Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The SuckXtender - just remember it sucks!

Is there any chance that someone would build a few of these and sell them?

Originally Posted by mbuc
I’m sure the tension is way above what a noose or strap attachment could produce. I pull as much as I comfortably can and I’m fairly sure it’s in the 2kg region.

2) Here’s an updated graph. It’s still linear - I hope it stays that way for a while yet!

2 weeks gone by already! Hows that graph looking?

Weeks 9-12 - LegXtender (i.e. the bungy)

…………..Hrs “up” Hrs”down” Weekly Hrs Cumulative Hrs BPFSL Before After

Week 1……..0……….12…………12………….. . 12………………..6.9”……6.9”
Week 2……..0……….12…………12………….. . 24………………..6.9”……6.9”
Week 3……..0……….13…………13………….. . 37………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 4……..0……….12…………12………….. . 49………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 5……..0………..7…………..7…………. …56………………..7.0”……7.1”
Week 6……..0……….12…………12………….. ..68………………..7.0”
Week 7……..0………..7…………..7…………. …75………………..7.0”
Week 8……..0………..0…………..0…………. …75………………..7.0”
Week 9……..0………..8…………..8…………. …83………………..7.0”
Week 10…….0………..0…………..0…………. …83………………..?
Week 11…….0………..0…………..0…………. …83………………..?
Week 12…….0………..0…………..0…………. …83………………..?

Back from vacation and lack of privacy, I just started again 2 days ago. After logging 5 hours during previous two days, I measured before putting the rig on this morning - and read 7.1”. I had expected the opposite, I guess the break wasn’t a setback.

I have noticed an increased EG around the base - I never measured top/bottom/base previously as I never noticed a difference. Now my EG around the middle is a little more than before I started using the LegXtender, and my EG around the base is about 0.2” bigger than the middle. I wonder if it is the same mechanism as hangers have noticed, that hanging increases base girth?

I speculate that the body tries to adapt to the increased load by matching by increasing the crossection of the tissue involved, which is the tunica. And that the natural way for the tunica to deal with that would be to increase the diameter and possibly the thickness as well, but by the natural laws of proportions, it wouldn’t only be the thickness that was affected. Then why would only the base increase, as the load hits along the entire shaft? I think the answer could be that the tunica is bent/pinched, since both hanging and what I do emphasizes downward loads, the tunica isn’t hit evenly all around and so the body adapts by making the tunica larger there. This would not be quite as necessary in the mid and top sections of the shaft, since the tunica is stressed evenly all around. What speaks against this theory is that for me (at least) the increased girth seems to come mostly on the underside, the side that is bent/pinched whereas the load would be mostly on the upper half of the tunica?. Unless that is a feeble attemt at making the geometry (crossection) of the tunica more circular as a result of the loading while bent/pinched.

Just rambling. Any comments?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I’m not sure about the Girth appearing on the underside, unless the very low loading it is experiencing is still way above what it’s used to. Maybe it’s the longitudinal fibres changing at the top, or even resisting at the top that is changing the cross sectional shape, as the radial fibres settle in wherever there is most room?

Either way I would expect a lot more stress on the ligs than the tunica, since the lines of force are pretty much following the longitudial tunica anyway, whereas the ligs fan out and will be getting pulled at some unusual angles. Perhaps it’s even where the suspensory sling under the penis that is getting stretched, and not a tunica constraint after all(?).

Pitifully few hours the last two weeks. I will try to get some good hours in in the coming month.

Week 17 - Suckxtender (ie the stretcher)

…………..Hrs “up” Hrs”down” Weekly Hrs Cum. Hrs BPFSL Before After

Week 1……..4……….7…………11………… 11………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 2……..4……….0………….4……….. ..15………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 3…….11………7………….18……….. .33……………….7.0”……7.1”
Week 4………3………3………….6………. …39……………….7.0”……7.1”
Week 5………6………7…………13………… .52……………….7.1”……7.2”
Week 6………6………5…………11……….. ..63……………….7.1”……7.2”
Week 7………8………8…………16……… …79………………..7.2”……7.3”
Week 8………3………3………….6…………..8 5………………..7.2”……7.3”
Week 9………1………1………….2…………..8 7………………..7.2”……7.3”
Week 10…….9………9………….18…………105 ……………….7.3”
Week 11…….2………2…………..4………….10 9……………….7.3”
Week 12…….4………4…………..8………….11 7……………….7.3”
Week 13…….4………4…………..8………….12 5……………….7.3”
Week 14……..0……..3…………..3………….12 8……………….7.4”
Week 15……..4…….10………….14…………142 ……………….7.4”
Week 16……..0……..0……………0…………14 2……………….7.4”
Week 17……..2……..3……………5…………14 7……………….7.4”

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

mbuc, still, that is .5” in 4 months using this system. That is great.

I am still trying the legxtender approach with 3 hours a day 5 days a week giving near 15 hrs a week. I don’t see growth yet but then it has only been a couple weeks.

I am thinking of switching over to the suckxtender approach. Is it stealth enough to wear to work and around pretty much anywhere during the day? This is how I currently utilize my legxtender and would need to have that ability.

Seems that in the “up” position this might be possible but I am having a hard time visualizing the “down” position working well in levi’s.

I have seen that my bone pressed flacid stretched length (is that bpsl?) has finally jumped above 8” which is what it has been at for over a year. So, something has been working and I believe it is this legxtender.

Week 13 - LegXtender (i.e. the bungy)

…………..Hrs “up” Hrs”down” Weekly Hrs Cumulative Hrs BPFSL Before After

Week 1……..0……….12…………12………….. . 12………………..6.9”……6.9”
Week 2……..0……….12…………12………….. . 24………………..6.9”……6.9”
Week 3……..0……….13…………13………….. . 37………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 4……..0……….12…………12………….. . 49………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 5……..0………..7…………..7…………. …56………………..7.0”……7.1”
Week 6……..0……….12…………12………….. ..68………………..7.0”
Week 7……..0………..7…………..7…………. …75………………..7.0”
Week 8……..0………..0…………..0…………. …75………………..7.0”
Week 9……..0………..8…………..8…………. …83………………..7.0”
Week 10…….0………..0…………..0…………. …83………………..?
Week 11…….0………..0…………..0…………. …83………………..?
Week 12…….0………..0…………..0…………. …83………………..?
Week 13…….0………15………….15………….. ..97………………..7.1”

Mbuc beat me to the much-coveted .5” gain! Congratulations, my friend!

Although the research done on SPS vs. Dynamic splint seems rather anecdotal (I have found very little), and our rather un-scientific comparison would be thrown out the door by any sefl-respecting scientist (especially since I was biased from the start), I still find it likely that the static length approach seems more time-effective than the bungy approach.

The benefits of the LegXtender is of course stealth and the possibility to wear it during your everyday life.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by Laeh

I am thinking of switching over to the suckxtender approach. Is it stealth enough to wear to work and around pretty much anywhere during the day? This is how I currently utilize my legxtender and would need to have that ability.

Seems that in the “up” position this might be possible but I am having a hard time visualizing the “down” position working well in levi’s.

In the “up” position it’s probably discrete but the waistband/belt of trousers makes it uncomfortable after five or ten minutes. I try to wear it “up” while wearing a dressing/bath robe in the morning before showering and dressing.

In the “down” position it is very comfortable under trousers but I don’t think it is discrete enough to wear in public for long periods. I wear it round the house when I’m on my own. If someone calls round or comes home unexpectedly there’s no problem as it only takes a moment to remove.

Originally Posted by mgus
Mbuc beat me to the much-coveted .5” gain! Congratulations, my friend!

Hi, there old pal. Hope you had a good holiday!

I don’t think I’ll try and claim the half inch trophy until I can post a BPFSL pic showing 7.5”. It might take a month or two because I’ll probably have to get a bit beyond it before I can take a photo at 7.5”.

I am a bit worried that I am not seeing much improvement in my BPEL :morose:

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Originally Posted by mbuc

I am a bit worried that I am not seeing much improvement in my BPEL :morose:

Well, if push comes to shove, show off your huge flaccid and then blindfold her. It’ll be huge in her mind’s eye.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
Well, if push comes to shove, show off your huge flaccid and then blindfold her. It’ll be huge in her mind’s eye.

I normally have to blindfold them anyway! :leftie:

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Well, I still am using the legxtender not the suckxtender. I haven’t spent the time to figure out a good way to make the suckxtender work with levi’s on.

Week 14 - LegXtender (i.e. the bungy)

…………..Hrs “up” Hrs”down” Weekly Hrs Cumulative Hrs BPFSL Before After

Week 1……..0……….12…………12………….. . 12………………..6.9”……6.9”
Week 2……..0……….12…………12………….. . 24………………..6.9”……6.9”
Week 3……..0……….13…………13………….. . 37………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 4……..0……….12…………12………….. . 49………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 5……..0………..7…………..7…………. …56………………..7.0”……7.1”
Week 6……..0……….12…………12………….. ..68………………..7.0”
Week 7……..0………..7…………..7…………. …75………………..7.0”
Week 8……..0………..0…………..0…………. …75………………..7.0”
Week 9……..0………..8…………..8…………. …83………………..7.0”
Week 10…….0………..0…………..0…………. …83………………..?
Week 11…….0………..0…………..0…………. …83………………..?
Week 12…….0………..0…………..0…………. …83………………..?
Week 13…….0………15………….15………….. ..97………………..7.1”
Week 14…….0………13………….13………….. .110……………….7.1”

Forgot my rig at home this week (nr 15), so I am resorting to the odd stretch and bed fowfer. I did however just check my BPFLS straight out of the blue and got a cold reading of 7.2” :wtf:

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Mbuc - lagging behind in updating are we? OK that you reached the 0.5”, but we’d still be interested in seeing if the 30 hrs = 0.1” will hold up in the longer run.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Can’t believe it’s 20 weeks already! The last few weeks the hours worn have been pretty few. For the next few weeks I am going to try and manage 2hrs+ a day and see what effect that has.

Week 20 - Suckxtender (ie the stretcher)

…………..Hrs “up” Hrs”down” Weekly Hrs Cum. Hrs BPFSL Before After

Week 1……..4……….7…………11………… 11………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 2……..4……….0………….4……….. ..15………………..6.9”……7.0”
Week 3…….11………7………….18……….. .33……………….7.0”……7.1”
Week 4………3………3………….6………. …39……………….7.0”……7.1”
Week 5………6………7…………13………… .52……………….7.1”……7.2”
Week 6………6………5…………11……….. ..63……………….7.1”……7.2”
Week 7………8………8…………16……… …79………………..7.2”……7.3”
Week 8………3………3………….6…………..8 5………………..7.2”……7.3”
Week 9………1………1………….2…………..8 7………………..7.2”……7.3”
Week 10…….9………9………….18…………105 ……………….7.3”
Week 11…….2………2…………..4………….10 9……………….7.3”
Week 12…….4………4…………..8………….11 7……………….7.3”
Week 13…….4………4…………..8………….12 5……………….7.3”
Week 14……..0……..3…………..3………….12 8……………….7.4”
Week 15……..4…….10………….14…………142 ……………….7.4”
Week 16……..0……..0……………0…………14 2……………….7.4”
Week 17……..2……..3……………5…………14 7……………….7.4”
Week 18…………………………….2…………. 149 ………………7.4”
Week 19……………………………10…………1 59 ………………7.4”
Week20………………………….. ..5 ………..164 ………………..7.5”

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Updated progress chart.

Attached Files
20 week suckx progress.PDF
(446.6 KB, 90 views)

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"


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