Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What Benefits does an ADS provide?

What Benefits does an ADS provide?

An ADS (All Day System) can provide definite advantages when it comes to continuous progress when applied between whatever stress techniques you chose.

One of the major aspects that has to be considered when long term gains are attempted is the healing processes of the body. Whatever stress techniques are chosen to get gains in length if those techniques are successful then a couple things happen to penile structures as a result. Typically a turtling response will result in actual shortening of the erect length because if allowed to remain in the regressive state while the body progresses through its healing phases the result will be twofold:

1. loss of flaccid hang. This is an almost immediate response to stress levels that create trauma within the structures.
2. The body in the last phase of healing will cause the tissues to be strengthened which will result in a plateau of gains, which means that gains will become very hard to accomplish. Unfortunately there is one other negative result from allowing the bodies healing cycles to complete and that is in the last phase of the healing cycle the body returns damaged structures to their original size.
An ADS combats these results by keeping trauma structures stretched lightly so that they don’t heal in a regressive state. This keeps the gains progress consistent also because when stresses are applied in the future the ligs are being stressed from an elongated state.

I like to look at the benefits of an ADS as an insurance policy against not only losses due to trauma but also to prevent strengthening of tissues that cause plateau’s in gains progress.
One of the benefits an ADS can provide is protection against plateau’s because life will eventually catch up with all of us and cause us to miss or have interruptions in our routines. An ADS will act as a bridge to those interruptions so progress can continue as though no days were missed by keeping the ligs stretched lightly all day, daily

I have statistical data that shows what happened to me when the above principles were applied. What I did was look at the gains on a month to month basis and compared that to the number of heavy hanging sets I accomplished for that same month period. What I found was that if I managed 19 heavy hanging sets for any particular month I gained X amount of length. The next month I may have done 24 sets and gain X amount again. When I figured the amount of gain from dividing the number of sets into the gains for that month, I was totally surprised that the gains per set were the same even though there might have been two and three days of time lapse between heavy hanging sessions. In other words the ADS gave the consistent gains on a per set basis. The principle here then becomes the more sets you can do the more gains you will accomplish. This was born out via a customer of mine that reported that he gained 2” in 8 months where my 2” took me 14 months, because he was hanging everyday around twice as much as I was.

Preventing the bodies healing cycles from strengthening tissues and reversing gains progress is the key to quicker results.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights


I’m not sure that your position that turtling has a negative effect on gains is sustainable but it’s driven by your belief that ADS are beneficial. It can only make sense if ADS promote gains and the only proof you have of this is your one person study. Fair enough, we’ve all done them. My own one person study concludes that ADS, by stint of using a force that is lower than that which is required to make a change, simply promote as response by the penis to fight change or make it harder to gain. So you posit

ADS keep the penis in an extended state whilst healing and therefore promote gains

Whilst I posit

ADS/Extenders provoke a strengthening response in the tissue of the penis and therefore reduce the chances of gains.

I would argue that beyond newbie gains there is no evidence for the efficacy of ADS or standard low tension extenders and that those newbie gains might more easily and quickly be obtained by following the newbie routine. At most, I think what ADS can fairly claim is increased temporary flaccid hang, which will disappear after ADS are discontinued.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

I’m not sure that your position that turtling has a negative effect on gains is sustainable but it’s driven by your belief that ADS are beneficial. It can only make sense if ADS promote gains and the only proof you have of this is your one person study. Fair enough, we’ve all done them. My own one person study concludes that ADS, by stint of using a force that is lower than that which is required to make a change, simply promote as response by the penis to fight change or make it harder to gain. So you posit

ADS keep the penis in an extended state whilst healing and therefore promote gains

Whilst I posit

ADS/Extenders provoke a strengthening response in the tissue of the penis and therefore reduce the chances of gains.

I would argue that beyond newbie gains there is no evidence for the efficacy of ADS or standard low tension extenders and that those newbie gains might more easily and quickly be obtained by following the newbie routine. At most, I think what ADS can fairly claim is increased temporary flaccid hang, which will disappear after ADS are discontinued.

>I'm not sure that your position that turtling has a negative effect on gains is sustainable but it's driven by your belief that ADS are beneficial. It can only make sense if ADS promote gains and the only proof you have of this is your one person study. Fair enough, we've all done them. My own one person study concludes that ADS, by stint of using a force that is lower than that which is required to make a change, simply promote as response by the penis to fight change or make it harder to gain. So you posit<
Sorry about this but what does “posit” mean? I’ve never seen that word before.
Let’s make one thing straight here. I’m glad you brought up the aspect of an ADS promoting gains in and of themselves. I am upfront about this particular principle. An ADS applied to an individual who has done NO heavy hanging will receive a small amount of gains for the 1st month or so, but subsequent to that the gains will slow down and stop at which point heavy hanging needs to be applied to continue with further gains.

>ADS-Extenders provoke a strengthening response in the tissue of the penis and therefore reduce the chances of gains<
This is not true as when the ADS is utilized during the day the stretching is varied if for no other reason then merely common movements throughout the day will keep the trauma’d tissues disturbed so healing of those tissues won’t take place easily by the body. It’s like if you damaged the tendon in your ankle for instance and you didn’t splint it but kept using it the healing wouldn’t take place and further damage could easily take place.

>I would argue that beyond newbie gains there is no evidence for the efficacy of ADS or standard low tension extenders and that those newbie gains might more easily and quickly be obtained by following the newbie routine. At most, I think what ADS can fairly claim is increased temporary flaccid hang, which will disappear after ADS are discontinued.<

The above statement is a speculative one and goes against scientific logic. I think given a small amount of time there will be more than adequate testimonials about the efficacy of an ADS. In addition it is true that an ADS does contribute to greater flaccid hang but upon removal it does take some significant amount of time before the natural contraction of the ligs returns to normal. All that is required then to utilize an ADS on occasion to restore the longer flaccid condition.
I think we can all agree that elongated penis’s are the result of long term routines much like elongated earlobes from heavy ear rings. There are many pictures of African tribesmen who have very long penis’s due to hanging rocks on themselves. Same thing here except that that much weight isn’t necessary to accomplish the same thing.

>I would argue that beyond newbie gains there is no evidence for the efficacy of ADS<
You might argue that point but it fly’s in the face of medical practices that have been utilized for hundreds of years. Contortionists utilize the principles of stretching in order to lengthen their tendons and ligaments to accomplish the weird contortions they practice.

An ADS is a tool, similar to a Hanger. The proper application is the key to results.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Where does ADS end and hanging began?

This ADS discussion can be looked at as black and white, but there is a lot of room in between.

How much force would a typical ADS exert? How much force does the typical hanger exert? And, extenders would fill the space between.

With my VacADS3 I can easily hang as much force as my extender, and for as long. Then there is the working load factor with the Vac3, as a 2 pound weight bounces and swings around when I am doing chores. I think my highest setting on the Penimaster is equal to ~2.5 pounds. Do people experience gains with extenders at these kind of settings?

Does 2 pounds for an hour equal the stress of 6 pounds for 20 minutes? Particularly when it is bouncing around.

Would 3 to 6 ounces be enough to avoid turtling? It seems to work for me, but I am fairly new to this, and I have modest gains.

1st of all I would debate the notion that an extender can be used as an ADS. That’s a lot of stuff in your pants all day and I would think rather noticeable. Extenders are very limited in their ability to stress the ligaments in any direction except one and that is generally straight out. Hanging on the other hand can provide a means to approach the Divide and Concur principle of lig stretching which ultimately can speed lengthening and as a side benefit contribute to girth gains as well.

The amount of weight necessary to accomplish keeping the micro tears open so gains can be continuous is relative to an individuals genetics and how much stress they inflict upon themselves.

As was mentioned above 2 pounds is probably the typical weight that works overall.

I know extenders are considered to be length gainers but an ADS is not intended to be such although it can produce some gains but in a limited way.

I don’t really believe that this thread should be here in the Extenders forum as an ADS isn’t an extender but a tool to augment heavy hanging in which case I believe that it should be in the Hangers forum.
But that’s my opinion and Memento is the resident Gestapo decision maker. It would be good if there were a middle of the road forum for an ADS to have a place that could augment both heavy hanging and Extender processes.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights


>Sorry about this but what does “posit” mean? I’ve never seen that word before.<

State as fact.

>The above statement is a speculative one and goes against scientific logic. I think given a small amount of time there will be more than adequate testimonials about the efficacy of an ADS. <

Actually it ties in with a lot of physiological knowledge. The body reacts to stress and strengthens where appropriate. I would not think this is contentious to most people.

There have been at least 15 years of ADS use. I have yet to come across decent repeatable testimonial.

If, as you say, the only way of making ADS work is to precede their use with hanging, then you need to compare hanging with and without ADS. There are many claimed gains from hanging many of whom did not use ADS. So why use ADS?

>I don’t really believe that this thread should be here in the Extenders forum as an ADS isn’t an extender but a tool to augment heavy hanging in which case I believe that it should be in the Hangers forum.<

ADS are a style of extender, imo, which was why I moved the thread to where I thought it would get maximum exposure. The thread is also linked in the hangers forum, so it’s unlikely that people will miss it.


>The above statement is a speculative one and goes against scientific logic. I think given a small amount of time there will be more than adequate testimonials about the efficacy of an ADS. <

You make an important point. The only person I’ve known to state gains soley from extender use beyond newbie gains is cantlook, who used high tension for short periods. Effectively cantlook used an extender as most would use a hanger.

The standard use of ADS or extenders is as low tension devices.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Your right there are many testimonials where hanging has been the only means used for gains.
Now there are a couple of aspects that needs to be looked at here. In most cases of accomplishments with hanging only the routines are very consistent on a daily basis and when we look closely at the records of those individuals what I have noticed is that when they have a lapse of routine for a period longer then their normal healing cycle they plateau and have a very difficult time re-establishing gains again. The only way to overcome the flat line is to use excessive stress levels which leads in many cases to a need to continue with the excessive stress levels to perpetuate gains again.

Now with an ADS several days of routine interruption can occur and no noticeable loss of gain progression is lost because there is a constant disturbance of ligs micro tears.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Makes total sense and many have experienced it already. Good read.

Monty, do you think thi s applys to other tissue in the pensi too. Like the tunica or smooth muscle?

Oh yeah they’re all connected together so the other tissues get affected as well. When the ligs are lengthened the tunica follows along for the ride.

If you want girth increase along with length then all you need to do is follow the Divide and Concur principle by hanging SO and applying angles to the stretching..

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

What is best system for ADS? Any suggestions?

Originally Posted by memento
You make an important point. The only person I’ve known to state gains soley from extender use beyond newbie gains is cantlook, who used high tension for short periods. Effectively cantlook used an extender as most would use a hanger.

The standard use of ADS or extenders is as low tension devices.

This is where I am at. I made some very quick gains in the beginning with my extender, and pumping (3/4”). The extender was annoying, so I switched to the Vac3, and started to hang weight similar to the extender forces. After a year of this, I have added another 1/4”.
I can attribute the 3/4 inch to loses I experienced due to age, and I am very happy to over come those losses, and the 1/4” didn’t happen until recently, and that is about the time I started to hang steel o-rings (~ 3 to 6 ounces ) most days, most of the day; along with my Vac3 work, and some pumping.
Now this is just one person, and a person with very little experience. There seems to be a group effort here on the site, and at the same time I like the opportunity for individual experimenting. Even without gains, this is fun for me, and with gains, how be they modest, it is all the more fun.

I've been liking steel o-rings lately.

Originally Posted by BPTony

What is best system for ADS? Any suggestions?

I get stainless steel o-rings, on line or at the hardware store, and wear them just behind the head. 3 to 6 ounces seems to do the job for me, depending on if it is my days off, or if I have just stretched.

I have been using 3, 1inch ID 1/4” wire o-rings, and then adding 3,1.25 inch rings above them on days that I stretch. However, I think I need to get 1 and 1/8” because the 1” are getting harder and harder to get on and off because I have been adding some girth lately.

Nice thing is, I hardly know I am wearing them, and I can pee with them on.

I don’t sleep with them.

There are many many people who gained using an extender and nothing else. Me for example, and not just before the newbie routine. An extender is not an ADS though. An ADS providing less than 1 pounds of force and/or not keeping the penis at costant length will not work. So it would be better to not put ADS and extenders in the same basket.

A high intermittent force strengthen tissues way more than a costant, low force, so Mem has the physiological principles upside down IMHO.

The idea that turtling is bad is pretty much superstition.

Originally Posted by repeter

I get stainless steel o-rings, on line or at the hardware store, and wear them just behind the head. 3 to 6 ounces seems to do the job for me, depending on if it is my days off, or if I have just stretched.

I have been using 3, 1inch ID 1/4” wire o-rings, and then adding 3,1.25 inch rings above them on days that I stretch. However, I think I need to get 1 and 1/8” because the 1” are getting harder and harder to get on and off because I have been adding some girth lately.

Nice thing is, I hardly know I am wearing them, and I can pee with them on.

I don’t sleep with them.

Thanks I will try get some and wear them.

Different reasons for turtling.

Originally Posted by marinera
The idea that turtling is bad is pretty much superstition.

Ok, there is turtling as a result of trauma, and that is what seems to be being discussed, but what about turtling for other reasons?

I do some nude recreation, and social flacidness has some value to me. If wearing ADS helps over come turtling due to nervousness, or exertion then for me in that case it would be considered bad. I know it is a vanity thing, but why else do we do this in the first place?

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