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Best angles for base girth


Best angles for base girth

Ok, the Bib starter is in the post, the mornings are free, and I’m gonna start hanging.

I am looking to get some base girth gains. So my question is “Which angles do you think would get the best base girth gains?”

Would hanging over the leg provide some decent base girth gains? Or how about straight out or over the shoulder?

Thanks guys

This is an excellent question. It’s something I’ve wondered about myself. Are there optimum angles for increasing base girth?

The best results I’ve had came from fulcrum hanging with the whole penis/hanger assembly turned 90 degrees to either side over the fulcrum rod. However, I’ve done that again recently without experiencing similar gains in base girth.

To those who have gained, which positions were most effective?

I’m also interested in this thread as base girth is the very reason I have begun to hang!

Any vets got any answers?

Do we know even if the base girth is coming from growth, or the internal penis being pulled out?

Another good question.

My base doesn’t widen very much as it goes deeper into my pelvis. If I were to pull the whole shaft forward I wouldn’t gain much.

Maybe those who have gained substantial base girth from hanging have more cone-shaped shafts, and pulling the entire thing forward exposes more of the existing wider base.

Dag, I was hoping this thread would get more action. The questions raised here are very good, and I was hoping for some real hum-dinger answers.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger


I love your avatar, man. That chick sucking on that thing … damn.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger


So still no answers?


Here is another thread where Tube theorises that as hobby/juke discussed here, base girth gains could be as a result of the thicker internal penis being pulled out.:
Theory of Base Widening

I hope it isn’t true as like hobby, my internal penis doesnt seem to be thicker than my penis.

Wad also said that he beleives it is a combination of roots being pulled out and and the constant stress causing it to thicken and strengthen.

I think that over the leg might be a good way to gain base girth as it would provide some independendent stretching and isolation on each of the corpa cavernosa structures, rather than the focusing on a lig stretch. Just a thought.

>I think that over the leg might be a good way to gain base girth as it would provide some independendent stretching and isolation on each of the corpa cavernosa structures, rather than the focusing on a lig stretch. Just a thought.<

That’s similar to when I gained a little from hanging turned sideways over a fulcrum rod. Hitting the sides separately.

I’m also disappointed this hasn’t had more responses, but didn’t I tell you melvin that if I posted here I’d kill the thread? I’m good at that, unfortunately.

Let’s rephrase the question and try to perk it up. To those who have made progress with base girth from hanging, which positions do you think were most responsible for it?

Also, does your shaft continue to widen the deeper it goes into your pelvis?

Originally Posted by melvin_uk
I hope it isn’t true as like hobby, my internal penis doesnt seem to be thicker than my penis.

Wad also said that he beleives it is a combination of roots being pulled out and and the constant stress causing it to thicken and strengthen.

I think that over the leg might be a good way to gain base girth as it would provide some independendent stretching and isolation on each of the corpa cavernosa structures, rather than the focusing on a lig stretch. Just a thought.

Thanks Melvin.
I also hope it isn’t true, because I’m in the same boat as you.

I don’t really believe that increased base girth is a result of pulling the internal penis out. If that were the case, the big gainers like bib, Yguy, etc would have an internal penis shaped like a very wide based cone. How the hell could they fit such a large cone internally?
I think Wads theory is much more plausible for this reason.
Noticeably thicker base girth (than say mid shaft girth) seems to be a side effect of hanging. I believe that this is because when the hanging device is attached (whatever it may be), it covers and supports the section of penis within the hanger. A such the stress applied to the penis is concentrated towards the base rather then along its entire length. As a result a disproportional amount of growth is gained near the base rather than along its entire length due the disproportional amount of stress that is applied to the base section compared to the rest of the penis.
If someone can refute this please do so! I base this theory solely on my (very limited) hanging experince and what I feel both during and after my sessions.

Any comments?

>Any comments?

Yeah, I don’t buy it. If it were true my base would have grown more than other parts of my shaft, yet it hasn’t.

Fair enough!

How long have you been hanging hobby?

How much weight? How often?

What kind of increase in girth have you experienced? Was it uniform along the shaft?

Obviously everyone is different. I know when I get an erection, if I feel the shaft behind my balls, it certainly doesnt feel any thicker than the shaft outside the body.

How about you hobby?

As I said, I’m a total novice when it comes to hanging. I just trying to figure it all out!

I think also it depends on how much you already have to play with (as it were!)

If you already have an impressive flaccid hang to stretch (which I do not), then the forces would not be so concentrated and so an enlargement of the base may not occur to the same extent as someone with a smaller measurement.

For instance, my fsl is only about 5.5 inches. If you had an inch longer fsl, then that force would be distributed along a MUCH higher proportion of the shaft (for any given weight hung) than I would experience.

Still don’t buy it?:)

I have not gained from hanging yet. I just received my hanger about a week ago. I have also wondered about this.

I have looked at many diagrams of the penis and most all of them show that the base of the penis widens as it ties into the body. The root is supposed to be attatched to the pelvis bones. It is the Ichium if I remember correctly. Anyway, it appears that the tunica widens as it passes below the pubic bone to the root. Even though you may not pull out all of that wide part of your penis. Stetching it will cause the sides of the tunica to form a staight line to where it connects to the bone. This should cause width to icrease over time.

That is just the mental picture that I get. I may be very incorrect.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

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