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Can a hanger grasp the internal shaft structures?


Originally Posted by hobby

Good point. Longer hangers may have some benefits. Though they can’t grip the shaft behind the “shoulder” enough to prevent slippage, some grabbing force is applied over the hanger’s length. It’s possible that little extra grab makes a difference with heavier weights. If the hanger has internal ridges, maybe a series of “mini-shoulders” are formed under the hanger. I don’t know. A longer hanger might not have to be tightened quite as much to hold the blood in front of it.

I haven’t had very good luck with hangers that were too short. I haven’t tried toothbrushes, but Tom’s toothbrush version of the AFB (picture here) is an example of what I mean by way too short.

Too long is also counterproductive. If the hanger covers much of the shaft it’s hard to have enough skin slack behind the hanger so the load can go on the internals. Too long also interferes with fulcrum hanging.

1” as a minimum sounds good to me. I’m used to the length of a Bib Starter. Its gripping length measured down the center is about 1 5/8”.

I thought about making a hanger design that would create several “shoulder points.” To see what I mean, weave your penis through your fingers on one hand. Over the first, under the next, over the third. Something like this:

O| |

  | |O

O| |

  | |O

That seems to give a pretty good grip.

Toothbrushes seem a little too sharp! YOu preferably want a smooth “cup” to gather the tissue and gently cradle the shoulder.

I think of the area in front of the hanger as a sort of plug. The ULI Effect plays an important role in expanding the tissue enough to form the plug. It was always tough for me to hang after swimming because my glans would shrink. The hanger would tend to slip down. I think people who hang should consider using vasodilators, or even Cialis, to keep their flaccids heavy. It’s just much easier to form an adequate plug with a heavier flaccid.

A potential drawback to hanging with a heavier flaccid, however, is that it may cause the shaft to be more resistant to stretching. There’s also a tendency to develop too much pressure in the head.

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Originally Posted by ModestoMan

I think people who hang should consider using vasodilators, or even Cialis, to keep their flaccids heavy. It’s just much easier to form an adequate plug with a heavier flaccid.

A potential drawback to hanging with a heavier flaccid, however, is that it may cause the shaft to be more resistant to stretching. There’s also a tendency to develop too much pressure in the head.

I think that’s an interesting consideration for more experienced hangers. Some new hangers though have a hard enough time as it is trying to keep from getting a hard on. Newer guy takes a cialis and starts fiddling around down there and pretty soon he’s waiting 3 days for things to die down before he can start his workout. Too much head pressure is also a definate reality. Another thing most newbies don’t realize is you can have a little fuller CC’s and still keep the glans mostly empty, but that takes practice. I think for the average hanger a heavier flaccid isn’t necessary. What he has normally will work, as it has in the past, at least to start. :)

Point well taken.

Age is a factor as well. When I was 20 I couldn’t touch my dick without getting hard. Now, it’s a different story.

Bib used to talk about varying the tightness of his wrap to modulate head expansion. I find that this generally works pretty well, and often nothing else is required.

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Originally Posted by Juri
Hi, hangers!

I am really curious if there is a way for a hanger, let say Bib-starter, to grasp the internal structures. I use the Bib for more than 3 months and can say that it doesn’t matter how crazy I tighten the hanger it never grasps on the internal structures.

If somebody has the experience of grabbing the internal structures with a Bib, pleas could you share how did you do this miracle?

Coming back to the original question:

Vacuum hanging naturally grasps the internal structures.

Later - ttt

2 year old question about Bib hangers ;)

A vacuum hanger grasps the glans and pulls all the internal structures along with it but the glans itself is external.

Originally Posted by Piet
2 year old question about Bib hangers ;)

A vacuum hanger grasps the glans and pulls all the internal structures along with it but the glans itself is external.

Any device will pull/grip externally. Ideally, 100% would be transmitted to internal structures. Vacuum hanging comes closest to the ideal however the maximum weight is somewhat limited.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by hobby
No and yes.

No, in that I don’t think anything short of a strong vice cranked down damagingly hard can actually grip the internals if they are devoid of blood.

Yes, a hanger can get a good hold if you leave some blood in the CC’s in front of it and the hanger is adequately tightened. When weight is applied the hanger slides forward slightly, compressing the tissue and blood in front of it and rides on this “shoulder.”

Andrew69 mentioned this here. Also see my post two posts down from his.

I hate to revive an old thread, but I just thought others might need to read this. I recently started hanging and was having the same problem; the hanger only grapping directly behind the glands. Nothing I’ve read through in Hanging 101 or Bibs threads described this “blood shoulder”. After reading this I simply wrapped up, put the hanger into position, jelqed some blood in front of the hanger while compressing the head and now I’ve got a great shoulder a good inch or so above my head. I can totally feel the difference in sensation now that its not riding directly behind the glands, which is suppose to be very dangerous too by the way. This wasn’t described in the video or tutorial either. If you do like stated above you will create the shoulder when you do the pulse push.

Cheers, & Happy Hanging.

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

What if you use a regular hanger, longer than the bib, and clamp it around the sleeve. Then would you be able to add more weight to the vac hanger? It’s like the more weight you add to the vac hanger, the more it slips. I’ve tried it a couple of times, but didn’t do it long enough for results.

Sounds like you’re running to much toe in with the bib … neutral to a little toe out fixed all my slippage/ head pressure issues

Originally Posted by Deepwrath31
I hate to revive an old thread, but I just thought others might need to read this. I recently started hanging and was having the same problem; the hanger only grapping directly behind the glands. Nothing I’ve read through in Hanging 101 or Bibs threads described this “blood shoulder”. After reading this I simply wrapped up, put the hanger into position, jelqed some blood in front of the hanger while compressing the head and now I’ve got a great shoulder a good inch or so above my head. I can totally feel the difference in sensation now that its not riding directly behind the glands, which is suppose to be very dangerous too by the way. This wasn’t described in the video or tutorial either. If you do like stated above you will create the shoulder when you do the pulse push.

Cheers, & Happy Hanging.

The “shoulders” you speak of have nothing to do with skin or blood. The shoulders are internal and are what’s also referred to as the “sweet spot” where it comfortably stops moving forward. I also thought the shoulders were “formed” by the skin, but that’s not the case at all. In fact, if you’re relying on blood in your glans to form the shoulders, you will realize just how painful hanging will be when you increase weight.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!


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