Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

@Scienceguy thank you. The first couple of times trying to attach the hanger is quite hard for me as a beginner. It is slipping off with the skin sometimes and that’s why I am trying to figure out the concept behind it.

Start: July 2023 (BPEL 6,5) (MSEG 4,9)

Now: April 2024 (BPEL 7,2) (MSEG 4,9)

Goal: (BPEL 8,5) (MSEG 4,9) - then start girth routine

Helllo FettaSchwaunz. Clearly that looks like a compression hanger… generally with compression you have max 20 minute sets & you also should push blood out of your glans (there might be some blood still in the shaft so perhaps it might pool like that).

I agree with scienceguy, pressure should entirely be on shaft / zero pressure on glans. Also, there should be no pain. Generally, most hangers use something like theraband around the shaft to make it easier to attach the compression hanger — and I do see the wrap shown in the figure, so I’m sure you understand that. I think the wrap can (to an extent) help distribute the pressure & protect your unit while you hang.

Start slow - you can get major gains with very little weight & very few sets early on (e.g. 2lbs, 3lbs & just a few sets).

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

I’ve decided to add hanging to my PE routine, on my push towards the magic 9". I’ve been doing PE for just over 3 years now, so I’m pretty conditioned - what weight would you recommend I start at? And for how long? Thanks - you guys are great 👍.

Originally Posted by blink2000
Helllo FettaSchwaunz. Clearly that looks like a compression hanger. Generally with compression you have max 20 minute sets & you also should push blood out of your glans (there might be some blood still in the shaft so perhaps it might pool like that).

I agree with scienceguy, pressure should entirely be on shaft / zero pressure on glans. Also, there should be no pain. Generally, most hangers use something like theraband around the shaft to make it easier to attach the compression hanger — and I do see the wrap shown in the figure, so I’m sure you understand that. I think the wrap can (to an extent) help distribute the pressure & protect your unit while you hang.

Start slow - you can get major gains with very little weight & very few sets early on (e.g. 2lbs, 3lbs & just a few sets).

Thanks for the answer blink2000. Yes I use Theraband-wrap, max 20min sets and a Captns-Wench Hanger with 2.5lbs. But I feel like I have to push blood into the corpus cavernosum in order to build an anchor for the Hanger not slipping off, while I push blood out of the glans at the same moment (Otherwise it would slip so far forward to just pull on the glans). Then after like 10-15min the glans also has completely filled with blood. I Take off weight and hanger then, push out the blood of glans again, push blood inside corpus cavernosum for anchor and then keep hanging until 20min set is done. Not sure if its supposed to work like this or if it is just me who can not get a proper grip of the internals in any other way. I am grateful for any help. Thanks guys!

Start: July 2023 (BPEL 6,5) (MSEG 4,9)

Now: April 2024 (BPEL 7,2) (MSEG 4,9)

Goal: (BPEL 8,5) (MSEG 4,9) - then start girth routine

What hanger should I get?

I haven’t made length increases with either. Maybe girth increases

Bib starter

Stealhs, vac hanger systems.

FettaSchwaunz: it’s odd your glans is filling with blood. Is the wrap or the attachment possibly loose? Personally I never got the Captain’s wench working like I wanted and ended up using the bib hanger. Lately I am only using a vac hanger (stealthformen). The bib is faster/ easier to attach but I have to limit sets to 20 minutes. The vac hanger takes me twice as long to put on, but I don’t need to take it off. Back to your question- you’re using a Captain’s Wench which I never got working/ maybe someone else can advise. It shouldn’t slip, so you’re right to ask because yes, it sounds like something is wrong.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

1. How much weight should be placed on a hanging setup which I keep on "permanently"? I’ve looked at the beginning of this thread - Hanging 101 and saw that "Followers of the Indian Shaiva Naga Sadhu sect, Peruvian Cholomecs, and Karamojong African tribesmen have all used ‘hanging’ to increase penis size (or in the case of the Sadhu, to destroy all feeling in their penis)."

2. I’m trying a home-made apparatus with medical grade thin rubber tubes holding (currently) 0.5 lbs (or ~225 g) metal weights. I have made a small 1-1.5" diameter loop at its top which I’m hanging on the "head" of my penis. It is just looping around and the knot is at the bottom and then the weights. The tube is stretchable, inexpensive and quite comfortable. Note that I am not circumcised, so the foreskin wraps a bit around the tube and keeps it "covered".

3. Because this is quite discreet - I can keep it on for the entire day, but want to increase it to a safe limit. Because the tube is stretchable, it handles erections quite well. I still need to remove the setup, but I can feel it being stretched and then can discreetly enter the bathroom and remove it. Can also pee with it on (just move it to the side to prevent dripping on it - too much detail? :D ).

4. I have experimented and kept it on at night, but not quite finding the right position to sleep in. I can sleep on my back or either side, and even if I sleep with it on, I wake up in the middle of the night because of an erection and then need to remove it. That’s not a problem. I can just remove it safely and discreetly under the sheets.

5. I mostly work on a standing desk, so it’s a great time to use this kind of setup. When I sit, the weights rest on the seat of the chair so there isn’t any pulling which happens - so all the more incentive to keep a standing desk posture as much as possible.

6. I want to increase the weight because I’m feeling that it is too low a pressure/pull - and I absolutely am comfortable keeping it on for 10-12 hours in a day, but wanted the community’s opinion on what weight would be "okay". Obviously, I can try increasing the weights until I get too uncomfortable and then back down - but just wanted to learn from others’ experiences first.


Last edited by nhihwq2 : 08-09-2024 at .

Hi nhihwq2:

There’s guys wearing ADS / extendes several hours or more per day without injury. You mention making your own; it may be safer to use a known DIY schematic that others have good results from (e.g. CAPN’s Wench). In terms of weight, you really don’t need much if you’re going to keep it on all day. I don’t think most extenders go beyond 4-5lbs, but I’m no expert on those (although I’m going to try one sooner or later)

Here’s the Extender / ADS forum: Penis Extenders

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

Thanks for the insight @blink2000! Did not know about the ADS terminology. Have started exploring the threads there. Found this to be interesting / applicable for me:

Extender From Aliexpress

I think I’m looking for a soft/comfortable glans covering tool and that is attached to either a hanging or a belt strapping setup.

yes, that’s an example of an extender.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

Originally Posted by nhihwq2

3. Because this is quite discreet - I can keep it on for the entire day

You might want to check out the thread in the Progress and Pictures section called “ADS Tips”. There are two options there that might work for you.

Extremely impressive write-up. Thank you for investing the time and sharing it with this community.

Originally Posted by slides

Extremely impressive write-up. Thank you for investing the time and sharing it with this community.

Thank you & glad you found it helpful! Initially I made the post because hanging knowledge felt too scattered across this forum (and others), so the goal was the consolidate all the key ideas into one place.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG


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