Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What Benefits does an ADS provide?

5 years 1” hmmm …

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

If the ADS or Extender stretches over the BPEL BFSL then there is theoreticly a stimulus for growing bigger. Of course the needed force mightextend that of msot ADS.

I can use my extender as an ADS on a low force. But I also can move the screws as far out until Im over BPEL.

These Monks I saw in a video who hang heavy weights and pull rocks with their dicks dont have huge dongs. They are strong. Im sure they hang progressivly heavy weights and dont use an ADS…only way to do it…

Using an extender all the time in the same position same force will probably give cummulative length gains cause the tension point with most force impact changes over time. Its just not effective and takes a huge time commitment.

If I have an initial impact through training and then do nothing I get rather small and turtle and it doesnt feel good.
When I use a form of ADS after the initial training or repeat low force sessions over the day I hang all day and night full which can only be beneficial.

Originally Posted by marinera
Mem, I have already seen this movie. No rational argument will change your mind.

You can get around anything anyone says with that non-argument. It’s fallacious, you’ve used it before. It’s a good deflective technique, don’t get me wrong. I don’t know why you’re against laying down your experience. Your gains are dramatic, you say they come from an extender, so what I want to know is how you managed it in the time you did.

5 years for 1” is still 1” but Baba_Booey has used hangers, pumps, cable clamps and extenders with cable clamps (possibly more in the cantlook mode at maximum tension), so he doesn’t fit the profile I’m looking for which is someone who has gained from using an extender, preferably in the prescribed mode of operation.

It’s exactly for this reason that you as an example is such a good one and that I’m interested in knowing how you bucked the trend.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
5 years for 1” is still 1” but Baba_Booey has used hangers, pumps, cable clamps and extenders with cable clamps (possibly more in the cantlook mode at maximum tension), so he doesn’t fit the profile I’m looking for which is someone who has gained from using an extender, preferably in the prescribed mode of operation.

Originally Posted by Baba_Booey
wadafac The extender is the only thing I currently use. I usually put it on once a day for a little over two hours. I never measured girth when I started, but the extender appeared to add girth and kept me the same proportions. When I gained length, it never looked thinner than before.

@marshall09 The two hours a day is to avoid glans numbness. I’ve brought up on here before that if I put the extender on again in the same day, I get numb much faster. Someone suggested that this is from the nerves not having enough time to fully recover. I’ve only experienced head collapse with a noose extender. With my current technique, the head is full of blood from the clamp and it’s trapped by the comfort strap, so there’s no way it could collapse.

@shomuff40 I've gained around 2 inches total, and probably more than half of that was from an extender.

@funflyer Even when I used a noose extender, I always used a lot of tension. Use the lines on the bars to see how far you are stretching. The x4 website has a sample plan that goes up to 1800g, and it’s difficult to use that much tension without having the strap slip.

Baba_Booey - 5 Years Of Extender Experience

See? What you believe is true as a fact and what you believe to have read is not what you really have read and not the facts that you think have witnessed. Your thoughts on this are not a product of rationality : you simply dislike extenders because there are people who sells them. But this is making you look like an unreasonable denier. I mighy add that Baba was using the device only a few hours per week.

Originally Posted by memento
You can get around anything anyone says with that non-argument. It’s fallacious, you’ve used it before. It’s a good deflective technique, don’t get me wrong. I don’t know why you’re against laying down your experience. Your gains are dramatic, you say they come from an extender, so what I want to know is how you managed it in the time you did.

My friend, that was not an argument. Arguments, they are structured differently. I was just stating a fact. A fact that I think the example above, about Baba_oobey, proves.

Last edited by marinera : 07-26-2014 at .

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
If the ADS or Extender stretches over the BPEL BFSL then there is theoreticly a stimulus for growing bigger. Of course the needed force mightextend that of msot ADS.

I can use my extender as an ADS on a low force. But I also can move the screws as far out until Im over BPEL.

These Monks I saw in a video who hang heavy weights and pull rocks with their dicks dont have huge dongs. They are strong. Im sure they hang progressivly heavy weights and dont use an ADS…only way to do it…

Using an extender all the time in the same position same force will probably give cummulative length gains cause the tension point with most force impact changes over time. Its just not effective and takes a huge time commitment.

If I have an initial impact through training and then do nothing I get rather small and turtle and it doesnt feel good.
When I use a form of ADS after the initial training or repeat low force sessions over the day I hang all day and night full which can only be beneficial.

Let’s see I think the words “Theoreticly, might, probably”, means that your on the edge of fact.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights


I agree that Baba_Booey showed gains from extender use but not extender use in the traditional mode. Rather like cantlook, he went much higher tension, lower time. He added a cable clamp (not while extending). He was also pumping*.

This is not the way we recommend to people that they use an extender. It’s closer to hanging. It’s not only using an extender, despite what he credits for his gains if he’s using other thing they may have a bigger impact than he thinks, he may have hit a combination that worked.

See what I mean? Your proof is not proof of what I’m asking for. I would love some proof. I would be happy to see some proof.

In the meantime, why are we suggesting to people that they use extenders in a mode that seems not to work very well? Surely we should be suggesting to people that they use extenders as hangers, 20 minute sets high tension.


Just because you state stuff without conditionals, it doesn’t make it more true. If I state “God exists” or if I state “God may exist”, it makes no difference to the actual existence of God. Conditionals simply allow us to state things and allow for the fact that we might be wrong. There’s a reason human is used as a synonym for fallible.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Mem, read your posts please. You are looking like a troll.

Deflection again? Seriously?

I’ll state my position again, just so that it’s clear.

I think use of extenders as hangers has some merit. There is the case of cantlook as an example. I have read many examples of hangers working.

Then things get murkier. I haven’t yet read anything showing that low tension use of extenders actually results in gains.

Maybe you are the exception. Maybe you are one of the few guys that put in the massive amount of time required to gain via this method? I don’t know. Let me know if this is the case.

Even if you are, it seems that extenders when used as we recommend, result more often than not in gains that could more easily and quickly be obtained by manual means. Ipso facto, low tension is at best an extremely inefficient way to PE and at worst a waste of time.

This leads back to the start of this thread. Monty:. you make claims about ADS. You state that they are only useful in combination with hanging. I think there are plenty of examples of people who gain with turtling as a part of the process and so the idea that keeping the penis in an extended state after a hanging session is beneficial isn’t something that can be taken as given. So what point ADS?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

.5 Inch in 4 months of extending using the vacextender. More with extending and daily pumping to supplement.

Well beyond newbie gains, went through hanging and had at least 2 months of deconditioning break after both forms of PE before extending.

0.5” is well within newbie gains and you are using a combination routine of pumping and extending. But you gained this further in to your PE career, right, so newbie gains is not a suitable explanation unless your were recovering length lost after your deconditioning break. Also, how do you use your extender and pump? Low tension or much higher?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Imho every one is different and need different force threshold to get gains, extender could be too little for some but could be too much for some, but in general, I think it”s a pain in the ass when you wear it on the public? so the idea of doing 30-60 mins of PE in the moring then repeat in the afternoon or evening could still work well, and no hassle, it feels good. I remember one time bib himself stated that split set every 4 hours worked very well, I dont really remember. There are a lot of people have gained with 1 method and failed with the same thing, so I dont think we can say for sure what work best and what doesn’t work.

hey Monty: your gain are incredible, do you have a picture? sorry for asking, I think you just need to prove it once and for all then every one will be happy! :D

Originally Posted by memento

… possibly more in the cantlook mode at maximum tension…

I have to read back through this thread before stirring the pot further but after the way memento worded his post, I couldn’t resist this opportunity to add this attachment.

(15.3 KB, 72 views)

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by memento
0.5” is well within newbie gains and you are using a combination routine of pumping and extending. But you gained this further in to your PE career, right, so newbie gains is not a suitable explanation unless your were recovering length lost after your deconditioning break. Also, how do you use your extender and pump? Low tension or much higher?

Double newbie routine, decon, hanging, decon, extending, extending with pumping, decon.

Initial 4 months of extending through stress-relaxtion. No springs, simply start slightly below EL, let tissue relax and add rods to increase just beyond BPFSL. After 4 months one a week dynamic pumping of one hour with an interval of -3hg to -7.5hg.

So tension is “just” above EL/BPFSL (They’re close). Over time I can add more rods/length


Extending done in sets of 1 hour, 4 per day minimum.-

And before you added the pump 0.5” gains, none of which was recovery of lost gains during the decon break? Did you measure at the end of the decon break and had you gained then? This is covering both bases, of course, some people report losses during a break others report gains.

At the tension you set, did/do you find your penis extremely cold by the end? The vacextender is a good device but the higher the tension it seems, the more circulation is impacted. I assume you went 1 hr to to minimise the fiddling around.

:) spinal cant

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
Deflection again? Seriously?

I’ll state my position again, just so that it’s clear.

I think use of extenders as hangers has some merit. There is the case of cantlook as an example. I have read many examples of hangers working.

Then things get murkier. I haven’t yet read anything showing that low tension use of extenders actually results in gains.

Maybe you are the exception. Maybe you are one of the few guys that put in the massive amount of time required to gain via this method? I don’t know. Let me know if this is the case

Maybe you have to read the threads that I linked, which you haven’t. So you would see. And about Cantlook, you sound like a broken record. Cantlook used a noosestyle extender. If you really had tried an extender, you would know that it’s not possible to make use of a high tension with such a device. Baba used a fastize extender, which unlikely can apply more than 6 lbs max. Westsidetoni and others (Pudendum too, if I well remember) used the penimaster, who could apply not more 3 lbs at max, and it was adviced to start from half lbs and never apply that ‘extreme force’, in the instructional paper. Neverthless, people using it enough time still had gains. Or take the maxxtender: the noose is a nylon rope (I’m not kidding) : how much force do you think can apply on your penis comfortably? Still, people who managed to wear it consistently had gains : actually, theirs gains were pretty similar to the gains of those who worn more modern, ‘high force’ extenders. I used a homemade device exactly like the Maxxtender and it worked. I seem to remember 789 used it and was satisfied, wouldn’t swear on it.

Then, try to figure out what you are meaning with ‘low tension’ and ‘high tension’. With manual stretching, you can easily pull with 50+ lbs of force. Even if you are a weak guy. Measure with a fish scale if you don’t believe. With hanging, most of the time you are going to use from 10-15 lbs up to 25 lbs. This is medium tension. This is where most hangers report they start seeing gains. With the additional info that this is true for clampstyle hangers, like the Bib’ or the AFB. So, less than 10-15 lbs is low tension. This is the range of force of extenders.

Now, what’s the minimal amount of force required to see gains? Not less than 1-2 lbs. Why? Because to stretch the flaccid penis to erect length is needed on average a pulling force of 1-2 lbs (according to clinical papers). It makes sense that to have significative gains you need to stretch at lest at erect length. And it makes sense that the longer you apply a given tension, the better. This is confirmed by a shitload of research.

Now, you can believe that high forces are the best things for you penis. Why? Because it has worked for you. So you don’t believe me, Dino and all the members that said extenders are effective. Ok. The problem is that what has worked for you has shown to be counterproductive for many if not most of members. Ask to any pumper what works better, 1 hour pumping at low tension or 15 minutes pumping at extreme pressure, and see what answer you will get. So you have to suppose that they are lying too. Long story short, anyone whith a different experience than yours is lying. And if they are not lying, they are having ‘newbie gains’. You do see that that sounds not exactly a rational point of view? You don’t have any evidence for your opinion than your case. Which, if I am not wrong, it’s not an ordinary case, isn’t that true?

Finally, your very same hypothesis that human tissue will strengthen more with low forces than high forces is pretty eccentric. I suppose when you want to improve your bench press you lift pencils instead than barbells with plates?

Last edited by marinera : 07-27-2014 at .

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