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Basics of hanging

Basics of hanging

I am only a newbie and won’t be hanging for some time, but it bothers me that I don’t seem to be able to find info on even the basics of it. I read all the hanging 101 type articles and threads that I can find but damned if a major question continues to go unanswered:

How do people achieve hanging in directions other than straight down?? How do you get hanging to pull for example straight up or to the left? Obviously this requires some kind of pulley or surface that you slide cable over or something but I swear it isn’t explained anywhere I can find. Right now, basically what I am aware of in hanging is that you have a hanger that attaches to your member, a wrap that goes around member before the hanger does, a cable that runs from the hanger to weights, and that’s basically it. Now I would like to know how you arrange things so that the weights aren’t just dangling down from your member, but rather are accomplishing pulls in other directions

My advice is to ‘cross that bridge when you come to it’.

If you’re a newbie and still have to finish the newbie routine, you have plenty of time to search the forum and find the answers you need.

To get you started. You can hang weights over the shoulder to hang upwards and affix a pulley to the underside of your desk to hang straight out (if you’re not very DIY-minded, you could use a c-clamp or G-clamp on your desk instead of a pulley, to rig up some kind of device for SO hanging).

Over the leg hanging is just that— draping the line that the weights are on over your leg.

I’ve really only ever hung straight down. I hung S.O. a little but not much. Maybe some other experienced hangers could give some better advice.

Where did you find out about it? It’s not that I would like to start hanging now, it’s just that I would like to know what it is ahead of time so I know what the bridge is and whether or not I want to take it once I get there. To me it is just amazing how hard it is to find this information. Perhaps it should be included in the tutorials.

Another method of straight out hanging (or at least semi straight out) is bending over and sticking your ass out. Keeping the back straight of course.

It helps to be a little creative when it comes to PE contraptions. Example, I am sure that my ADS is a one of a kind. You can lay on a bed and let the weight hang over the side to get any angle you can imagine. So think creative.


Originally Posted by vkn1
Where did you find out about it?

I did a lot of searching and a lot of reading on the topic of hanging. I found out about it my just reading a lot of different posts on a lot of different threads.

It’s not very complicated. It’s just a “divide and conquer” approach, where you focus on different areas of the penis by hanging in different ways. Hang straight out, over the leg (on each side), straight down, and over the shoulder.

I also want to hang

Hanging pulley arrangement

Here is the pulley arrangement I found most practical for multi-angle hanging. To hang straight up merely rotate the body end for end on the bed. To hang right or left just change your position to a 90* to the rope. BTC is 45* to the rope. You can always use the ruse that you are exercising various body parts if others ask about pulley or remove when not using. If you want exact details PM.


The rope from pulley to weights is not hanging straight down because I had to miss an electrical outlet. Normally it would just go straight down to the standard plate weights put over a 0.25”x8” J bolt with over 1” od x 0.25” id cut washer.

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