Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Addressing Hanging Limitations


Addressing Hanging Limitations

Several issues arise when one undertakes hanging as a form of PE. The first is a very simple matter of physics: You are not stretching any of the penis forward of the hanger’s placement. In other words, the only tissues being stretched are those between the hanger & your body.

Second, several important considerations have to be kept in mind when determining where you will affix the hanger: (1) You do NOT want the hanger being attached too close to your glans – that’s dangerous, (2) If you don’t have much flaccid shaft length – a problem I currently face – then you end up attaching the hanger low on your shaft, even at the base. This latter placement leads to a situation where all you’re stretching is the ligs at the base or, worse yet, only those below the pubis. This would limit the gains such an individual could get from hanging.

Even if you alter the angle you hang from BTC to SO or even OTS, you’re still left with the above dilemmas to face – too high up the shaft and you’ll risk injury, too low and you won’t be hitting any tunica at all.

This might explain why some guys have gotten disappointment from hanging. If a guy has a very low LOT and a very small flaccid hang, he might get nothing from hanging with the hanger attached at the base.

I purchased a Bib Starter – as opposed to the standard Bib – with those considerations in mind. My Bib Starter is about 55 mm at its widest point (2.17”). And the Captn’s hanger is, standard, about 51 mm uniformly (2.00”). So, I put together a “mini-Captn’s hanger” which is only 30.5 mm, uniform (only 1.2”). It looks just like the regular version, only thinner. I plan to use my “MCH” to target the tunica – especially with SO & OTS hanging. I assume that I’ll probably have to use slightly lighter weights with the “mini” but it will give me a different effect, no doubt.

Often, the best tunica work is done with your bare hands, logging the necessary hours of upward fulcrum stretching, gripping up near the glans and giving the whole shaft a strong stretch. I believe this should be done in conjunction with a hanging program.

After my recent “trial run” of the Captn’s hanger, I grinded out 100 slow, strong rotary cranks – in each direction. Damn did that put the finishing touches on that session! Then I jelqed & kegeled my way to about 90% erect & wrapped the willie with a sock and snapped a very tight cable clamp at the base – for 50 minutes.

I’m also going to concentrate more on fowfers, trying to increase my flaccid length, therefore opening up more hanging options for me.

So, if any of these issues apply to you, try to increase your flaccid with a lot of fowfers and, in the meantime, make a “mini-hanger” which is no more than 1¼” wide. Just wrap thickly at that spot and scale back the weight a little & try logging more hours under load. And, of course, experiment with BTC, SO, & OTS.

Also, don’t neglect your Blasters or Rotary Cranks, or Bundled Stretching, etc. Use hanging to put the finishing touches on your weasel.

Thank you for all your pithy posts, Wad. So organized and insightful!

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Try some jelqing before you hang and do some stretches this helps me (i am facing the same problem).

Redlight and warmup should loosen the tissue so that it becomes longer also….

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

>I assume that I’ll probably have to use slightly lighter weights with the “mini” but it will give me a different effect, no doubt.<

get back to us on that, I’d love to hear of your experience with the scaled down Wench.
In my own experience the smaller version handles higher weight really well. And although there is no way of quantifying this, a part of me suspects that the “mini” may be even more effective due to the more concentrated lateral pressure it exerts on the shaft. It is hard to say with any certainty because logically the more shaft a device can grab the better the hold. There may be a happy medium between these two but as we know, flaccid sizes can vary greatly as will the amount of real weight individuals are required to use.
In the end it all might likely come down to personal preference.

>You are not stretching any of the penis forward of the hanger’s placement. In other words, the only tissues being stretched are those between the hanger & your body. <

I have been thinking about this very same thing for some time now. If a guy has a 3” flaccid and uses a 2” hanger, it stands to reason that a mere 1” of shaft is receiving stretch - less if you consider how much of that 3” is made up of the glans and shaft forward of the device - more if you take into consideration unexposed shaft. Regardless, the fact remains that we only have so much exposed shaft to work with in hanging.
It’s a good motivation for exploring “smaller” devices. Especially for those of us seeking more tunica than lig stretch.

You know I am a big fan of your work. I look forward to hearing more.



>Several issues arise when one undertakes hanging as a form of PE. The first is a very simple matter of physics: You are not stretching any of the penis forward of the hanger’s placement. In other words, the only tissues being stretched are those between the hanger & your body. <

The part of the shaft within the hanger gets stretched out too, that’s why you need to tighten as the set goes on, since as it stretches it gets thinner.

>This might explain why some guys have gotten disappointment from hanging. If a guy has a very low LOT and a very small flaccid hang, he might get nothing from hanging with the hanger attached at the base. <

Yo, if homeboy be hanging up the OTS, he be stretching inner penis too, word.

>Often, the best tunica work is done with your bare hands, logging the necessary hours of upward fulcrum stretching, gripping up near the glans and giving the whole shaft a strong stretch. I believe this should be done in conjunction with a hanging program. <

I can dig it.

>I’m also going to concentrate more on fowfers, trying to increase my flaccid length, therefore opening up more hanging options for me. <

You damn right.

>So, if any of these issues apply to you, try to increase your flaccid with a lot of fowfers and, in the meantime, make a “mini-hanger” which is no more than 1¼” wide. Just wrap thickly at that spot and scale back the weight a little & try logging more hours under load. And, of course, experiment with BTC, SO, & OTS. <

I shall call him… hanger…

Uh, Uh, yeah

Originally Posted by SS4Jelq
The part of the shaft within the hanger gets stretched out too, that’s why you need to tighten as the set goes on, since as it stretches it gets thinner.

>This might explain why some guys have gotten disappointment from hanging. If a guy has a very low LOT and a very small flaccid hang, he might get nothing from hanging with the hanger attached at the base. <

Yo, if homeboy be hanging up the OTS, he be stretching inner penis too, word.SS4

If you want to split hairs, I would say that you’re not stretching all of the penis within the hanger. It would depend upon the contact points, tightness, etc.

And if “homeboy” is hanging OTS, with a 3” flaccid & the hanger engulfing his entire shaft, he still isn’t get much stretch. The same limitations plaguing a little guy BTC applies to SO & OTS as well.

I plan on a few experiments with the “mini” (the “MCH”, in honor of Captn) later tonight….or, I should say “MCW” for Mini Captain’s Wench. :o


>And if “homeboy” is hanging OTS, with a 3” flaccid & the hanger engulfing his entire shaft, he still isn’t get much stretch. The same limitations plaguing a little guy BTC applies to SO & OTS as well.<

Your shit be tight brother, but why ain’t homeboys inner penis getting a good stretch if hanger is on the whole shaft?


I now have a mental picture of Winston dressed as Ali G. Thanks.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by SS4Jelq
Your shit be tight brother, but why ain’t homeboys inner penis getting a good stretch if hanger is on the whole shaft?



I was going to draw you a diagram, but I’ve thought of an easier way to illustrate this. If you can find a wide rubber band (at least ¼”), this will help. Cut the band, so that it’s 1 piece, not a loop. Now stretch it apart with each end. You can clearly see the deformation occurring – usually thinness, even a fading of the color of the band. However, this is not occurring at it’s anchor points – or at least not to any appreciable degree. The best way to illustrate this is by getting 2 pieces of clear flat glass – such as from 2 picture frames. Sandwich 1 end of the band between the 2 pieces of glass – so you can see that band clearly, and pull it apart.

The situation is this – the hanger, or even your hands if you’re doing manual, are clamping down on those tissues in their normal state. Those tissues are not being pulled apart, they’re being held stationary. The tractile effects are being exerted upon the tissues between the two fixed points (i.e., hanger & pubis bone).

The hanger itself is not spreading apart, it’s stationary. And the tissues inside that hanger are cinched together tightly (if the hanger is properly tightened), in a fixed state. If you were to pull that rubber band as hard as you could, it would eventually rip – but not at the ends you’re holding. Take a rolled piece of dough, or a balloon, or any pliable material and pull it until it rips. Does it ever tear at the piece within your palm? No. Because those “fixed points” are not under the load. It would usually rip somewhere in between the two anchor points.

This is not to say that you can’t injure yourself at the pubis bone by pulling too hard – I already agree that you’re stressing that area. Also, the attachments at the pubis bone are not being reinforced by a hanger or your hand, just their natural connective strength. So, the same effect is not operating at both ends of your unit – just the end that has an artificial clamp (i.e., hanger or hand) tightly restricting those tissues.

Again, I maintain that no part of your unit within the hanger is being stretched – if it’s properly tightened. But the inner tissues of the unit, within the hanger, are being firmly held in place – reinforced, if you will. If there is any stretch at all, it is miniscule, and nothing like the stretch occurring between the hanger and your body.

- w a d


In the case of hanging, for example with a Starter model, you can stretch the entire shaft up to the head. In fact, at higher weights, the shoulders of the head do take a substantial portion of the stress. That is why the front thumbs are there.

It really is a matter of how the hanger is adjusted as to how much stress each cross section of penis receives. The key is friction. Taking it to extremes, if your hanger was only 1 micron wide, then it would be able to only provide friction to one micron of the internal structures and the entire weight would be distributed in that one micron. If a hanger was one inch wide, the friction acting on the internal structures would be one inch wide.

Another example would be in pulling a rope in a tug-o-war. It is not just the back of the hand and pinky finger which provides the friction, but rather the entire hand. The same is true with your rubber band example. The band becomes thinner at the lateral portions, distributing the forces more within the grasp. This is the reason you must tighten hangers after the weight is applied.


Wad, the hanger gives up stress to the penis gradually over the hanger length, not just behind the hanger. Look at the lap of 24 bar diameters used for reinforcement in concrete……the stressed bar gives up its tension over the length of the lap to the contiguous bar. So you are largely kidding yourself that the Jr stresses more length than the Original Bib, since the Jr must be tighter they both give up stress over their entire lengths of 1.5” and 2.5” respectively.

I hope you guys are right; I’d like to believe you are. I just cant’ see that the tractile stresses within the hanger are equal to those between the hanger and your body. I imagine there’d be some within the hanger, but those inner tissues are being tightly bundled - if the hanger is clamped firmly enough. The tissues behind the hanger are free and, I suspect, subject to greater vertical stresses.

I stick with my analogy: roll out a cylinder of clay or playdough, grasp both ends and pull. Does the segment within your hands break-off at mid palm? No. The separation occurs between your hands, roughly somewhere in the middle. Why? Because the tractile stresses are most significant outside of the anchor points (i.e., “hands,” “hanger,” etc.).

I believe that Wad has a point here. While it is true that the pulling force is distributed over the entire contact surface, the result is a probably that less stress gets placed on the tunica as one traverses toward the glans on the under the hanger. So a smaller hanger will provide maximal force to a greater percentage of the penile length. Let the force F be distributed over the hanger area A, where A = (circumference x Distance). In the region where the hanger is not attached, the force is either 0 (glans side) or F. Under the hanger, the force is some function dF/dD. So, while for any D, the whole length will be stressed somewhat, as D approaches zero, the maximal F is applied to the greatest length.

Ok, so that is horribly stated, but what I’m getting at is that under the hanger, the stress conveyed to the tissue will gradually decrease - meaning that a shorter hanger will apply maximal force to a greater length, if the zero force part (glans end) is affixed to the same location.

Of course, some mechanical manipulations to the larger device may completely ameliorate this effect… I can’t say as mine hasn’t arrived yet ;)

Hmmm… too much coffee today…

Started: 7.1x5 1/1/04

First Goal 7.25x5.5

PS - another method to help with flaccid hang is all day wrapping. It’s worked well for me.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

-Bertrand Russell

This is all very interesting. I haven not started hanging yet but have made both
2 inch & mini 1 1/2 inch Captain hanger.
Can You explain your method for all day wrap flaccid hang


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