Bumping my old thread! Will re-read it later tonight. :)
I know that according to Bib and others, SO is not a favorable position, but I have gained well with it in the past. For me, I can only hang if I’m able to to productive work at the same time and it seems like hanging SO with a pulley system under my desk is the only position that allows for this.
So, I’m back at it and started a few days ago. I will give it a month or two and see what happens. If no gains at that point, I’ll try switching things up a little.
I will probably average 3 sets per day. 4 at most and some days where I might be able to do 5, 6 or 7. I’ll try to do manual stretches whenever I can and when at the toilet.
Having not done any length work at all for the last 2 years or so, I do think this should be enough to gain, although I know it’s below Bib’s recommended minimum.
Anyone else hanging straight out with success lately? :)