Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Effectiveness of an ADS as a supplement to hanging

Motivated: I have always believed that the best time to keep extended is during RIM sleep, especially if you go to bed right after hanging. This is the time of your sleep cycle when healing is at its peak. You know when you enter this cycle because two things happen: one: we dream: Two: we get nocturnal erections. The next time you wake from a DREAM and check yourself chances are you will be hard if your penis is healthy. It is during these deep RIM episodes that the body is pumping in oxyigen fresh blood to heal the penile tissue. However, most of the vets here, even Thunder warn against sleeping in a traction wrap, so I do not advise it for anyone but myself. To me the gains are worth the risk. But here is something safe you can do while sleeping. Tuck your dick between your thighs as bar back toward the anus as possible. Sleep on your side. You will be amased how well the tuck will hold, because the scrotum and shaft skin is warm and plyable and kind of sticks to the body holding the tuck in place. Or you can wedge a pillow between your legs to help hold the tuck. I call this a sleeping Fowfer, or pillow fowfer, and it really gives flaccid length gains.

Bigblackstick: Sorry for going off topic, but I feel this is pertenant. In a way the sleeping Fowfer is kind of a ADS or an ANS if you will


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 05-14-2005 at .

IMO after studying the LOT theory, it seems it doesn’t matter whether you hang straight down or straight out, infact straight down has more benefits.

Hanging straight down stretches the ligs and the tunica. Hanging out with the same weight will stretch the tunica just as much but the ligaments will be out of the equation.

Hanging straight down with a weight will have the same effect on the tunica as hanging SO with the same weight. People hang SO because they can handle more, ligament fatigue is no longer the limiting factor in how much can be handled. Of course, in ADS the weights shouldn’t be substantial enough to get ligament fatigue, just enough to keep micro-tears open, so there are no limiting factors in ADS. So why waste time with SO ADS? It makes sense to get 2-for-1 and target the tunica and ligs, sure seemed to work for those tribes.

Also SD, is allot easier to do, and requires less privacy, as with SO ADS you’d have to have some kinda device protruding out of ones trousers. That itself it reason enough to ADS SD.

Big Girtha-
It would be hard to keep a ADS on 72 hours, due to numbness/coldness, nocturnal erections, is too risky. Do you ADS 72 hours straight?

Originally Posted by Motivated
Originally Posted by Monty530
An asprine a day can slow the healing rate enough to keep gains going for many people but for some the healing process is very short and they have gains problems.

I’ve never heard this discussed before. Please tell me more, if you can. Have others tried this?

You could do this, depends what’s more important penis size or health. Of course it’s a free country and I respect a fellow man’s decision, but personally to want to inhibit ones healing time seems outrageuos. Monty pointed out that I was a fast healer, in a thread not long ago, sure a bummer for PE but for life generally, it is advantageuos.

For the record, my experience has exclusively employed hanging as an agent for length. It does not seem to be necessary to supplement this activity with any prolonged stretching ritual, the damage is done and you have achieved the stimulus for growth. To do both is wasted effort in my opinion, if you understand the dynamics of the system it would seem that the ADS is superfluous.

Ligatures do not require a holding pattern to somehow mold into elongated states. The physiology requires excessive force to deform and weaken resistance to erectile pressure. Hanging will induce this trauma and that is it. An ADS in the fashion descibed will have the same altering effects as the watch you wear on your wrist all day. This is my experience, hang tough and hang long.

I wish this were true, but what you say just doesnt seem right. The tissues in a penis must be elastic, otherwise how would go from flaccid to erect? It is like a muscle, if you chronically stretch a muscle, say someone sits on your back and gets you into the splits. After that session, you will not have the splits, you will need to stretch throughout the day for weeks to assure the muscle heals at a greater length. The muscle is still elastic by nature even at a greater length, after are all its elastic qualities allow it perform it’s function properly, much like the penis must be elastic to perform it’s function.

This concerns the use of Asprine for decreasing healing.

Originally Posted by motivated

I’ve never heard this discussed before. Please tell me more, if you can. Have others tried this?

This has been discussed in other threads. What were looking at here is the effect of asprine or NSAID (anti-inflamatories) on the bodies healing capabilities. In either case they reduce swelling and pain. This in turn will prevent the flow of fluids enzyms and proteins that promote the healing functions of the body. Hense a slowing of healing.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Statement here: Hanging straight down stretches the ligs and the tunica. Hanging out with the same weight will stretch the tunica just as much but the ligaments will be out of the equation.

I have to take issue with this: If you were to hang SO and feel around your the shaft, I think you would find that the ligaments are definetly IN the equation. I wish that I could find an angle or position that hit the tunica only then we could see some very interesting upward curvatures. The only positions I think does this is the SU and then also the SO with a side twist or better thought of as over the thigh. Those definitly hit the tunica because it is only then that I will get swelling of the tunica after.

That’s my experience. If others have had tunica swelling from SD, I would be interested to hear that. I just don’t see how the tunica gets hit during SD.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Originally Posted by Monty530
The only positions I think does this is the SU and then also the SO with a side twist or better thought of as over the thigh. Those definitly hit the tunica because it is only then that I will get swelling of the tunica after.

Agreed. So what use would someone who is trying to target the tunica exclsuively (using higher angles in hanging) have in using an ADS device that only can be used SD?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

“Big Girtha-
It would be hard to keep a ADS on 72 hours, due to numbness/coldness, nocturnal erections, is too risky. Do you ADS 72 hours straight?”

Yes I do. It’s not hard at all. I keep it extended 24-7: Lead weights by day mag-wrap by night. If nocturnal erections get too tight in the wrap the sensation wakes me up and I pop off the wrap and tuck flaccid into the Sleeping Fowfer mentioned above. If my dick is not clamped, in my Bib, my pump tube or my girlfrind it is in ADS/ANS. Always no exceptions.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

Motivated: I have always believed that the best time to keep extended is during RIM sleep, especially if you go to bed right after hanging. This is the time of your sleep cycle when healing is at its peak. You know when you enter this cycle because two things happen: one: we dream: Two: we get nocturnal erections. The next time you wake from a DREAM and check yourself chances are you will be hard if your penis is healthy. It is during these deep RIM episodes that the body is pumping in oxyigen fresh blood to heal the penile tissue.

Nocturnal erections - I suppose mostly during REM, but can’t claim otherwise either

Dream sleep = REM (rapid eye movement) - Yes, definitely. Plenty of research to back that up. That is when we rearrange what we learned during the last waking period etc.

Healing at peak during REM - ??? Opinion or scientific backup? Do you mean healing of dick as a result of nocturnal erections or healing in general?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I do not believe in the thinking that so called “micro tears” are happening in stretching or hanging routines. If you were tearing anything even in nano amounts it would be painful to the supporting structure of the ligament. Yes, it is true, after a good hang your penis will contract aggressively. There is nothing wrong with this, this is what is intended to happen. YOU do NOT have to hold the penis in an artificially protracted state to advance growth; it just is not the way the body takes care of itself. Let the “little guy” curl up and hide, the damage has been done, the suspensory structure has been traumatized and weakened to a degree that will augment a larger erection down the line.

When you hang or stretch and it is done correctly, you are causing almost permanent deformation of the physiology. It is not necessary to put anything in a static hold to “cement” gains, this is a fallacy. If your a wrestler that has disgarded his headgear, the result can be “cauliflower ears,” these wrestlers will go through the rest of their life with this deformation, they do not have to wear weights in their ears to make the condition permanent. If you over stretch a balloon the damage is done, the rubber is weakened, it will never be the fresh balloon again. Holding your penis out straight with a wrap or rings might make you feel like your doing something but in reality; you are not. You will get gains through trauma and excessive stress to the structure. After that your workout is done. When you slam your finger with a hammer your fingers will clench up to reduce the pain and enhance healing, you do not need to fight the healing mechanisms of the body. Hang tough, hang long.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo


Yes. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) I don’t know why I always say RIM. Anyway, this is the time the body is at its most restful state and the entire body is healing itself not just the penis. There have been many threads discussing this; it’s not just my opinion.


I respect your opinion, but still disagree with it. There have been numerous threads debating the “Open Wound” theory. All I know is what I see, and since I’ve been wearing an ADS after hanging my flaccid length has drastically increased. I simply don’t turtle as much or as severely as I used to. I think some of this may just be because of my girth. I think my dick has simply gotten too heavy to turtle much. I’ve also lost some fat-pad. However, for what it is worth, I’m not seeing any more erect length gains at all. Then again, I’m not really looking for any. Girth and flaccid hang is what I’m after, and for that my routine is working well.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 05-14-2005 at .

Originally Posted by Monty
. That state when maintained during any phase of healing will cause not only a strengthening but also a retraction to the original length. Now I will grant you that if you have been able to maintain a consistent hanging routine within the confines of a complete healing cycle then, yes, you will obtain the gains you seek. However when ever a period of time has elapsed that healing can become sufficient without additional hanging you will experience an increase of ligament strength.

This is exactly what the opponents of natural enlargement have been saying all along, “if you weight your penis, not only is it dangerous but your ligatures will contract and it will actually make your erection shorter.” Well, I am here to tell ya that as long as you are not overweighting your penis (causing a the ligature to tighten and retract) the end result will be a larger boner. You never want to hang more weight than is tolerable, you want to build up to higher loads slowly. We have very different opinions on the veracity of growth inducing stimulus.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

It really sounds like we’re saying the same thing, light ADS along with heavy hanging that is significantly lighter because progress is more consistent. The greatest advantage of an ADS is the ability to sustain gains in the face of sporadic heavy hanging sessions. The benifical results are prevention of plateaus, and a great flaccid hang. Can we debate the concept that a greater flaccid eventualy equates to a greater erect lenght? I don’t think so because of numerous testimonies to that fact.

BTW BBS got your order in the mail and I’ll ship Monday.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Thanks Big Girtha, Magus, and Monty.

Big Girtha,

I’m one of those people who changes positions a lot when I sleep. So I think the idea of holding my penis in place during the night is out of the question for me. But thanks for the suggestion.

By the way, I noticed that you’ve experienced 1.75” gain in EG. Well done. What I’m curious about is, has your glans kept up with this growth? That is, has your glans grown by the same percentage? I know that for many people, the glans is much harder to develop.

Originally Posted by motivated

By the way, I noticed that you’ve experienced 1.75” gain in EG. Well done. What I’m curious about is, has your glans kept up with this growth? That is, has your glans grown by the same percentage? I know that for many people, the glans is much harder to develop.

Mine has stayed pretty much proportional. That could be attributed to swelling when I wrap for my PEweights to tight. It doesn’t take much and it is a delicate balance between too tight and falling off. Obviously when I get it too tight and my head swells I unwrap and give myself some air, but you see that in and of itself could be what has kept my glans up and in proportion. Not that I’m advocating head swelling as a practice towards a larger head because we’re talking about blood starvation here and you definitely don’t want to challenge cell death as a consequence to holding it too long. I for one do not want to see gangrene set in on my dick or disfiguration from cell destruction.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I believe that expansion can be achieved by two different mechanisms;

1) Frank stretching of the connective tissues. This is what Shilow is talking about, and in that he is correct…once stretched, its permanently stretched.

2) Stimulation of cell growth, ie. when they put saline implants under the skin and slowly over time increase the volumn. This will cause skin growth. I believe something similar can go on with the penis under constant, sustained mild forces. Hell, they can even lengthen bone with this approach, why not a penis?

The aurguements come in when we are refering to different concepts in the same discussion.

I think ideally would be to impliment both. First do hanging with sufficent force to cause the elastic deformation of the ligaments. When your improvements slow or stop, go to the longer sustained lower forces of ADS.

Mixing them at the same time intuitively seems to me to be counter productive.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I believe that expansion can be achieved by two different mechanisms;

1) Frank stretching of the connective tissues. This is what Shilow is talking about, and in that he is correct…once stretched, its permanently stretched.

2) Stimulation of cell growth, ie. when they put saline implants under the skin and slowly over time increase the volumn. This will cause skin growth. I believe something similar can go on with the penis under constant, sustained mild forces. Hell, they can even lengthen bone with this approach, why not a penis?

The aurguements come in when we are refering to different concepts in the same discussion.

I think ideally would be to impliment both. First do hanging with sufficent force to cause the elastic deformation of the ligaments. When your improvements slow or stop, go to the longer sustained lower forces of ADS.

Mixing them at the same time intuitively seems to me to be counter productive.

Sparky, you’re not thinking this through. If the body didn’t have the ability to heal completely then it would disintegrate. There are 3 distinct phases to the healing process. 1) Introduction of proteins and enzymes necessary to cleanout a broken or damaged ligament, this is the swelling stage. 2) Nutrients are then brought in for the healing process to begin to take place. Some caliginous materials are introduced at this point to facilitate reconstruction. 3) Returning of the ligament to its natural length. The ligament is actually shortened if necessary to bring it back to its original and normal state of length.

If this were not so then any time we sprained an ankle or any joint for that matter we would suffer permanent damage and our joints would not function normally again. That is not the case. Take the administration of Prolotherapy where in order to correct a ligament that did not heal correctly, an irritant is administered to the joint which starts the healing process anew and after a complete healing process is allowed to cycle the joint then becomes normal again. I have studies to back up my claims if you would like to see them.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights


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