenders. It should have hopefully been attached.

In this study after 6 months of use the reported average mean gain was 2.3cm gain of flaccid length and 1.7cm in stretched flaccid length which I think they imply is transferrable to erect length gains.

I’m a healthy skeptic and know when apparent ‘reviews’ are actually marketing ploys. I bet you guys have also seen them, a website that appears to have been made just for a single review of one brand of penis extender. And it just so happens to be a raving review claiming inches in several months oh, and a handy redirect link placed several times in the review that links you to purchase said extender! Seriously, who falls for that? There is definitely a lot of dirty tactics being used in the P.E. industry. Even when actual urologists give glowing endorsements of a brand of penis extender, who wants to bet they’re getting a cheque for that? However, I believe that they would only endorse an extender if they genuinely believe the principle of penis enlargement through penis extenders works, but still it’s abit cheap of them. At a very fundamental level, all extenders work the same way. You’re just paying more or less for a certain material for the rods, or more often than not - the brand.

The only reason I gave the concept of penis enlargement any serious thought is because of the existence of apparently independent P.E discussion forums such as this one, that aren’t owned (atleast I’m not aware if it is..) by a company selling P.E devices/guidebooks etc.

I must admit though I have entertained the thought that some posters here are actually trying to subtly sell a brand. It also irritates me when some users post of gaining inches within a year but they ‘haven’t bothered taking pictures’ or whatever other excuse. Also, I believe a lot of these progress pictures are dubious at best, some it seems are pulling the penis in their after pictures, or manipulating the ruler or measuring tape to get a longer result or being slightly less erect in their before picture. But maybe I’m being overly skeptical! But like you said, this forum has been around for so long, so many users have come and gone claiming results, surely it’s too huge of an operation to be faked?!

We live in hope I guess.

Last edited by K_F_H : 11-07-2014 at .

Originally Posted by K_F_H

I must admit though I have entertained the thought that some posters here are actually trying to subtly sell a brand. It also irritates me when some users post of gaining inches within a year but they ‘haven’t bothered taking pictures’ or whatever other excuse. Also, I believe a lot of these progress pictures are dubious at best, some it seems are pulling the penis in their after pictures, or manipulating the ruler or measuring tape to get a longer result or being slightly less erect in their before picture. But maybe I’m being overly skeptical! But like you said, this forum has been around for so long, so many users have come and gone claiming results, surely it’s too huge of an operation to be faked?!

We live in hope I guess.

First this isn’t meant to be an attack. Have you taken pictures yourself and posted them in your own progress log? I just feel when people are talking about the dubious nature of the pictures they should be posting their own pictures. I say this only because once you have taken pictures you will see how difficult it actually is to do.

Using a cell phone camera requires one hand and then the other hand holds penis and ruler. It can be very difficult to hold 2 different objects in only one hand and maintain the same look as pictures taken before.

I think I am lucky if 1/4 of the pictures that I take are even decent quality.

The way to go is tripod and not using a cell phone camera but I am using what I have that is available.

Also camera angles can be very tricky. I have a set of erect photos that I haven’t posted yet. These are taken on the same day within a 30 minute time period. Depend on lighting and camera angles my penis looks like a completely different size from picture to picture. That isn’t even talking about erection quality.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Originally Posted by bhcentral
First this isn’t meant to be an attack. Have you taken pictures yourself and posted them in your own progress log? I just feel when people are talking about the dubious nature of the pictures they should be posting their own pictures. I say this only because once you have taken pictures you will see how difficult it actually is to do.

Using a cell phone camera requires one hand and then the other hand holds penis and ruler. It can be very difficult to hold 2 different objects in only one hand and maintain the same look as pictures taken before.

I think I am lucky if 1/4 of the pictures that I take are even decent quality.

The way to go is tripod and not using a cell phone camera but I am using what I have that is available.

Also camera angles can be very tricky. I have a set of erect photos that I haven’t posted yet. These are taken on the same day within a 30 minute time period. Depend on lighting and camera angles my penis looks like a completely different size from picture to picture. That isn’t even talking about erection quality.

It’s alright, I don’t see it as an attack. Yes I have taken photos and will continue to do so every month. I’m not planning to post my report on this forum but anotherP.E forum after the three month mark, although I don’t see why I shouldn’t post it here too. The only type of measurement which was reasonably hard to take a photo of was BPFSL, which in the end I couldn’t feasbly do. I honestly haven’t found it particularly difficult overall, if I didn’t think a certain photo was good enough I’d just take another. I think their might be a tendency for some to try and manipulate results to counter their disappointment in lack of gains.

Just my opinion.

My pics have been flaccid which is probably part of my problem. With my huge fat pad it makes it difficult. On my last set of pictures I started using a mark on the ruler so I could show gains in relation to mark and fat pad.

However, even erect I have struggled with getting good pictures. However, I never have been a camera person so that might be part of it.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures


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