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Having to drop hanging weight

Having to drop hanging weight

Hi. I recently worked up to hanging 5lbs. When I first started hanging that weight, I could do so with no problem. I even figured I would need to go up to 6lbs. Now, I can no longer hang 5lbs. Note that my ligs feel fatigued. I have had to drop down to 4lbs. Is this because the ligs are weak from being stretched?

Hi, gogojvc!

You are lucky to get fatigue with just 5 lb! Many guys on this forum have to go to 20+ lb. To get fatigue. So it is normal to drop weight when you can’t hang with the current one.
Don’t worry, just keep going!

My question what does fatgue feal like? I can go with 5lbs and just feal a good stretch.

gogojvc: that is good you are feeling fatigue/soreness. That means gains are just around the corner. I recommend searching for posts by BIB around 2001 to 2003 you can get tons of great information from those posts. He is like a local hero around here.

Panhead-65: there are many types of fatigue type feelings in PE. Everyone has to learn on there own what those feelings are for themselves but generally speaking for me fatigue was like last night when I was hanging OTS like 5 times in a row with 10 pounds and after all that, I tried to masterbate to some porn and I couldn’t hold a erection for a long time, it took a lot of effort to get it up. I don’t worry about that anymore because I know through lots of expierence and listening to others that that is common when you are training correctly for PE (sometimes) and then you need to rest a day or two and your dick will be bigger (gains). Fatigue when I am hanging in SD or BTC type positions seems to fatigue/soreness around the base of the penis where the pubes starts (where the ligs are) and fatigue/soreness I’ve just learned from hanging OTS, OTL and SO in the outer and inner penis shaft is good for tunica gains. 5lbs is ok as long as you don’t feel it is too weak. Try doing a couple consecutive SD sets if your LOT is low and see if you feel fatigue/soreness around where the ligs are, then you know if 5 pounds is ok.

All this information I said to you guys may seem like a bit much for you to understand right now, but hang in there (no pun intended) and keep asking questions and reading all the information we have here at Thunder’s. If you are really serious about PE then you are at the best place on the whole web for the latest and best information in PE. Keep at it.

Fatigue while hanging is simply the inability to continue to hang due to discomfort. One caveat here though is that the hanger attachment must be sound or skin soreness can cut your workout short of achieving lig and tunica fatigue. Later, fatigue feels like you strained your dick, like it would hurt a little to tug on it. Skin soreness however feels like a burn and even if you rub gently on the skin it feels sore. I have found that a slight amount of retraction accomponies the fatigued state. I can relieve this retraction with a few sessions of 10-15 minute manual stretches. It feels good and when there is no more give to it, I quit.


Originally Posted by gogojvc
Hi. I recently worked up to hanging 5lbs. When I first started hanging that weight, I could do so with no problem. I even figured I would need to go up to 6lbs. Now, I can no longer hang 5lbs. Note that my ligs feel fatigued. I have had to drop down to 4lbs. Is this because the ligs are weak from being stretched?

Congratulations, you done the right thing.

Originally Posted by gogojvc
Is this because the ligs are weak from being stretched?

Yes, stay after them while they are weakened. Use caution when the fatigue is real intense.

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