Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experienced PE'rs long term extender results?

Originally Posted by repeter
Rubber roller-is that the one that looks like a canning jar tongs? Got a linky?
http://www.stre … CFSyZMgod5FEAnA

Damn! I was going to install some Dynamat in my vehicle anyway. Very timely-Thank You.

Originally Posted by repeter
I discussed my method of stretching with Roots, and he endorsed it.
There are some advantages to hanging the 1200g weight. I choose that amount of weight because, as you point out, that is the max setting on most extenders, and it has been shown in actual studies to be all that is needed for gains (this is nothing new). It isn’t what most people who hang do (more weight less time), it’s not an extender, and it’s not quite ADS (less weight more time). I am just starting to call it hang stretching, or how about HS?
I found hanging the weight more comfortable. With my Penimaster the longest I could stand it was 45 minutes, and I couldn’t maintain the highest setting without it slipping off. When I got the Vac3 Conversion, I could wear the Penimaster for a couple of hours. It was comfortable for the glans, but the base bothered me unless I wore it sticking straight out (not very stealthy). Also, I had to constantly adjust the Penimaster to maintain the tension.
Just using the weight with the Vac3 is more comfortable because there is no base to deal with, there is no need to adjust it, and the working load effect when I am active increases the intensity of the stretch without increasing the weight. When I walk the weight is swinging and bobbing around. If you try this, you will likely fatigue rather quickly until you build up to it.
So, maybe I would have gained if I would have stayed with my Penimaster, but I don’t know if I would have been able to wear the Penimaster as long everyday as the weight. The Penimaster would have an advantage if I was laying down or sitting a lot. I have special chairs that I can hang the weight over, but I have used the Penimaster once in awhile if I am watching a movie in the hammock, but it is more of a bother.
I have done some pumping, and I jelq with a small hand held rubber roller and rice sock. I think the pumping gave me better erections, but when I started to do more pumping along with the hanging I lost some length and EQ, but did gain some girth.
I have some girth gains, but I don’t know if they came from hanging, pumping, or jelqing. Even though girth wasn’t something I was trying for I am finding it very worthwhile, and glad it happened.

what if you add more weight? it is too bulky? will be great for everyone if you post pics of how you hang.
are you talking about the vacum version of penismaster, the penimasterpro?
Cant belive you can be doing house chores for 6h man, what do you do? cleaning what it is clean already?
I have already ordered a vacextender and vachanger from autoextender, Mb site. and I am thinkign about combining them if my manual routine doesnt give gains in the near future. Is it the hanger you have?
I dont remember if you told us if you did any manual before this great idea you had of “extending-hanging”, did you?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by gekiro
What are your stats now ? I couldn’t find them anywhere so I guess you don’t want to tell them, but I wanted to try asking nonetheless.

Stats can be complicated, and that is the reason I tend to avoid them. I never did the bone pressed thing when young, but it seems to make about 1/4 inch now. I am now in my 60’s, and found I had lost around 3/4 of an inch over the recent years compared to my peak, so I try to avoid bone pressed in my measurements, otherwise add 1/4 and inch. But I had gone from a little over 6”s, to nearly 5.5”s. Now I am at 6.75”. I never measured my girth when I was younger, but I am a good 5.5 now, and noticeably bigger (girl friend confirms).

I discussed how to report my gains with Roots awhile back, and he seemed it was fair to go with whatever I added as a result of PE. If I had started this at my peak (6”s) would I be at 7.25”?, or was the reason for the easy 3/4 inch in the beginning just getting back what I lost? The best anyone can expect from extenders is about an extra 1/3 increase length ( 2 inches added to 6 inches), so I will know more when I stop gaining. I am happy with the 6.75 (bone pressed almost 7”s). and the 5.5 girth.

Time will tell if I keep gaining. I like doing the PE, and it is fun to have people to learn from and share with on Thunder.

it might b true you gained easily the first 3/4 as is what you really once had, but you then gained an extra 0,5inches right? but i guess it took longer than thos first 3/4? If you keep gainign your routine and tecnique will be really impressive. You case is similar to austfred he is also around 60yo but he is using an extender.

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92

are you talking about the vacum version of penismaster, the penimasterpro? Penimaster with straps.

Cant belive you can be doing house chores for 6h man, what do you do? cleaning what it is clean already? I live on a farm. I always have stuff to do.

I have already ordered a vacextender and vachanger from autoextender, Mb site. and I am thinkign about combining them if my manual routine doesnt give gains in the near future. Is it the hanger you have? I have the older model Vac3

what if you add more weight? it is too bulky? will be great for everyone if you post pics of how you hang. I use old lead slugs left over from target shooting, and put them in a pipe fitting made from 1.25 inch driver caps and a 2 inch 1.25 nipple. You can adjust the lead slugs for weight. Unless you are up for it, you might want to start with a lighter weight with some PVC. If you don’t intend on going over 1200g you can get by with 1 regular cap, and one driver cap, and save some money, and allow you to start out lighter. A good hardware store with farm supplies will have the well driver caps, and know what else you need, or you may come up with a better weight. Keep it short (above the knee).

I dont remember if you told us if you did any manual before this great idea you had of “extending-hanging”, did you?
I have never done manual stretches on a regular basis. I just don’t have the time to spend on them.

Originally Posted by quim92
but i guess it took longer than thos first 3/4? If you keep gainign your routine and tecnique will be really impressive.

You case is similar to austfred he is also around 60yo but he is using an extender.

Yup. Fred is an interesting guy, and it does a lot of experimenting. Plus, he is good about returning posts. I think Fred is also using some sort of automatic pump thing that is interesting.

it might b true you gained easily the first 3/4 as is what you really once had, but you then gained an extra 0,5inches right?

I can definitely say I am 1/2” longer and additional girth then I have ever been. It is really fun. My girl friend knows I am doing some sort of exercises, and calls it my new size. It’s like being told all my life to be happy with what I have and then doing the what I thought was impossible.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I have been using a VacMod on my X4 for over three years averaging 3 to 3.5 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I have gained a little over 3/4 inches which I consider productive based on the limited time under tension.

Those results seem disappointing to me, not to make you feel bad, it’s fucking great your cock is now larger, it’s fantastic.
That being said, you’ve donated 3.5 hours a day for 3 years. I know we’re all cock size obsessed on this site, but when you consider the impact on your life (ability to leave the house, houseguests and what have you) - PE is a time consuming thing, it’s unfortunately not a fire and forget hobby.

I would totally love 3/4 more of an inch but after 3 dedicated years, I feel like you deserve more.
Ultimately though, the fact you have such a modest gain for such a long time, is also great evidence that PE works, for newbies here who are skeptical, you’re not making outlandish claims.

Thanks for your update and good luck.
(I’ve posted and lurked here for a decade and been VERY lazy with PE, had I just done it slow and steady since I found this site, things might be hugely different)

Originally Posted by inches-au
Those results seem disappointing to me..

I would totally love 3/4 more of an inch but after 3 dedicated years, I feel like you deserve more.

Thanks for your update and good luck.
(I’ve posted and lurked here for a decade and been VERY lazy with PE, had I just done it slow and steady since I found this site, things might be hugely different)

We don’t know how long it took to get those gains.
Perhaps it was a couple of months, 6 months .. Etc.

It seems that there are “initial gains” then nothing much for a long time.

So, again, perhaps that 3/4 increase was in a few months. Keep in mind that he was using the extender for only a few hours a day, and not the 9+hrs (impossible in real life, but some have done it) that is recommended. Also, we don’t know if that is religiously consistent.

Look at bodybuilders, they get very big in the first 12weeks to a year, then not much for a long, long time.

I remember reading somewhere that the magic number with an extender is 1000hrs = 1 inch IF used consistently.

Laziness. Ah the great bane of us all. How many of us don’t have the bodybuilder body, huge money from real estate or markets, or that big dick because of .. Laziness.
I can hear crickets chirping because everyone is too embarrassed to raise a hand.

For the next 90days give it your all. Watch motivational vids on YouTube to keep you going.

Good luck and happy ‘morrow.

Has anybody ordered a extender from aliexpress Web site if so are they any good. Would you recommend getting an extender from there. Any suggestions to where one can find a less expensive extender would also be helpful


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