Thunder's Place

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3rd week of hanging

3rd week of hanging


I purchased my Bib hanger a few weeks ago and have been hanging for about 3 weeks and have a few questions. First of all, I wanted to state that I gained just under 0.5” BPEL (7.1” BPEL) in 3 short weeks! I guess that just goes to show that my ligs were probably not getting as good of a workout from my manual stretches compared to the hanger.

When I attach the Bib hanger I try to line up my penis as straight as possible, so that it is not rotated to one side or the other. However, about half-way thru my hanging I notice that the hanger wants to turn itself to the left.

This is my routine (20min total) that I do twice a day with 5lbs:
—4min BTC straight down
—4min BTC turned to the left
—4min BTC turned to the right
—6min BTC straight down with 2 fingers at the base pulling upwards about an inch
—2min BTC straight down

It’s during the “BTC straight down” part that my penis seems to rotate to the left and tries to sort of automatically go into the “BTC turned to the left” exercise.

And I have noticed that when I urinate it sometimes shoots to the right on almost a 45 degree angle, which I am fairly certain it did not before.

Also, I am sort of lost in adjusting the hanger. I have read as many of the old topics I could find about adjusting it but I still end up with a slightly-purple/cold head. I think I have it set pretty tight, because if I loosen it up, it feels like it is too loose and will slide off. Where exactly should my head be in the hanger? I have it hanging out the end of the hanger… it isnt supposed to be IN the hanger, is it?


This is going to take a while, but I have to go to a freaking Xmas party. Will get to it tonight.



>First of all, I wanted to state that I gained just under 0.5” BPEL (7.1” BPEL) in 3 short weeks! I guess that just goes to show that my ligs were probably not getting as good of a workout from my manual stretches compared to the hanger.<

Really good gains, congratulations.

>It’s during the “BTC straight down” part that my penis seems to rotate to the left and tries to sort of automatically go into the “BTC turned to the left” exercise.<

There can be several causes of this. It has been covered a few times. Please do a search for “twisting” and “hanger” and you should find a lot of informaiton. If that does not take care of it, then post again and we can work on it.

>And I have noticed that when I urinate it sometimes shoots to the right on almost a 45 degree angle, which I am fairly certain it did not before.<

This is from a little too much head pressure which swells the lips of the urethra. Not normal, but I have had it happen when I was hanging.

>Also, I am sort of lost in adjusting the hanger. I have read as many of the old topics I could find about adjusting it but I still end up with a slightly-purple/cold head. I think I have it set pretty tight, because if I loosen it up, it feels like it is too loose and will slide off.<

What kind of wrap, if any, are you using? More than likely, the wrap is too tight. Try to wrap as loose as possible, then when the hanger is tightened, it tightens the wrap a little also. Hanger tight, wrap loose.

Is the top gap less than the bottom gap? Have you tried toeing-out a little? Be sure and try different things. You will more than likely continue to find wrapping styles and hanger adjustments that are more comfortable.

Also, the longer you hang, the stronger you become. Many guys cannot hang for twenty minute sets in the beginning. Some only hang for five minute sets by choice. Twenty minutes is the maximum.

>Where exactly should my head be in the hanger?<

The front of the hanger should be about one inch behind the glans.

>I have it hanging out the end of the hanger… it isnt supposed to be IN the hanger, is it?<


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