Originally Posted by cenvil2001
1) I use a 2.5 kg water jug
2) why don’t you endorse hanging?
3) what do you endorse?
A few months ago, I revived and idea I worked on a few years ago, doing immediate pre- and post-exercise BPFSL measurements, noticing that some exercises led to immediate gains, and others to immediate losses. Any stretch over a second or so left me shorter, so I abandoned long, hard stretching.
So then I got to thinking this might be an interesting way to determine optimum weight. What I found, to my surprise, was that any amount of weight left me with a shorter BPFSL immediately afterward. So I abandoned weights (not that I was hanging anyway).
So I’m sticking with the 3-Step stretch routine, which always leaves me longer afterward. Doesn’t mean my theory is correct, but it’s what makes sense to me now.