Optimum tension?
I’m new to PE and have bought an extender with 900, 1200 and 1500g tension gradients marked on the sides. When I put the device on and add just a little bit of tension (to have everything sitting correctly) I reckon I’m probably at 800(ish)g so I adjust the rods to meet the 900g line. Now in my 4th week I’m allowing tension to creep up so my sessions are 900-1000g in terms of tension.
I had assumed from the instructions and what I’ve read online that I’d gradually be increasing tension as the weeks/months roll by, taking feedback from my penis as to how it feels and increasing tension when the time feels right. I even had visions of buying higher tension springs a year or two down the line if my love rod was telling me it could comfortably take it.
However whilst reading various sites last night, this guy was saying his research had told him the optimum tension for extending is between 400-900g and going beyond is of no benefit whatsoever and could be doing damage due to scarring etc. He went further by saying manufacturers, aware that ‘bigger numbers sell units’ are trotting out springs with 2000g+ tension well aware it’s totally unnecessary.
What are your thoughts? I appreciate this is just one guys opinion, but if he’s right I’m already at the upper limit of tension that I should ever be applying. Also, when I put my extender on, if I leave the rods at sub 900g tension I reckon there’s practically no traction whatsoever. I appreciate we’re all different and our results will be achieved at different tensions, however do you reckon there could be a degree of truth re: his sub 1000g claims?