Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experienced PE'rs long term extender results?

I’d like to hear more on the original topic. Any other people have input on gains, wrapping style, etc with spring based extenders?

Extender Experience and Gains

I started using an Andropenis extender in March 2013. My BPEL started at 16.5 cm (6.5 inches) and mid shaft girth was 12 cm (4.7 inches). After the 15 day adjustment period, I wore the extender for 17 weeks. Initially I was able to wear it for over 60 hours per week but at the end it declined to about 30. In all I wore it for 680 hours. I stopped due to soreness at the base of the penis where the extender rests against the body, and due to blisters forming on the Corona. I gained 1.5 cm in BPEL to 18 cm (7.1”) and .5 cm in girth to 12.5 cm (4.9”). From late December ‘13 to early April ‘14 I logged another 500 hours. I was able to avoid the soreness at the base of the penis by wearing the extender in different directions(up, down , to the side) but I still eventually experienced blistering on the Corona and discontinued using the extender. I gained another 1.2 cm in BPEL to 19.2 cm (7.6”) but did not gain any additional girth. I have seen no loss in these measurements after 8 months off.

The gains were extremely consistent over time. I had heard that, using an extender, I could expect to gain about .002 cm per hour of use. So 1180 hours X .002 cm/hour gives an expected gain of 2.36 cm and I had an actual gain of 2.7 cm which is .0023 cm per hour ( the first 680 hour period was .0022 cm/hour and the second 500 hour period was .0024 cm/hour).

I intend to log another 1500 hours in 500 hour increments which should give me a BPEL of around 22.5 cm. That will get me to over 8 inches NBPEL. I am experimenting with molding silicone to improve the padding around the noose and try to make things more comfortable. After achieving this I plan to try something to increase girth. After the last bout with the extender I have been using a DTR foreskin restorer which is a really great device. I’ve seen a very slight increase in girth ( to just over 5 inches) just because of the added skin and the skin not being pulled so tight during erection. Although the foreskin doesn’t go over the glans yet, it has greatly improved flaccid girth(more skin) and appearance.

Originally Posted by Chart01
I started using an Andropenis extender in March 2013. My BPEL started at 16.5 cm (6.5 inches) and mid shaft girth was 12 cm (4.7 inches). After the 15 day adjustment period, I wore the extender for 17 weeks. Initially I was able to wear it for over 60 hours per week but at the end it declined to about 30. In all I wore it for 680 hours. I stopped due to soreness at the base of the penis where the extender rests against the body, and due to blisters forming on the Corona. I gained 1.5 cm in BPEL to 18 cm (7.1”) and .5 cm in girth to 12.5 cm (4.9”). From late December ‘13 to early April ‘14 I logged another 500 hours. I was able to avoid the soreness at the base of the penis by wearing the extender in different directions(up, down , to the side) but I still eventually experienced blistering on the Corona and discontinued using the extender. I gained another 1.2 cm in BPEL to 19.2 cm (7.6”) but did not gain any additional girth. I have seen no loss in these measurements after 8 months off.

The gains were extremely consistent over time. I had heard that, using an extender, I could expect to gain about .002 cm per hour of use. So 1180 hours X .002 cm/hour gives an expected gain of 2.36 cm and I had an actual gain of 2.7 cm which is .0023 cm per hour ( the first 680 hour period was .0022 cm/hour and the second 500 hour period was .0024 cm/hour).

I intend to log another 1500 hours in 500 hour increments which should give me a BPEL of around 22.5 cm. That will get me to over 8 inches NBPEL. I am experimenting with molding silicone to improve the padding around the noose and try to make things more comfortable. After achieving this I plan to try something to increase girth. After the last bout with the extender I have been using a DTR foreskin restorer which is a really great device. I’ve seen a very slight increase in girth ( to just over 5 inches) just because of the added skin and the skin not being pulled so tight during erection. Although the foreskin doesn’t go over the glans yet, it has greatly improved flaccid girth(more skin) and appearance.

After some time into PE gains stop. Im lookimg into the bromide iodine solution to decrease scar tissue in the shaft and allow new growth.

Originally Posted by Chart01
I started using an Andropenis extender in March 2013. My BPEL started at 16.5 cm (6.5 inches) and mid shaft girth was 12 cm (4.7 inches). After the 15 day adjustment period, I wore the extender for 17 weeks. Initially I was able to wear it for over 60 hours per week but at the end it declined to about 30. In all I wore it for 680 hours. I stopped due to soreness at the base of the penis where the extender rests against the body, and due to blisters forming on the Corona. I gained 1.5 cm in BPEL to 18 cm (7.1”) and .5 cm in girth to 12.5 cm (4.9”). From late December ‘13 to early April ‘14 I logged another 500 hours. I was able to avoid the soreness at the base of the penis by wearing the extender in different directions(up, down , to the side) but I still eventually experienced blistering on the Corona and discontinued using the extender. I gained another 1.2 cm in BPEL to 19.2 cm (7.6”) but did not gain any additional girth. I have seen no loss in these measurements after 8 months off.

The gains were extremely consistent over time. I had heard that, using an extender, I could expect to gain about .002 cm per hour of use. So 1180 hours X .002 cm/hour gives an expected gain of 2.36 cm and I had an actual gain of 2.7 cm which is .0023 cm per hour ( the first 680 hour period was .0022 cm/hour and the second 500 hour period was .0024 cm/hour).

I intend to log another 1500 hours in 500 hour increments which should give me a BPEL of around 22.5 cm. That will get me to over 8 inches NBPEL. I am experimenting with molding silicone to improve the padding around the noose and try to make things more comfortable. After achieving this I plan to try something to increase girth. After the last bout with the extender I have been using a DTR foreskin restorer which is a really great device. I’ve seen a very slight increase in girth ( to just over 5 inches) just because of the added skin and the skin not being pulled so tight during erection. Although the foreskin doesn’t go over the glans yet, it has greatly improved flaccid girth(more skin) and appearance.

Hi Chart01,

I’m also using an AndroPenis extender, but I’m currently on a break due to injury. Which routine did you choose out of their manual, I assume the standard method? Also, you’re not still using the default noose attachment are you? Because if so I can understand why you might be getting blisters, try investing in a VacExtender mod from Mb’s autoextender or a VLC-tugger. I personally think the Andropenis extender is a pile of overpriced garbage with similar models on the market for less than a third, even a quarter, of its price.

Did you experience any temporary or permanent numbness or discolouration of the glans (when I say temporary I mean lasting days)?

DJrobins is unfortunately right, don’t expect to maintain your rate of gains, it always diminishes and then you will eventually reach an unbreakable plateau, it is just a matter of when. You might be able to break the plateau with another, more intense, form of PE however, such as hanging.

Good luck with your gains!

K_F_H :

Thanks for your comments.

I did use the standard method and I agree the Andropenis is not a lot for the money. I have been using using the standard noose attachment or what they call their “comfort strap” but adding some additional silicone padding. The foam padding they give you is really worthless. I may the try the other heads you suggest. I have never had any numbness in the glans other than right after I take it off which goes away immediately; no discoloration either. I haven’t seen a lowering in the growth rate yet. I am now starting up again with the goal of doing another 500 or 600 hours. I’m going to track it closely and see what happens.

hi chart!1 many guys say AP hurts and quit. So I got some questions.

Did you take any days off? Are you cut?

You report great gains in a no progressive experience (begun with 60h then 30h), why do you think you have have so good? Cuz you inceased the tension every month perhaps?

Did you complement it with any manuals? Was this your first PE experience?

Thank you, you replies will b great appreciated and helpful

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.


I am cut and for the most part did not take any regular days off. I missed a few days due to it just not being practical to wear the device. One time I took a five day break for vacation. But for the most part, I used it continuously. I tried to increase the tension every week as the manual recommended. That was not possible as I reached the final weeks. I tried to wear it 9 hours per day broken up as 2/2/2/1.5/1.5. As the extender gets longer and there is more tension its get harder to make the full two hours with out at least removing it for a couple of minutes and then putting it back on. The first time I wore it I started out with the extender at 12.5cm and quit at 17cm. This was over a 18 week period. The second time I started out at 14 cm and maxed out at 19 cm. That was over a fifteen week period. I took 8 months off in between.

The combined 1180 hours is all the PE I have ever done. I am older(early 50’s) but in extremely good shape(10% body fat and muscular - not a runner) and have never had any EQ issues. That is, I didn’t gain anything from improving erection quality. I have been very tenacious about it during the periods I have used it. It can be extremely uncomfortable and hard to wear.

I am starting up again now after another 8 month break. It will be interesting to see how it goes.

Hope this helps. I’d be happy to try to answer any other questions.

thanks for the detailed explanation mate!!!

how did you manage to wear it 9h? Was it noticeable outside? What position did you use it ? upwards, downwards?
if you got, what about your wife? what does she think?
you havent told what exercises you did apart from the extender, before and during the extender treatment. did you do any?
nice you are a ripped man at your 50s, i wish i will have the tenacity to keep doing sport as I get older.
Anybody knows if with the vacextender cup from autoextender you can apply as much tension as with the strap?

Cheers men

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92

Anybody knows if with the vacextender cup from autoextender you can apply as much tension as with the strap?

Cheers men


thanks man, I am contacting to Mb to get one :D

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Are you getting the JAS or the KR, Quim? See my cautions in the other post regarding the KR. The principle and function behind the Vac 4.2 is quite ingenius. For the circumcised it is ideal.

I was thinking about the KR, what’s up with it? What you mean with 4.2? If I dont specify will he give me that one? Do you think it is better than the commercial penimaster pro?

I am uncut, will it still be a good choice? i heard vaccum devices are a great advance specially for uncut guys….

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

See my post in this thread:
VacExtender Info and future review thread (p. 219)

VacExtender v4.2:
Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device

I can’t say about the device for uncircumcised since I am the opposite, but I think I recall seeing a compensatory solution somewhere. Email Monkeybar about it. He seems good about answering questions.

Order a couple extra sleeves too. I would get the longer of the two offered and trim as needed. Oh, and get some 1/2" or 1" foam from the fabric store. It works well as a cushion under the base. I bought the 1/2" and found I needed to double it for greater comfort.

What are the sleeves for?

What is that foam? Can I just some wrap instead?

Its been close to a week mb doesn’t reply.

Thanks man

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92
What are the sleeves for?
What is that foam? Can I just some wrap instead?
Its been close to a week mb doesn’t reply.
Thanks man

The sleeves are silicone like the flaccid jacket. They act to sustain the seal between the cap over the glans and the gasket below it. There are video links on the autoextender website. MB might be hung up because of the forthcoming holidays. Email him directly through the website and shoot him a PM from here also. The foam is for making a comfort pad between the base of the extender and your pubic bone and testicle area. While that thing is stretching your penis out it is also pushing itself on you the other direction. There is a silicone comfort pad sold on the Autoextender website but I didn’t care for it. Too bulky and didn’t accomodate a downward hang of the device as well as some cheap foam padding. I’ll see if I can get time to throw up some photos.


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