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Experienced PE'rs long term extender results?


I thought walking with weights hanging and swinging was uncomfortable. I’m about to order vachanger and vacextender. I’ll try that out man.


When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92
I thought walking with weights hanging and swinging was uncomfortable. I’m about to order vachanger and vacextender. I’ll try that out man.

A couple of things that I have found hanging lighter weights longer. I wear the weight inside of a pants leg, or it will swing too much. Making my weights out of pipe fittings filled with lead works well because they are heavy enough, and small enough to fit in my pants legs. Also, I keep the weight higher than my knee. This just gives a gentle bobbing action. I put the weight inside of a stocking so it isn’t rubbing on my leg. Before I started putting the weight in a stocking it would rub on my leg, and the friction would cause the Vac3 to come loose. The stocking needs to cover the weight and the Vac3

I started out at 1.5”s, and quickly built up to 2.5”s. I plan on staying at 2.5”s until I stop gaining, and then depending on how much I gained, add more weight, or switch over to pumping for awhile.

I wasted a lot of money on other stuff, when all I would have needed was the Vac3, and some junk I had laying around out in the barn. I don’t see how a person can go wrong doing this unless they blister easy from the Vac3. I use a little tape, and blisters have never been a problem for me.

Repeter, could you post some photos of the weight device you use? Don’t have to show you wearing it as I have the vacextender also so I know how it would hook up. I just can’t visualize the rest.

Your concept seems very good. My KR Vacextender applies a force of about 3lbs but there are times when it just can’t be worn and I hate to lose the hours. With your idea I can keep up the pace and I like the stealth idea. Please share a pic if you can.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Repeter, could you post some photos of the weight device you use? Don’t have to show you wearing it as I have the vacextender also so I know how it would hook up. I just can’t visualize the rest.
Your concept seems very good. My KR Vacextender applies a force of about 3lbs but there are times when it just can’t be worn and I hate to lose the hours. With your idea I can keep up the pace and I like the stealth idea. Please share a pic if you can.

OK, I have a camera, and I can load a pic in my computer, but I don’t know how to get it on Thunder.

I will tell you what you need from the hardware store. If you want 3lbs you will need 2, 1&1/4 inch driver caps. They weigh about 1 pound each. They are used for driving sand point wells. The guy at the hardware store will know what you need. Then you will need a 2 inch long 1&1/4 inch nipple to fill with lead and screw into the driver caps. I used lead slugs left over from target practice, but fishing weights, or wheel weights would work just fine. Then all you need is a small screw eye with a nut to screw into one of the driver caps (they already have holes in them) to fasten the weight to your Vac3. You will need to bend the screw eye out a little, or open it up some. I have better luck bending it out just enough so I can hook to the Vac3.

You could go with a 3 inch nipple ( nipples have threads on both sides to screw into each of the driver caps ), but I think the 2 inch will be good enough to get your 3 pounds once you put some lead inside, and you don’t want it any bigger than it needs to be. There will be holes in the driver caps for the screw eye to go through, but you will need a couple of little washers because the hole may be too big, and you will want to seal it up to keep any lead dust from escaping. Also, plug the hole in the other end cap with a screw and washer for the same reason.

So here is your list to bring to the hardware store. 2, 1&1/4” driver caps. 1, 1&1/4” 2 inch nipple. 1, small screw eye with a nut to fasten to the Vac3. Don’t get one any bigger screw eye than you need. The smaller the weight the better. 1, small nut and bolt to plug the hole in the other driver cap, and a few little washers to go with the screw eye, and nut and bolt. You may already have some of this stuff, but once you get it, you will easily see how it goes together. Teflon tape on the threads will make it easier to get the driver caps off if you ever want to take your weights apart to add or subtract weight, but you don’t have to use it.

Last edited by repeter : 11-29-2014 at .

Ectospasm, if you make one of these weights, you may want to start without any lead inside. If you are used to 3#’s of tension, you will find 3#’s of free weight is more intense because of the working load aspect, and it is more constant. With an extender you have to readjust it to keep up the tension; not so with the free weight. So you may want to start with a little less than you are using with your extender.

Ah, yes-thanks for that, repeter.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm

Ah, yes-thanks for that, repeter.

If you do this, let me know how it’s going. I am really liking this for myself. It is so simple, and it is working better than anything I’ve tried. I think it is safer than pumping or heavy hanging.

Will be great to see a pic for sure.

Isnt it noticeable by any person who is living with you? I am sure it swings a little.

How much have you gained previosuly with manuals/extender and now with this? Why do you think using a similar weight hanging instead of extending is more effective?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

I see the advantage to the driver cap and nipple is that it adds weight itself in addition to being a vessel for more weight. Otherwise, I’ve had thoughts of using some pvc filled with lead shot I have laying around.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
I see the advantage to the driver cap and nipple is that it adds weight itself in addition to being a vessel for more weight. Otherwise, I’ve had thoughts of using some pvc filled with lead shot I have laying around.

I started with PVC. It was longer than what I have now, and I could only get to 1.75#’s. I like to have the entire weight shorter than to my knee, so If I am sitting or kneeling, I am still getting good pull. I like this a lot more then an elastic cord because the pull is more constant regardless of what I am doing, and there is no adjusting.

I am at 2.5#s so I only have one driver cap, and one regular cap, but if I was to add more weight, I have another driver cap I would have to add. I also have an old 2” heavy cock ring that would fit over the 1&1/4 2 inch nipple between the caps to add a few more ounces without adding to the over all size. It is a fun little experiment. I am using the same proven principle of the extender, but in a way that is far easier and more comfortable, but not as marketable.

I wonder as far as stealthy, a person could put lead shot (you already have that) in a canvas or leather pouch; I’m just not much for sewing, and I don’t need it to be stealthy most of the time, but it is just a thought. With the canvas or leather pouch, one could wrap a loosely tied cord around the leg at the bottom (like they do with cowboy gun holsters), and keep the weight from swinging to where it may be passable in public. If someone ever did notice it and ask; you could tell them you are sick, and it is a urine bag (they will never bother you again). I have a set of ankle weights I just thought about, and I am going to see how heavy they are, and possibly make something out of them for when I go out in public.

Originally Posted by quim92
Will be great to see a pic for sure.
Isnt it noticeable by any person who is living with you? I am sure it swings a little.
How much have you gained previosuly with manuals/extender and now with this? Why do you think using a similar weight hanging instead of extending is more effective?

I don’t wear this in public. I use it because it is more comfortable, and more convenient than my extender, but it uses the same proven principle.
I think a lighter weight free hanging would be equal to a heavier tension with an extender because of the free load effect of it swinging and bobbing when one is moving around, and I think there is better circulation because there is no base pushing against the body, and the free movement would also encourage more blood flow. I seem to stay warmer when I wear the weight as opposed to the extender.
My results are about what you would expect from traction with an extender. I had the normal 3/4” newbee the first 9 months (extender, jelqing and pumping), and now the 1/4 to 1/2 a year thing going on (weight only and jelqing). I’ve also added some very noticeable girth but I never measured. Before doing PE I lost 3/4” over the years due to my age, and that is what got me motivated to try PE, so I leave it to you to figure what my total gains are.

I don’t think this will give you better results unless you spend more time in traction because it is more comfortable, and easier to use. I have no problem doing 4 to 6 hours, and sometimes as much as 8 hours a day. Where as 3 hours is all could stand with the extender.

Originally Posted by repeter

I wonder as far as stealthy, a person could put lead shot (you already have that) in a canvas or leather pouch; I’m just not much for sewing, and I don’t need it to be stealthy most of the time, but it is just a thought. With the canvas or leather pouch, one could wrap a loosely tied cord around the leg at the bottom (like they do with cowboy gun holsters), and keep the weight from swinging to where it may be passable in public. If someone ever did notice it and ask; you could tell them you are sick, and it is a urine bag (they will never bother you again). I have a set of ankle weights I just thought about, and I am going to see how heavy they are, and possibly make something out of them for when I go out in public.

I was thinking that also. Some method of keeping the tension on when sitting, would be to have the cord pivot at the knee via a belt and then attach to a thin weight bag like an ankle holster. I have one of these X-Vests:

Weight Vests | 10 - 80 Lb Adjustable Weight Vest

If you scroll down you can see the narrow weights. I might try and adapt something utilizing them. Can’t beat zero cost!

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
I was thinking that also. Some method of keeping the tension on when sitting, would be to have the cord pivot at the knee via a belt and then attach to a thin weight bag like an ankle holster. I have one of these X-Vests:

Weight Vests | 10 - 80 Lb Adjustable Weight Vest

If you scroll down you can see the narrow weights. I might try and adapt something utilizing them. Can’t beat zero cost!

Hey, 200 posts. You’re a senior member. Congratulations.

What I found works good for sitting is in the kitchen I use a tall stool with a back support, and I just leave the leg with the weight dangling. In my office I took the back off from another office chair, and I lean it back against the back of the chair I am using (makes the seat shorter, and gives back support) then I just leave the leg with the weight tucked back under the chair (kind of a kneel position without the knee touching the ground. Hope this makes sense. It makes the seat adjustable. I can push the extra chair back all the way to the real chair back to sit normal, or angle it out at the bottom until there are just a few inches to sit on while still giving good back support. I end up sitting in a more straight position with one leg bent under the chair at the knee in a kneeling like position. This is the main reason I want the entire set-up to be shorter then to my knee.

If I am laying in the hammock, I may use the extender, or an elastic cord.

And about fatigue repeater? Are you feeling any ? If so, more than stretching or extending?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Good question

Originally Posted by quim92
And about fatigue repeater? Are you feeling any ? If so, more than stretching or extending?

Fatigue depends on my activity level, and the working load effect. It really makes a big difference in how much swinging and bouncing is going on, and how recently I have increased the weight. I have been at 2.5#’s for a few months, so I can walk for an hour or longer now without any fatigue, but when I was first getting used to the 2.5#’s I would fatigue in about 10 minutes if I was being active. With my extender I have to readjust it every few minutes as I get more stretched out to keep the tension up, but the pull stays the same with the weight no matter how much I stretch out, so I think in that way the weight has an advantage.

I may need to add a little weight soon, but I don’t think it is as important to build up weight with traction. I will just wait and see my results in the next few months before deciding to add. I don’t know what the limits of the Vac3 are with a working load, but it is holding good at 2.5#s, and that is the highest amount of pull for my Penimaster, and I don’t have the increased stress of a working load with the Penimaster.

In the past when I have added, I will keep my old weight and the increased weight and change them if I get active and start to fatigue from the newer heaver one.


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