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HELP!! Hanging is shrinking my dick!

HELP!! Hanging is shrinking my dick!

I just passed the 3 month mark since I started hanging. I’ve been extremely dedicated, hanging 2-4 hours per day, 5-6 days per week. I’ve gradually increased the weight. I started at 5# SO and can now comfortably use 20# SO. I’ve mixed things up a bit. I’ve done some BTC (15#), some OTS (17.5#), and some over the arm of the chair (17.5#).

Here’s the problem: My BPEL is actually 0.1” SHORTER now than it was when I started.

I have tried to resist the urge to just add more weight, but I’m starting to wonder whether that’s the only way. Bib believed gains were achieved by “plastic deformation,” i.e. by applying enough force to stretch the tissues beyond the point where they could spring back to their prior lengths. I resisted this view at first, preferring instead the theory that time and heat more than weight was the crucial factor. But now I’m rethinking that.

Although the weights I’m using may seem like a lot for someone only 3 months into hanging, they feel light to me. With a LOT of only 7 or 8, I focus primarily on my tunica. My tunica seems to adapt very quickly to increased weight. With any increase in weight, I only manage to feel fatigue for the first couple of days. It takes me longer to adapt for BTC sets, which are focused primarily on the ligs.

As I’ve said in other threads, I don’t use ADS. Neither did Bib, however. I believe that I keep the tissues extended simply by maintaining a high hanging frequency and doing vigorous manual stretching several times during the day. I have believed that that would be enough to keep the tissues from healing in their prior positions.

To promote plastic deformation, I’m wondering whether I should just keep adding weight so that I always feel at least a little bit fatigued, even if it seems like a lot. What are your thoughts?

It may also be important to know that my girth is on the high side, at 5.8”. Perhaps with my girth, I simply have more fibers to stretch, and more weight is needed to achieve what others with less girth could achieve with less weight.

Also, what are your thoughts on my not using ADS?

I really appreciate your help !

I’ve had periods of temporary shrinkage from taxing PE. This was an actual reduction in size - both BPEL and BPFSL - not reduced erection strength. I don’t know if working to this point is desirable or not. Eventually the length returned, plus a gain.

If you’re not heating, start now. I had my best results warming up for 10-15 minutes in an extremely hot bath. By hot I mean 114 degrees before I got in - f’ing hot! I’ve found any less than that temp doesn’t give me a good warmup. 112 is a waste of my time - might as well not bother. 115 is too much. 114 is hard to climb into, but tolerable. Water has a high specific heat, meaning a lot of heat is required to raise its temperature. A couple degrees difference in a tub full is quite a difference in the amount of heat.

After the warmup I used a rice sock each set. If you’re using one get the sock real hot. Don’t burn the rice, but come close. Put a towel or old folded t-shirt between the sock and your penis. As the sock cools during the set, unfold layers of t-shirt or towel. This keeps things warmer for longer than using a bare sock that can’t be heated as much to begin with.

Also, try to hang every day. I often need to increase the weight after taking a couple days off. Solution: don’t take days off. :) Even a short session of a few sets helps maintain the fatigue.

> I’ve mixed things up a bit. I’ve done some BTC (15#), some OTS (17.5#), and some over the arm of the chair (17.5#).

Don’t mix things up. Pick one position and stick with it. A little of this and a little of that won’t get you much in the way of gains, but it will strengthen your dick.

If you get plenty fatigued in your primary position you can switch to a similar secondary position. For example, if you’re fatigued at BTC, hang half-BTC or SD to shift the focus of stress while still keeping some on the already fatigued tissues.

So, heat, hang one position only, and don’t skip any more days than absolutely necessary. I believe this is the most effective way to hang.

As for ADS, I’m not a fan. All the ones I’ve tried either don’t apply enough tension to do any good, fall off, cause circulation problems - such as fluid buildup, or irritate my skin.

I think hanging every day is enough. Last time I gained well I hung two sessions per day. I did the bath warmup routine in the morning and then an hour or more of hanging. In the afternoon I did a few sets using only the rice sock for heat.

Originally Posted by hobby

So, heat, hang one position only, and don’t skip any more days than absolutely necessary. I believe this is the most effective way to hang.

Because it’s not always convenient to hang, I’ve been using fowfers in place of hanging (sitting under an ass cheek) when necessary, hoping this will be a good enough substitute during a day. When I don’t hang for a day, I’ll still manage to get in some fowfer sessions that day. I’m thinking fowfers are ideal for filling in loss of time gaps when hanging, even if they aren’t as effective as hanging. Effective plan or not? What do you think? In other words try to hang twice a day, but fill in any missed hanging sessions with fowfers.

Fowfers aren’t an adequate substitute, IMO. They don’t create enough tension. But one good hanging session each day should be enough. Just don’t skip a day.

I think there could be 2 reasons for the 0.1” decrease in length. Firstly it’s possible because of all the PE you’re not getting a 100% erection. Secondly the ligs may have sprung back by 0.1” by not being stretched all the time. For me it’s the same amount, when I start targeting the ligs I gain 2-3mm when I stop they will slowly vanish again. I don’t think you should worry about it.

I’ve hung SO and with a 45 degree upward angle for 2-3 months (I never keep track) some time ago. In the beginning I noticed my septum taking most of the weight which gave me some kind of fatigue feeling. After a while it was apparently stretched enough to not take all the load anymore and the only feeling I felt was my tunica being stretched but without getting any fatigue feeling. In the end I started to feel my CS being stretched too and that did give me some fatigue feeling. I took a break not long after.

I can’t really remember at what point I changed the angle and if that had anything to do with my septum not taking all the tension anymore. However considering we’re stretching a flexible cylinder playing with the angles could make it possible to primarily stretch the top or bottom of the tunica.

Now I don’t know if the reason you don’t feel your tunica reaching fatigue is because it’s too tough or you just can’t feel it, but instead of just adding weight you could play with the angles.

Thanks for the advice, Hobby. I started out “hanging” exclusively SO and only added the other positions when the weight started to climb with no results. I was frankly concerned that I was adding weight too quickly and was attempting to divide and conquer as a way of keeping the weight down.

I use a rice sock, but I don’t always bother to heat the region thoroughly before beginning my sets. I’ll try to improve this.

As you said, I think the biggest problem is rest days. Rest days are evil for hangers. I would take the weekend off and come back to find that the weight that was burning my septum on Friday felt like nothing on Monday. Up goes the weight and, along with it, the donut and the skin soreness.

What do you think about focusing my efforts on SO? Since I have a low LOT, this position will primarily hit the tunica. I might secondarily want to do some modified BTC (seated on the edge of the chair with the weight hanging straight down). Do you think this is a reasonable plan? How much time do you think I should give it before considering another change?

I hope I’m not being too greedy for advice, but I appreciate your help.

Hey Piet,

Thank you for replying. I can see that playing with angles could be helpful. Perhaps I could try putting a pipe or bar under my shaft while hanging SO, to add a “fulcrum stretch” component to the exercise?

When you were doing your 45deg stretching without feeling any fatigue in your tunica, do you remember whether you gained at all?

I used to think that a little force was all it took to gain, and the tissues would respond by lengthening. But increasingly I’m turning away from this mode of thinking and returning to Bib’s “plastic deformation” approach. You need enough force to stretch the tissues. I suspect that, if you’re not feeling the burn, nothing is happening.

No unfortunately I didn’t gain from it or not enough to notice. I think for me gaining from the tunica will require a lot more time and weight. I was still working my way up in weight like you.

I’ve never spent much time on SO. It may be fine, but I needed more weight than other positions there to feel anything so I’ve mostly avoided it.

For a shaft focus I’ve used fulcrum and OTS. When fulcrum hanging I often rotate the whole penis/hanger assembly 90 degrees to the left or right, alternating directions each set. If you try this, limit sets to 10-12 minutes because circulation is reduced. Oh, and use a sock or something to protect your nuts, ‘taint and cheeks when turned to the right - the bolts on the Bib can be wicked. Fulcrum is a good complimentary position to OTS and requires less weight.

That said, no two dicks are exactly alike. I feel fulcrum mostly on the bottom. Others report feeling it in the septum. If it works your septum, SO may be a better complimentary position than OTS. Go by feel.

The goal is to stress your target tissues until fatigued and then spend some time in the fatigued state. Once those tissues have had enough, you can switch to a similar but different position until the target tissue has recovered enough. Don’t allow full recovery. Go back to your primary position as soon as possible.

Fatigue builds, not only over a session, but over consecutive days of hanging. A weight that doesn’t feel like much on the first day may be too much by the 4th or 5th day, so don’t be in a hurry to crank up the weight.


This makes a lot of sense. I also found this older post dealing with SO:

so hanging and tightness/fatigue

It appears that SO is not optimal because it works both lig and inner tunica in parallel and thus requires more weight. Bigger recommends flipping and flopping between BTC and OTS, to really isolate the structures.

I think I’ll make my primary position BTC for now. I’ll give it a couple of months to see whether I get any gains. Once those are exhausted, I’ll switch to OTS.

Thanks again for your help. I knew a course adjustment was needed, and I feel you’ve helped to get me on the right track.

Yeah, it makes more sense to work fewer tissues at a time. Divide and conquer, as Bib says.

Good luck, and don’t skimp on the heat.

I agree with hobby. I think that moist heat is the key. I also found that manual stretching right after heating and then jelqing a bit after hanging produced the best results for me.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

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