Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Privacy dilemma

Hi guys.

I’m both surprised and impressed by how much research has been done in the matter of hanging and PE in general. There are a lot of vital pieces of information without one would hardly achieve any substantial gains.

I’m let’s say a beginner and I have done some PE myself by the means of ADS and Jelq with manual exercises. I’ve gained in my BPFL but not much in BPEL which points to some ligament extension whereas only little tunicawise I guess. My girth is above average and that’s why I think there’s been only a minimal deformation in my tunica. And now I’ve come here to seek valuable info on how to apply stronger forces than ADS because I believe that’s the way to go for me now.

One thing I’ve learnt from this website is that you do NOT want to rush anything and that you really should listen to your body, after all, there’s only one healthy tissue you get in a lifetime. Everything about hanging intrigues me and I only regret not knowing enough info about what pulling forces actually do to your tissues and how they heal, I might have gained more from the stretcher.

Anyway, I would like to plan my schedule which I believe is essential once you get all the gear and equipment. There is my major concern and a question to ask. Do you have girlfriends? I’m asking because I can’t imagine spending 2 hours a day hanging with some light hanging days without my girlfriend noticing. Your babes actually watch you hang all that weird stuff from your dick?

My girlfriend doesn’t even want to hear a word about PE, because she is happy with my measurements as they are and it’s hard to convince her otherwise. How do you or possibly can you hide something like this? A two hour routine is just an activity that won’t remain a secret. I have quite a dilemma, I can’t start unless I find a way to get enough privacy. I just wanted to tell you how tempting it is to begin. Your girlfriends/wives are actually ok with something unorthodox which PE in general is?

Thanks for any input.

Last edited by memento : 03-11-2015 at . Reason: Paragraphed

Changing angle of attack

Originally Posted by blink2000

You should always hang at your primary angle of attack unless:
1-You’re too sore to hang at all otherwise. If 2.5lbs or some small amount of weight is too much, then you’ll have to change angles. If that still causes pain, you’ll have to stop hanging (take a rest day, etc)
2-you’re doing over 12x sets or 4 hours at a single angle. You’re 13th set should be at a different angle. Anecdotal data suggest massive diminishing returns past 4 hours at one angle.
3-You’ve maximized gains at that angle (you go a month or two with no gains at the angle), and you’re switching to a new angle.

In these cases, switch to your secondary angle. (Once again, your secondary angle can be anything, just pick one and stick to it).

Dear users,
I’ve put a lot of thought into this, and yes, I’ve started hanging. Everything regarding pain, discomfort or slippage is no trouble and since I started at 3 lbs, everything is going smoothly.

However, I’m a bit confused about changing the angle of attack. It is mentioned and recommended to choose a different angle after 12 sets of hanging. If I understand correctly, I don’t want to let my primary angle (BTC) to rest too long right? So now, when I’m about to attack from a different angle, when should I return to the previous angle? Or should I just light hang for previous angles and primarily keep attacking the current one and then repeat the cycle with for example more weight?

Thanks for any comments and thoughts.

That’s 12 sets a day, or 4 hours per day, if you’re hanging over that per day, change angles as it’s believed over 4 hours per day won’t affect that angle anymore. You shouldn’t start hanging that many sets per day anyway, work your way up

Originally Posted by hardhalfyard
That’s 12 sets a day, or 4 hours per day, if you’re hanging over that per day, change angles as it’s believed over 4 hours per day won’t affect that angle anymore. You shouldn’t start hanging that many sets per day anyway, work your way up

Aha, I completely missed the ‘12 sets a DAY’. Now it makes sense. No, definitely not there yet. Thanks a lot.

Hanging is only make penis very strong and strengthen lig so do it using only light weight

I have been reading/lurking this forum and starting and stopping pe for years since I first sign up.

But since December 2014 I have actually dedicated some time into hanging. I have gained close to half an inch from 5.5 to a 6” sometimes a tad more.

I started out at 3.25 Lbs might be a bit too much for someone completely new but like I said I had don’t manual exercise n some hanging in the past but I just kept on quitting. At this time I’m at 6.5 lbs. I usually only go up 1/2 pound at a time, I stay at a weight for weeks at a time.

It has only been a few months, but I feel that if you keep it simple and don’t over think it you can get more done. Some people want to do 3-4 hours of hanging a day, UNLESS you work from home or have NO social life that would be almost impossible and/or damn depressing. On workday I do 3 sets a day, when I’m not working I can go for 5-6 sets a day since I have more time.

-Start with a few light weight, 2-3 lbs, work yourself up slowly. I still shake my head when I read newbies starting at 8,9,11,15 lbs the hell is wrong with you?

-Set a goal of at least 3 sets a day, if you can do more if you can hang 3-4 hrs a day, cool, but don’t drive yourself crazy if you can’t do 3-4 hrs a day.

-Keep it moving stupid!! When I started hanging in December it used to take me 3-4 hrs to do 3 or 4 sets because I would do a 20 minute, remove the wrap get some circulation moving again(porn) then bs around for 30-40 minutes. A COMPLETE waste of time. You already spent $100 on a hanger of some sort so spend another $10 dollars by yourself 2 digital timers….one set at 20 minutes for yourself and another set at 10 minutes for your rest/circulation flowing again.


Hi Guys,
Has anyone in here experienced widening under the head after hanging? I have been hanging for about 1 year and I’ve noticed a slight widening under the head!! So I took a break from hanging as I was worried that It would widen more. To be more clear about this Issue I have attached a picture.

How can I avoid this problem .please Help needed!!

I use string on a weight plate, is this safe and will cause no penis deformity?

SO or Straight Out Hanging

SO hanging is the only way to go as far as I am concerned.

I do have a different approach to SO hanging in that I use a Bungee cord and anchor it in a couple of different ways. One is to anchor my bungee to a bracket that mounts on the back of my desk which is very close to crotch level. The other anchor is utilizing a bracket that fits on the hinge side of a door and can be moved up and down as needed.

Now one of the great advantages of SO hanging is the ability to not only pull straight out from the pelvis but merely twisting the hips from that position left or right which provides OTL (Over the Leg) angles. When those angles are incorporated into your routine you will find that length gains will progress faster.

Now in addition I could move the door bracket up or down to achieve additional angles and twisting the hips left or right from those positions just added to the stretching of the ligs so that SO was significantly enhanced. BTW stretching from the eye level anchor provides a stretch to the underside of the ligs which no other hanging position can provide.

There is also a very nice additional benefit to hanging angles and that is over the long term an increase in girth. I didn’t expect it but when my wife pointed out that her jaw was sore because I was bigger I checked and sure enough I had gained a full inch in girth. That meant that after I reached my length goal I didn’t have to do any girth work.

Now I should point out here that the amount of time devoted to angles doesn’t have to be anywhere near the SO position time. What is happening here is stretching the outer edges of the ligs which weakens them and then when the SO position is applied the center of the ligs stretches easier. Hence faster gains.

I would not recommend angles for than a minute or two stretching from angles. The predominant time consumed for a routine should be in the SO position. Typically I would use a 20 minute hanging time. Given that Gangren can set in when circulation is disrupted for periods exceeding 20 minutes, I strongly suggest routines that don’t exceed that 20 minute time limit. What I would do is release the clamp pressure on my hanger and allow 5 minutes or more for the color to return to normal then I would clamp up tight and do another 20 min. set with out taking the hanger off at all. This would allow me to accomplish several sets in a short amount of time.

Now I must reveal here that I found addition exercises that provides continued gains without increasing weight or stress levels. Those exercises incorporate Fulcrums into the angles above. If you’d like to receive a copy please feel free to ask.


09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

(Now I must reveal here that I found addition exercises that provides continued gains without increasing weight or stress levels. Those exercises incorporate Fulcrums into the angles above. If you’d like to receive a copy please feel free to ask.)

Please please please may I have a copy? It would be greatly appreciated.

Why not post it here Monty:. It is a PE forum after all.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

He has written it plenty of time, he uses his thumb as a fulcrum on different part of the penis and then different angles (especially over the leg, easy with a bungee cord and standing) to target the ligs in a different way during a session. Of course there’s also the use of an ads during the rest of the day.

Thanks Walter.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Memento or Walter, either one of you have a link or more descriptive routine from Monty?

I have hunted down his posts in the past since I find his approach very interesting, you should do the same (go on his profile and find latest posts).

That’s the explanation of fulcrum:

Fulcrums from any angle

Here is his view on ads:

What Benefits does an ADS provide?

From what I remember he wore his weights all day everyday, and added 3-4 20 mn sets most days of the week, often taking week ends off.

Now I wonder what he thinks about an ads such as the phallosan which keep the penis expanded and stretched, but not the ligs.


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