Thunder's Place

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Hanging 101

Originally Posted by Dvdck
I think you should master the newbie exercises first, apparently you didn’t master those yet and that’s why you are having issues with those, and still want to move on with more intense forms of PE

Just my 0,02

Yeah, You are right, I think I have to back to newbie and master it well with very low jelqing pressure. I hope it works well this time.

Thanks dude :)

With all honesty what is the best hanger I could buy? Best bang for buck ?

Is the zenhanger any good? I saw it looked pretty simple.

Originally Posted by Aaron22
With all honesty what is the best hanger I could buy? Best bang for buck ?

Is the zenhanger any good? I saw it looked pretty simple.

If you are going to buy one of the compress style hangers I highly recommended Malehanger. It has much better build quality and more durable material than bibs hangers. Bibs hangers has old and not very good manufacturing process.
Besides that MH comes with one extra adjusting rod.

Here is some pictures of my new MH.

(215.4 KB, 74 views)
(217.9 KB, 52 views)

Do you use a sleeve or how ?? Does it come with instructions? And what girth do I have to be ?

Originally Posted by Aaron22
Do you use a sleeve or how ?? Does it come with instructions? And what girth do I have to be ?

I use only ACE bandage, it works best for me. No matter what girth you are, you can adjust MH to your size.
All informations (including videos) are here: malehanger3 dot boards dot net.

Don’t use a MH, I bought it and it’s a waste of money. Buy a BiB Hanger, its more money but a much better choice.

03/27/2015 BPEL 5.5" former stats BPEL 6.8" Goal BPEL 8.5-9" former stats EG 5.2" EG goal 6"

I'm targetting length for now. Any advice would be appreciated, Thanks!

What type of weights do you guys use ?? I’m looking for something like the zenhanger weights.

Originally Posted by tomray
Don’t use a MH, I bought it and it’s a waste of money. Buy a BiB Hanger, its more money but a much better choice.

Where do you get yours?

I just use a pipe coupling and ty-wrap a split ring to the hose clamp. It has been good for 36# in the past, which is way more than needed for Hanging! I was also only able to hang that amount for about 1 minute, btw ;) I have used it with 12# quite easily, but as the community recommends, just use the lightest weight that will still show gains, because you tend to make your ligaments tougher with extra heavy weights.

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Does IR heat make a difference ? 125 watt heat bulb.

When is a good time to clamp and do girth work after hanging? I’m hanging because tunica is my limiting factor for girth.

Originally Posted by tomray

Don’t use a MH, I bought it and it’s a waste of money. Buy a BiB Hanger, its more money but a much better choice.

Better choice? In what? That hand poured polyurethane quality? :D I think you don’t know how to use MH.

People who say that bib hanger is better than Malehanger:

1. Never used MH

2. Don’t know how to use it

Originally Posted by Status
Better choice? In what? That hand poured polyurethane quality? :D I think you don’t know how to use MH.
People who say that bib hanger is better than Malehanger:
1. Never used MH
2. Don’t know how to use it

I personally have only used the Bib. I did enjoy it. There are a few members on here that have used both the MH and Bib and typically prefer the Bib.

Started 11/2014 6" BPEL x 4" MEG (Ballpark #'s)

As of 01/2017 7 1/2" BPEL x 4 7/8" MEG

18 Month Comparison Pic

Originally Posted by Aaron22

When is a good time to clamp and do girth work after hanging? I’m hanging because tunica is my limiting factor for girth.

How far into hanging are you? What type of hanger? How conditioned are you? What PE have you done leading up to hanging? Then I’ll give you my thoughts on girth work with hanging

No hanging guru but I’ve done some and I’m currently sitting here with 7 lbs strapped to my wang. And I’ve done girth work combined with hanging

Originally Posted by 8x6Dream

I personally have only used the Bib. I did enjoy it. There are a few members on here that have used both the MH and Bib and typically prefer the Bib.

I agree. No I’ve never used the MH and I never will. Just looking at those pics makes my dick hurt. I know bib has a hardcore version but the padding makes all the difference for me. I’ll stick to bib


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