Hanging & JAI stretches
I’ve been JAI stretching and wet jelqing since June after pumping for several years. I just decided that I’m going for a solid 10 inches after not that much luck with pumping. I measured (in june) bpfsl and it was 7.75”, 1/4 less then erect length. Now its hitting just shy of 8.5” (bpfsl). So the JAI stretching is working.
Here is the question, should I JAI stretch before or after hanging? I can do both if it’s a better idea. I plan on hanging a water bottle (1lb) for an hour or two to start. The force from the JAI stretching is definitely greater than 1lb. I figured doing them after because of that. Maybe doing lite stretching before and then the JAIs after. Any thoughts?
Also included a pic of my new 30$ vac hanger. The old one I posted on here from years ago has disappeared.
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09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"
01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"