Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Homemade Hanger Models and Instructions

I can’t see how you could hide any appreciable weight under your pants; anyway, do a search for ‘Anchor magnetic’, maybe it is close to what you are looking for.

Can anyone tell me what material is used for the “jaws” of the hardcore bib hanger?

I would like to know what materials Bib uses for his hanger, does anyone have any info regarding this?

Have you done a search?

Here is something for everyone to get if no one here mention it. I have an htc cell, I download an app called “mobile kegals”. You can add your own exercises but it come with 4. You can set it to do 30 clenches, 12 sec each, relax for 8 secs between each clench. It will tell you when to clench and release by speaking or vibrating. I use it for kegal and counting reps for other exercises.

Hey guys what is a good and easy to make hanger with illustrations of the way to make it and materials needed with detailed pics please

what is the bib hanger made of can someone give me the name of the stuff i will need to make it thank you

May 2010 el 6.5 eg 5.9

Jan 2011 el 7.2 eg 6 GOAL:JUN 2011 8x6.5 LONG TERM GOAL:9X7.5

April 2012 el 7.5 eg 6 going to be huge ;) wish I had before and after pics.. Newbies do it for your own sake!

I had once seen a homemade hanging device which was made from elastic type tubing which could be bought from pharmacies (can’t recall the name of the tubing now). I have been looking for this thread for quite a while but have not been able to track it down. If anyone knows which device this is that I am refering to, I would greatly appreciate any assistance finding it.


Pumper Hanger Idea

Hi, I am usually a pumper but I really want to make some serious gains in length.

So here I am reading this post about hanging which really interests me and I came to an idea that popped in to my head.

I don’t know if anyone has thought of or even done this but one thing I keep reading is that these hangers keep falling off or are very uncomfortable!

So, how about using a cylinder that we pumpers normally use and attach a weight to the end?

Simple, hopefully solving many issues.

I think this will work well and I will try this myself and gt back to you. The reason I think it will work well is that it is gripping your entire shaft length and not pulling just behind the head.

Hope you like my idea, post and let me know.

Bump !!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Originally Posted by sg6869
Hi, I am usually a pumper but I really want to make some serious gains in length.

So here I am reading this post about hanging which really interests me and I came to an idea that popped in to my head.

I don’t know if anyone has thought of or even done this but one thing I keep reading is that these hangers keep falling off or are very uncomfortable!

So, how about using a cylinder that we pumpers normally use and attach a weight to the end?

Simple, hopefully solving many issues.

I think this will work well and I will try this myself and gt back to you. The reason I think it will work well is that it is gripping your entire shaft length and not pulling just behind the head.

Hope you like my idea, post and let me know.

Something like that ?

>So, how about using a cylinder that we pumpers normally use and attach a weight to the end?<

I think that most of us who have used a pump have pulled on the cylinder to see how it feels. It increases the vacuum above the safe level in a hurry. This in turn can give you a lymph donut around your circ scar.

Also you will not be pulling the internal structures directly, instead you will be tugging the skin and making more of it get pulled into the cylinder by your scrotum.

If the cylinder is very tight and you wrap your circ scar, you might get the desired effect. Then watch out for blisters on the glans.

You should give it a try. I could be wrong. It was along time ago that I used a pump.


Originally Posted by sheLovesIt
>So, how about using a cylinder that we pumpers normally use and attach a weight to the end?<

I think that most of us who have used a pump have pulled on the cylinder to see how it feels. It increases the vacuum above the safe level in a hurry. This in turn can give you a lymph donut around your circ scar.

Also you will not be pulling the internal structures directly, instead you will be tugging the skin and making more of it get pulled into the cylinder by your scrotum.

If the cylinder is very tight and you wrap your circ scar, you might get the desired effect. Then watch out for blisters on the glans.

You should give it a try. I could be wrong. It was along time ago that I used a pump.


I think that you are speaking to sg6869 :) . I totally agree with what you say…

I found this other commercial device using the same principle :

Thanks Graal. Yes it was sg6869 who I meant to comment to.

I followed that link you posted. Interesting, a newbie might get some gains from this but again, a tight cylinder, wrapped circ scar and possibly wrapped glans. Maybe this is related to something called “condom” pumping which I never read up on.

A Bib hanger is the way to go long term! The learning curve on any compression hanger (homemade or not) is a little steep but if you follow Bigger’s (Bib’s) instructions carefully you can manage it.

But hey, this thread is about homemade hangers which I support. I made one myself over a decade ago.

I keep gaining slowly but surely. I took some breaks but never fully quit.


Originally Posted by Graal
I think that you are speaking to sg6869 :) . I totally agree with what you say…

I found this other commercial device using the same principle :

I think somebody around here used this product. I don’t see how much is different than a normal air pump.


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