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Hanging fear?


Hanging fear?

I heard hanging will make you have E.D.?

Nope, not if you educate yourself on the process and do it right.

Hanging is a side discipline of PE. Related yet somewhat alien to the rest of the concepts. Just being educated like Stevie suggests will really allay any fears you have. Be patient and not greedy with it and you will do just fine. Rushing stuff and cutting corners will wind up burning you temporarily in hanging.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Like the others said, E.D. from hanging would be from ignorance. With a board like this and guys willing to share mistakes and wisdom, there is no excuse for ignorance, so that only leaves stupidity and greed as Twat pointed out. Some fear is healthy as far as PE goes.


I’m tight with what all of these guys have said. Alice makes a great point about using fear to your advantage. It’s like boxing: Any fighter who doesn’t approach the ring with caution and fear is destined to get his clock cleaned.
I have seen posts where guys have literally broken their dicks - one guy while using a pump of all things. Everyone of these guys were caught breaking the rule of caution.

All areas of PE demand respect: You are distorting and deforming your anatomy, and if you get greedy and rush things to an unhealthy place you are going to get hurt.

If you invest a month and read as much of this forum as possible especially about hanging and its do’s and dont’s - you will come to realize that there is a basic plan that must be adhered to. Injuries occur when guys push the envelope and do things that were advised against. Caution is the rule not the exception. You will also find guys that had ED Prior to PE and have not only cured it but are better than they have ever been. You say that Hanging Caused ED in some cases - Which cases specifically? When you answer that and then analyze the exact cause case by case , you will no doubt find that the individual most likely did something not advised here.

What is E.D. ?

Erectile dysfunction is E.D. in English. Think of it as your dick stalls out like some old car on the road. You get half-assed and incomplete erections that are not under your command or time frame. ED is a big hassle on your sex life.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Also, E.D. comes and goes and in varying degrees. I have never suffered it - or at least I didn’t think I had until I recently took a nice long vacation with the family. I happen to be one of those guys who hangs a lot: Light weight and many sets, most every weekday. Interestingly, a little while into my vacation I noticed that my erections were rock hard and effortless to maintain - I was waking up with morning wood every day, where normally this is a rare treat.
I came back and was discussing this with 789, going on about how this proves that the daily stresses of life can impose on erection quality - then goomba 789 pointed out another possibility, one I hadn’t even considered: I wasn’t hanging.
Hanging so much so often is more likely responsible for the compromised erections I didn’t even realize I was suffering.

My encounter with this sudden Viagra-like wood can easily be a combination of things (my wife’s hot fat ass in a bikini for one), but it leads me to believe that yes, hanging can cause E.D. - not necessarily debilitating or permanent, but the idea has merit.

What a great thread. I was going to post this but was a little embarrassed because I have been suffering from weak erections and less morning wood. I struggle to make time to hang and try once in a while to jelq and do ULIs. I* of course hope it is temporary but will continue to hang.

Originally Posted by whome1269
What a great thread. I was going to post this but was a little embarrassed because I have been suffering from weak erections and less morning wood. I struggle to make time to hang and try once in a while to jelq and do ULIs. I* of course hope it is temporary but will continue to hang.

I dont hang as much as Cappy (not even close, almost no one is that dedicated) but I will tell you after many many conversations with him that I felt that his occasional issues with ED (boy is he gonna be pissed at me when he reads this) type symptoms were entirely related to his hanging schedule. You cant possible stress your dick that much and expect it to jump to attention like it used to. Plus he is a dumbass, stubborn, liberal, limp wrist. I only mean that in the nicest possible way though.

I really feel if you give your dick a decent time break that you will regain your previoius stamina probably better. You can see this in many many posts from the guys here in the forum.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by 789
Plus he is a dumbass, stubborn, liberal, limp wrist.

Call me limp dick, fine. But nobody insults my wrist.

I’m not an expert,but heres what I think.When you hang for a long time, Ive noticed an extreme gain in bpfl, so it would take more blood to fill up your penis at that time, more than your body is normally sending down there.So for a short time it may be harder to get a rock hard erection.I’ve found ulis help allot with that,but always becarefull

ED’ from hanging isn’t really ED, it’s like having trouble carrying your shopping bags after killer squats and bench pressing at the gym.

Cap, is it the case that you have no problems at the weekend? Especially Sunday?

Originally Posted by SS4Jelq
Cap, is it the case that you have no problems at the weekend? Especially Sunday?

Part of me wants to simply say “what problem?” because I really don’t experience this that way. I think your gym squat analogy is a great one: You can still walk to and from the shopping mart - you could even run like hell if you had to (when the security guard following you out of the store realizes you shoplifted more goodies than you purchased) but you simply aren’t 100%.

Before my vacation it had been quite a while since I took more than two days off from hanging. It was a full four days into my holiday that I began to notice morning wood and man of steel erections - so the weekends (when I don’t hang) apparently have not been enough time for this improvement to set in. Improvement might be the wrong word - “normalizing” is more like it.

Interestingly, the only recent memory of such a “normalized” EQ is when I first began PE, using the classic newbie routine: Wet jelqs, light stretching, and kegels. I do none of these things now and concentrate solely on hanging. What is probably most interesting is that after only four days off I was experiencing an EQ no different than I was when I first began PE. It is probably worth mentioning that during those first four days I was enjoying a higher than normal level of sex - which neatly eliminates physically “resting” my unit as a possible explanation.

As I have gone back into my regular hanging schedule I find myself right back where I was before my holiday.

SS4, I see that I misspoke: Hanging does not cause ED. A better term might be “Hanger’s Fatigue”:
Hanging a full-time schedule can create a short-term fatigue that negatively effects EQ.

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