Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
What makes you think I don’t already have a trophy case filled with golden penis medals? ;)

Just kidding. So glad the info is useful. Keep us posted on your results!

Ahhh oh man, sorry. No means for offence. :)

I have to adapt that here potentially people are easily irritated. Makes me coming back to my glans. With water they feel like fish at home. No irritation at all after 4 hours of wearing (and as you noticed me and "Claude" are totally new in this area of method).

I had to use the bigger bell and add more silicon around the shaft to seal. And hell yeah its hardly to believe but it holds firm and while I am typing here it pulls and holds like a champ.

So again thanks for the awesome insight and passing over knowledge. It is very very much appreciated.

Wish you all best start into the week with the best gaining vibes. Cheers

Originally Posted by claud_be_bigger
Ahhh oh man, sorry. No means for offence. :)

I have to adapt that here potentially people are easily irritated. Makes me coming back to my glans. With water they feel like fish at home. No irritation at all after 4 hours of wearing (and as you noticed me and "Claude" are totally new in this area of method).

I had to use the bigger bell and add more silicon around the shaft to seal. And hell yeah its hardly to believe but it holds firm and while I am typing here it pulls and holds like a champ.

So again thanks for the awesome insight and passing over knowledge. It is very very much appreciated.

Wish you all best start into the week with the best gaining vibes. Cheers

Friend, I’m sorry—I was just making a silly joke and am not easily irritated. Most here aren’t. It’s a fun and supportive community.

I don’t actual have any other golden penis medals, lol. I tried to make it clear I was kidding with the wink emoji. No offense taken at all. Again sorry if I came off the wrong way.

Glad it’s working for you and, again, best of luck in your gains.

Rock out with your cock out!

Haha same here. No worries and joke was absolutely understood. I could have kept this one for me, but I couldn’t resist :) . I do not take myself too serious.

Thanks and many winks back !

Jelktoid routine is one of the best

Originally Posted by amrO
Jelktoid routine is one of the best

Thanks. You mean this routine? Jelktoid’s Routine
I like the simplicity. However I currently pump every evening 10min like described here Vacuum Pumping 101


No I mean 4 hours hanging as advanced

If you new to hanging just aim for the 4 hours the more time you put you will gain more briefly and simple

I don’t like pumping

Last edited by amrO : 01-24-2024 at .

4.5 Oz All Day

Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts were on hanging 4.5 oz around the shaft all day. My thoughts were to keep it stretched throughout the day but I am not sure if it’s enough to be worth doing.

Originally Posted by RhinoD
Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts were on hanging 4.5 oz around the shaft all day. My thoughts were to keep it stretched throughout the day but I am not sure if it’s enough to be worth doing.

Given that light weight, and being all-day, that’s more of an ADS topic, not hanging… There’s an entire ADS forum. Hanging generaly refers to using higher weight for shorter periods of time. ADS = all day system refers to devices you can (sometimes) wear all day.

Depending on where you are in your PE journey; you don’t have to go straight to all-day efforts to gain. I’ve been using an ADS 20 minutes per day making good length gains (with about 2lbs of force). I’m not going to add more time (or weight) until it’s needed.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

@Blink, thank you for this thread and I wish I would have read it 14 years ago. In your experience do you still not recommend hanging with anything else? I have been hanging 30 min and water pumping afterward for 20 min max. I was just wondering if after all these years water pumping was ok to do after hanging, I’m not sure if in 2010 water pumping was as hot then as it is now.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

@Bemorethanbig Good question.

Personally, I pump after my length routines; I use 10 minute sessions (as Avocet suggested) and that works quite well for me. I haven’t been hanging for about 10 years (I took a long PE break)… But, even if I go back to hanging, I plan to pump as part of my PE routine, unless I feel like it’s having some negative impact. You’ll have to use your best judgement. If you’re gaining, it doesn’t hurt & PIs (positive indicators) look good, then you’re on the right track. if you see negative PIs (bruises, injuries, pain, shrunken flaccid, or lack of gains in spite of having a very intense routine), it’s time to take a step back & recalibrate.

In the guide I suggest not mixing really intense / advanced girth routines with hanging (like clamping + hanging). Really, I’m just saying, use common sense & don’t go overboard; if you’re hanging with a lot of weight, that’s pretty intense already. Be careful about what else you mix in to your routine. Some kinds injuries can be permanent, so better safe than sorry. One thing I’ll add is always use heat; whether it’s rice socks, wrapping an infrared pad around your unit while hanging, or you can point a space heater at your unit… you will gain faster & minimize injury risk (there’s a great thread called "Hanging With Fire" that goes into specifics about getting the right level of heat). From that same thread:

“Above 104F (40 C) occurs thermal transition of the microstructure of the collagen, significantly enhancing the viscous stress-relaxation of collagenous tissue and allowing greater plastic deformation during stretch. (Mason and Rigby 1964, Rigby et al 1959)”

My personal experience reinfoces the above; I’ve noticed when I keep my unit warm at all times during my PE routines, I seem to gain faster.

Finally, one last caveat: target length first, then girth second. However, Avocet & others (and I myself) seem to gain length just fine while pumping.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

I meant progress indicators for PI

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

@Blink Thank you!! Thank you for this. I was doing some ULI’s after some hanging but I also felt it was a bit too much for a routine, once I hang for a season I will go back to jelq and ULI’s and see what works. During all this, I continue to water pump and always heat up with NIR+RED pad. Thanks Again Blink!!!

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Hanging Newbie needs help

Hi everybody. I am new here and just started my hanging carreer this week (after half a year Newbie Routine) and have a basic question about hanging techique. I have a few struggles with wrapping and fumbling around but I eventually always get it right somehow. Anyways, I made this picture (Attachments) of how I attach my Wrap (blue), and then the Hanger (green). Now my question is, if I got the concept of the grip right : you apply pressure with the hanger sideways, in order to grab the internals (just the corpus cavernosum). Then there will build up two blood-filled shoulder parts (red) of the corpus cavernosum under high pressure, which prevents the Hanger from being pulled off (no blood flow in this front shoulderparts of the corpus cavernosum (red)). The Corpus spongiosum and the glans are not supposed to have any blood fillings under high pressure.

Just wanted to make this post for safety, because I didn’t want to start my hanging carreer in uncertainty about if I got the concept of "grabbing the internals" in the right way.

Appreciate all comments and help from more experienced hangers :)

[My Hanger: Captns Wench / Wrap: Theraband / Weight: 2.5 pounds]

(89.4 KB, 102 views)

Start: July 2023 (BPEL 6,5) (MSEG 4,9)

Now: April 2024 (BPEL 7,2) (MSEG 4,9)

Goal: (BPEL 8,5) (MSEG 4,9) - then start girth routine

It would be interesting to have someone who knows how to do it. thank you

To me grabbing the internals means there is enough grip that the hanger won’t slide with the skin and end up butting up against your glans and effectively becoming a noose style hanger.


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