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Hanging with a sock


Hanging with a sock


Does anyone else here hang by tying a sock around their penis? I actually just started doing this right now for the first time. I read a thread about 2 weeks ago about someone doing this, but I think he was only using about 1 or 2 pounds. Right now I have 7.5 pounds of dumbell plates inside a sock, and the other end is tied to my penis. It actually works really well! The reason I am doing this is because the BIB hanger I made is a piece of junk. I go to put it on and it take about 5 minutes. When it finally is on, the edges are always digging into my skin and I have trouble not pinching the skin as well. I try to put cloth or something in between the hanger and the skin, but it’s really hard to get in place.

This baseball sock (it’s really long) I’m using took about 5 seconds to tie and it hangs straight as well. Has anyone else done this? Is it bad because it is putting alot of presure right where I tied it?


yeah, i do the sock thing aswell

I use a small bottle filled with sand that weighs 8 pounds to fill the sock and then fasten it with a sean michaels cock ring.

How long are you wearing yours for and what are your gains??

I wear mine for 2 x 30 mins and over the past month and a half i’ve gone from 7” to nearly 7.5” (Bp figures)

Obviously getting a good stretch but I feel I could take more weight now

Nice Karmaz!

Glad to know someone else does this. Today was actually my very first time with the sock. For the past week thought I used my home made BIB hanger but it was too painfull. The cock ring sounds like a good idea but I don’t have one, so I just tie it on.

Shit, those are good gains! Hopefully I can do the same, then I’ll be at my goal (8.5” BP). I don’t know what my gains are so far, I’m going to measure at the end of this week.

People have been telling me to wear hangers for 20 minutes max, so I do between 2 and 4 sets of 20 minutes a day depending on how much time I have.

You’ve been ok with hanging for 30 minutes at a time??? Maybe I’ll try that, I would be alot easier to hang two 30 minute sets than three 20 minute sets.

Thanks :)

Sounds like a good way to cause nerve injury.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hey, sorry, just a couple more questions.

Are both your sets 8 pounds, and, do you jelq between sets?


I hang with 8 Pounds for both sets indeed

What I do mick is hang for 30 mins, and If looks a tiny bit off colour I have a look at some Porn, get myself hard, wait till my erection subsides and then hang again for same time duration.I also lie back in my chair and face my pelvis upwards as this seems to give a better stretch.

I would invest in a cocks ring though mick as It’s really easy to loosen the pressure if it’s a bit uncomfortable during the hang- The type I use is called a lassoo style ring and any chap at your local sex shop could tell you what that is I would imagine.

Afterwards I do some hot wraps and then jelq for about 600 3 second strokes at about 80% erect and do various exercises like erect bends, compression squeezes and some dry erect jelquing while looking at some porn……..makes it seem less tedious when surfing at the same time.

Momento: I’m curious to know how this could possibly cause nerve damage??

karmaz, if you are putting pressure on the top side of the penis its probably just a matter of time. This is the main reason that bib and hubbard hangers place the stress on the side of the penis.

The trouble with nerve damage is you won’t notice it until its way too late.

The larger the stress the more chance of injury but its also a matter of time and damage over time.

Before Bigger and Hubbard started designing hangers, noose style hangers were the rage - as were hanging injuries.

I’m going to pop this thread in the hangers forum, hopefully to bring in a greater range of responses from experienced hangers.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Memento has a point there. Maybe you could put some sort of shim or spacer on each side of the penis before you put the ring or ties on. Then the pressure would be spread along the sides instead of the top. Trouble would be, as always, to keep the thing from sliding off.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science. " Albert Einstein

It all depends on whether you wish to use your penis after getting bigger. Tieing various things around the penis has been around for a long time.

When you begin to first feel the numbness, if feeling does not return immediately after removing the weight and sock, then discontinue all PE. Feeling should return within a month or so.



Thanks again for the reply, hope you get some more gains. I don’t think I’ll get a cock ring though, I’m too embarassed. I’m pretty young and look even younger than I am and it’s just embarassing for me. Good luck with yours though.


When you say tying things around the penis has been around for a long time, has it been know to cause problems? Thanks.

Nix on tying things to your unit. You’re likely to make yourself numb, impotent or both.

Last edited by MX : 07-23-2003 at .


>When you say tying things around the penis has been around for a long time, has it been know to cause problems? <

Yes, in about every case I have heard of. Many tried it on the very first PE Forums with really bad consequences.

The thing is, there are many safe, cheap, homemade devices that can be found on this forum. The more time and effort you put into making a quality device, the better your results will be. If you do not want to take the time to make one, it might be better to stick with manual exercises.


I started out hanging with socks too. I started with very little weight like 3 pounds and increased the weight by .5 pounds weekly. Being uncut it took my ages to wrap it under my glans without skin getting in to the knot. Almost every time I got erections while hanging, after only a couple mins my glans turned cold and my foreskin became sore. Once I noticed the skin under my glans was getting harder and the little nerves weren’t as visible anymore I stopped.

After using a homemade hanger I could hang more weight with more comfort. Now everything looks fine again.

I’ve tried the homemade sock hanger, using a neoprene-padded velcro strap to fasten the sock around the cock. I can’t say I had any circulation problems. The reason I discontinued this method, however, is simply because I was inadvertantly targeting the skin and not the tunica and ligs. Seems to me a savvy PE’er could elaborate on this method, possibly increasing the side-grip on the cock, for a pretty effective and cheap I might add, way of hanging.


koknballz ,

Where’d you get the neoprene-padded velcro strap?

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