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Effectiveness of an ADS as a supplement to hanging


I don’t know Sparky. 114F is pretty damn hot. Our hot tub is kept a constant 104 and I really have to ease into it, especially after hanging. There is a thermometer in the hot tub, maybe I need one for my heating pad and rice socks or I may splurge and get a IR lamp. But I think you are right about applying cold after hanging. I feel going from hot to cold right after hanging and/or pumping will probably cement gains in the same respect as putting heat then ice on a sprain. Or is it ice first then heat? I know my unit is real sensitive to heat during PE. Sometimes a heating pad or even a rice sock is too much. Also it seems that my flaccid length is at its longest during those post-PE stretches in the hot tub. Next time I get in that water after a session I’m taking a ruler and try to get a flaccid stretch length. I may be wrong but it just feel to me that stretching out my flaccid in that hot water after a good hang session, then slipping on the weights and jumping in that cold pool would shock or freeze the cells into healing in that extended condition. Perhaps a cold wash cloth or even an ice pack applied to the shaft after hanging would do the same thing, for those who don’t have access to a hot tub and pool.

I seem to recall a thread discussing the application of ice to post-PE tissues last year. I don’t remember the name of the thread or the outcome, but quite a bit has been learned since then. ADS devices have improved. Maybe we need to resurrect that old thread and see how it fares up to what we know or believe to be true about ADSing after hanging.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Is this what you guys are looking for. The first post says you want the temperature to be over 104 degF.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Thanks, ModestoMan: I remember this thread now, because it was when I was putting lead weights in the freezer. Lot of good reading here. Hobby really did his homework. For some reason I’d given up on the cold ADS idea, I think the cold was shriveling me and the weights wouldn’t stay on. Now that I’ve more girth that might not be a problem. Also I seem to recall Sunshine advising against it either in another thread or a PM, or maybe it was Monty. Might be worth another shot now that my penile tissues are tougher. I’ll let you guys know if my dick freezes and falls off, then that was probably what the warning from Sunshine or Monty was about

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

If I had a private hot tub, I’d PE in there (not to be confused with peeing), then step out either clamped or with the golf wts on.

Then just appy a cold cloth or better yet, go into the pool.

If its gonna work, then I think you just have to get the temp back down to normal body temp or slightly below.

Then I’d apply either a therawrap or something to try and maintain as much expansion as possible while you remain at normal temps for as long as possible.

No need for freezing temps.

"Plastic deformation occurs when collagenous tissue is heated to 40-45 degrees Celsius (104-113F) just prior to being stretched."

From the thread, "Plastic vs. Elastic Deformation: Time and Technique"
Plastic vs. Elastic Deformation: Time and Technique

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Thanks MX. I guess I wasn’t that far off.

I wonder if you hang while using a IR light to keep temp in that range, then cool off the penis while under load. I bet you would get better results with less wt than usual.

I was thinking about heat…if you use a hot wrap, then remove it, how long to you think the penis will remain in that effective temp zone?

My guess is not more than a minute or two. The constant blood flow to that area will help normalize the temp in a very short period of time.

I think you have to have constant heat to keep it in an effective range.

I’m gonna start hanging with a super simple vacuum hanger I made, start at 5 lbs for 15-20 minutes, maybe every other day…while using IR light. I’ll let you know.

While this is a little off-topic, I’d really like to see someone take a three-month decondition break and then try the following:
1. Use a IR heating pad capable of generating temperatures in the 104-113F range to warm up for five to ten minutes.

2. Hang one heavy, 20 minute set. Use heat for the first 15 minutes and an ice pack for the last five minute.

3. Remove the hanger and edge for 10 minutes.

4. Rest for two days.

5. Repeat for four to eight weeks.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Originally Posted by MX
While this is a little off-topic, I’d really like to see someone take a three-month decondition break and then try the following:
1. Use a IR heating pad capable of generating temperatures in the 104-113F range to warm up for five to ten minutes.

2. Hang one heavy, 20 minute set. Use heat for the first 15 minutes and an ice pack for the last five minute.

3. Remove the hanger and edge for 10 minutes.

4. Rest for two days.

5. Repeat for four to eight weeks.

I like how your thinking!

Originally Posted by MX
While this is a little off-topic, I’d really like to see someone take a three-month decondition break and then try the following:
1. Use a IR heating pad capable of generating temperatures in the 104-113F range to warm up for five to ten minutes.

2. Hang one heavy, 20 minute set. Use heat for the first 15 minutes and an ice pack for the last five minute.

3. Remove the hanger and edge for 10 minutes.

4. Rest for two days.

5. Repeat for four to eight weeks.


Very intriguing.

Please elaborate on the working hypothesis that has led you to identify this traing routine. I’m curious about the 2 day rest specification in particular. Why do you think that 2 days would be optimum for this training?

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

While several members have influenced my thinking about this type of routine, it’s basically Shiver’s routine applied to hanging.

When it comes to PE, there seems to be two schools of thought. One is the continuous work approach. When applied to hanging, the idea here is to hang as often as possible and then use an ADS whenever you are not hanging or asleep.

The other approach is to apply a certain amount of stress and then allow for inflammation, proliferation and remodeling (IPR). The bodybuilding crowd talks about this as exercise, compensation and supercompensation (or stimulus, fatigue, rest, recovery, and supercompensation).

What I suggested in the previous post is an example of the IPR approach. Would it work with hanging? I have no idea. It works for Shiver with manual stretching. It works for me with clamping. If someone wanted a very time efficient routine, it might be worth trying.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Thanks MX. I intend to look into this more.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama


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