Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experienced PE'rs long term extender results?

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
Generally speaking, extender gains remain steady and consistent over time. Many here have gained with an extender. The gains from extending are produced through very different means than hanging or manual stretching, for instance. The long duration/low force method utilized with extenders coaxes the tissues to grow, to not get too scientific, and the toughening that slows gains in methods like hanging and manual stretching and makes them require greater forces over time is much less of an issue with an extender.

according to that, then if somebody hasnt gained from hanging (10h a week) or stretching for also good times, then is little likely he will gain from using an extender (like 50h a week) as he will have tougen up all tissues already. Do you guys see it that way?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Thanks for including your tension settings.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I had been pumping and did a limited amount of manual exercises for over a year prior to starting with my extender (600 to 800 gr. of tension) and had not achieved any meaningful gains in length. Six months after starting my extender routine, I had gained 1/4”. Based on the above experience, I feel strongly that the extender was and still is by far the major contributor to my length gains.

I am hanging 2.5#s (1139 grams ) of tension for 4 to 6 hours a day, and I am making slow steady gains. I thought about increasing the tension (weight), but as long as I am seeing gains, and I am already using more tension than what you are seeing gains at, I think I will just leave things the way they are. My present gains are very similar to yours, except I put on a very quick 3/4” inch the first 9 months. I don’t measure very often, so when I do I am rewarded with a noticeable gain.

As far as does PE work? I think a modest effort will speak for itself. Once one has some gains under their belt ( fun intended), there is no longer the doubt to deal with. I was surprised by my early gains. I don’t question other’s gains, but when ever I measure it seems so unreal. After being told and believing something most of my life; like you just have to be happy with what you have, and then finding it isn’t true, it is hard to believe what is happening.

My girl friend has really confirmed the difference. She calls it my new size, and she seems to really like it.

I don’t really care if someone doesn’t believe my PE claims. I am thankful to the other PE’ers who put in the time and effort to get results. I am grateful for the help Thunder members are so generous with, and with the exception of a few obvious hoaxes, I am just involved with this experiment with everyone else. I share my success’s and failures as they occur. So far, I am happy with my modest results, and so is my girl friend, so I see nothing wrong with what I have done.

Repeter, are you extending daily? Any days off?

Are u just hanging? What do you use?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Repeter, are you extending daily? Any days off?

Right now I am no longer taking scheduled days off. Occasionally I may only get an hour and a half, or maybe two hours due to other interests, but I average 4 to 6 hours per day. I will usually do 2 or 3, 2 hour sessions, and jelq with a warm rice sock and small hand held rubber roller for about 5 minutes in between sessions.

For about 3 months I was extending and pumping, but had a noticeable EQ loss, and didn’t see any gains; perhaps I even lost a little. I think I was over doing it, so I started doing 2 on and 1 off for a couple of months, but still no gains.

Now that I am just stretching, and doing it everyday, I am back making modest gains of about 1/4 inch every 3 to 6 months. I know some people do both stretching and pumping, like dtwarren1942, but it didn’t seem to work for me. dtwarren1942 is using less tension than I am, and putting in less extender time, so that may have something to do with it. dtwarren1942 is good people, and he can comment on his routine himself if you are interested, he has always been there to help me.

I am planning on doing just pumping this summer because I do a lot of nude recreation, and would like to have a nice social flaccid hang, so I that will be my next experiment. I will probably just do a limited amount of stretching to maintain, and focus on pumping and flaccid hang for a few months. The advice I have got so far for flaccid hang is low hg pumping.

Originally Posted by quim92

Are u just hanging? What do you use?

I started with a Penimaster, but I found it uncomfortable, so I got a Vac3 conversion. The Vac 3 helped, but then I made weights out of old pipe fittings and lead slugs, and just used weight equivalent to what the tension of the Penimaster would be with just the Vac3, and used it the same way as the Penimaster. So, for all practical purposes I am extending in the downward position just using weights and gravity rather than the springs in my Penimaster.

This is far more comfortable, easier to use, and if you haven’t already bought an extender, a fraction of the cost.

There seems to be a working load benefit also as it bobs around when I am doing chores.

For weight I use a 1.25 driver cap (used for driving sand points), with a short piece of 1.25 connector pipe and an end cap. I add some lead slugs inside. It isn’t too obvious, but I don’t wear it in public, but it is fine for doing chores around the home place.

Originally Posted by repeter
I started with a Penimaster, but I found it uncomfortable, so I got a Vac3 conversion. The Vac 3 helped, but then I made weights out of old pipe fittings and lead slugs, and just used weight equivalent to what the tension of the Penimaster would be with just the Vac3, and used it the same way as the Penimaster. So, for all practical purposes I am extending in the downward position just using weights and gravity rather than the springs in my Penimaster.
This is far more comfortable, easier to use, and if you haven’t already bought an extender, a fraction of the cost.
There seems to be a working load benefit also as it bobs around when I am doing chores.
For weight I use a 1.25 driver cap (used for driving sand points), with a short piece of 1.25 connector pipe and an end cap. I add some lead slugs inside. It isn’t too obvious, but I don’t wear it in public, but it is fine for doing chores around the home place.

Thanks for replying man. Several things here man. Do you mean peni master pro and Vacextender from monkeybars side (autoextender)?
So you are using the vacextender cup as a hanger and you hang SD sitting on a chair? Do you walk around with all that hanging while you do chores?
What is a 1.25 cap? do you mean you use that to place all your weights there? Why do you think using the same weight hanging is more effective than using the same weight with spring-bars ?
Thanks man, the vacextender was the extender I was thinking about. You have nevered used it with the bars?
Have you ever done manual stretches and jelqing solely before all this?

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92

What is a 1.25 cap?…

Penis Stretcher Products & Natural Penis Enlargement without Pills

Scroll down to Replacement Cylinders, Weighted Caps
VacExtender 4.2 Cylinder

Cylinder Size:

Extending is like hanging except the weight is spring tension. In this case about 3.3 lbs. I also bought the 5lb replacement springs but won’t switch to those for a few more weeks. I see it as a time/convenience factor. If one doesn’t have time to walk around the outback with Mr. Love hanging out then hanging seems to be the only option.

Thanks :)

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Originally Posted by quim92


[Thanks for replying man. Several things here man. Do you mean peni master pro and Vacextender from monkeybars side (autoextender)?] I just got the regular Penimaster from Germany. I liked how one could fasten to the carriage before putting it on, but I found it very uncomfortable, so I got M/B’s Vac 3 conversion. It made the Penimaster more comfortable, but I soon just started to hang weight equivalent to the spring tension of the Penimaster using only the Vac3 (“cap”). I think M/B is selling a new Vac3, but you may still be able to get the older model, but the older model is what I use.

[So you are using the vacextender cup as a hanger and you hang SD sitting on a chair? Do you walk around with all that hanging while you do chores?] I wear it 4 to 6 hours a day while I am doing chores and such. Now that it is colder, I am going for a walk later, and I will wear it under my winter pants, in the dark, and I don’t think anyone will notice. I use lead slugs inside of pipe fittings, so they don’t take up much room. If I had only one piece of PE equipment it would be the Vac3.

[What is a 1.25 cap? do you mean you use that to place all your weights there? Why do you think using the same weight hanging is more effective than using the same weight with spring-bars ?] The 1.25” cap is a steel cap used to drive 1.25” diameter sand point wells. I live on a farm, and had one sitting around. I think the cap itself is close to a pound and a half. Then I have about a 2 inch long piece of 1.25” pipe with some lead slugs, and then a regular pipe cap on the other end. I is fairly small for it’s weight. I find many advantages to the weight over the extender. It simply slips one with a small hook. There is no constant adjusting, and then there is a working load kind of thing as it bobs around while I walk and do chores.

[Thanks man, the vacextender was the extender I was thinking about. You have nevered used it with the bars?
Have you ever done manual stretches and jelqing solely before all this?] Do you mean the rods on the Penimaster? jelq with a small hand held rubber roller and a rice sock. I heat up the rice sock, than I put the roller in it for a while, then lay my dick on the rice sock and roll the roller down it for a few minutes in between 2 hour sets with the Vac3. I usually do 2 or 3 sets, but I started out with just the Penimaster, and added the jelqing when I found this site.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Penis Stretcher Products & Natural Penis Enlargement without Pills

Scroll down to Replacement Cylinders, Weighted Caps
VacExtender 4.2 Cylinder

Cylinder Size:

Extending is like hanging except the weight is spring tension. In this case about 3.3 lbs. I also bought the 5lb replacement springs but won’t switch to those for a few more weeks. I see it as a time/convenience factor. If one doesn’t have time to walk around the outback with Mr. Love hanging out then hanging seems to be the only option.

The 1.25" cap in this case is used on the end of a 1.25" pipe to drive sand point wells. I just happened to have one laying around. It added more weight than a standard cap. I have the driver cap on one end of a 2" piece of 1.25" pipe, then add lead slugs, and a regular pipe cap on the other end. I have a small hook on the cap to hang from the Vac3. It’s real easy to use.

When I’m working in the day I’ve been using the Phallosan vac head and making a slipknot type deal with the belt and loop and putting it around my foot and just stretching while I sit and work, but I think it’s more similar to hanging with the strength of tension I’m getting. Time will tell the results but I can’t see this combined with other workouts not paying off. I think with extending it’s just a matter of appropriate or greater force and duration. My newbie gains have slowed for sure so time to up my game, but I’m thankful today my dick doesn’t have bones.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

The phalloasan isn’t that strong an ads no? Or is it as good as an extender?.

I’m not that familiar with ADS I know what the acronym stands for but that’s it, so I cannot say. You can wear Phallosan pretty much all day but it is kind of annoying to do. I can’t wear it all day there are things I do where it would show too much or just gets too uncomfortable after awhile. 8 hours or so is no problem though. But I am talking about using it at higher force than a typical extender by modifying its usage since I work from home and can sit with my dick and stretcher running down my leg.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

It does grab the head and glans very effectively which is what I like about it. I will never go near some of these hangers and wraps and what not, it seems like a lot of unnecessary work and discomfort.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List


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