Hanging discomfort
Hey guys,
I’m fairly new to hanging. Bought a BIB hanger about 3 weeks ago and have been hanging with it for about 2 weeks.
The problems I have been experiencing are as follows:
When i tighten the hanger, the skin on the topside of my penis gets sandwiched up in the join (where the top single screw is).
If i use a lot of padding, the padding also pushes up into this gap and makes tightening very hard.
Basically, the reason i tend to have to stop hanging is because of skin burn rather than lig fatigue which is really annoying me.
As far as wrapping goes… originally i was just using theraband, but this was really tricky and the skin tended to get folded up inside the wrap (so it pinched when compressed). Then i used the toilet paper to line the hanger approach - this worked pretty well up until recently when I’m getting this bloody pinching at the top.
Sorry if I’m being a newbie here guys but please gimmie some pointers!