Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Homemade Hanger Models and Instructions

anybody got pics of a homemade dog muzzle hanger

Just an idea.. Could a home made hanging device be made using a Chinese finger trap? I know the average bell end is larger than a finger but Chinese finger traps can me made using ribbons and the weight could be hung straight from the other end. So simple if it could be done

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15/03/10 - Starting size (6.0" length x 5.0" girth) Progress Report

03/09/15 - Current size (6.5" length x 5.5" girth)

??/??/?? - Goal size (8.0" length x 6.0" girth) Syler wants a bigger dick to hurt you with!

Have just found a new ADS weight that I am playing with. It is simple to use and relatively discrete for a weight clamped to your dick.

The weight is a zinc shaft anode used for salt water marine boats as a sacrificial metal. I got a 1” shaft anode and clamp it on. I use two strips of a medicine or vitamin bottle to keep the closing joint from pinching my skin. These are cut down to 3/4 inch wide strips slightly longer that the weight with rounded corners. I use a lycra fabric sleeve to protect my penis. This is a tube sewn with a thin lycra content polyester that I pull on first. I put on the sleeve, hold the two PET bottle pinch guards opposite each other and slide the anode on with the PET bottle pieces centered to the joint in the anode. I leave my glans sticking out so that I can monitor color and temp to ensure that I am not to tight. When I tighten up the anode I do not get skin pinched and can adjust the clamping pressure.

Careful that you do not do it too tight.

Do an image search for “zinc shaft anode” and it will all become clear. I do not know the weight of the one I have. It could be heavier but the goal is a long gentle tug with blood flow.

Happy hanging.

Originally Posted by Jack714

What exactly do you mean by “hollow sides”? I haven’t logged into the forum in a while, sorry for the delayed response.

To be honest, I only hang a few hours a week. I know most everyone on here is out to increase their size but I’m mostly after the sex drive boost.

I’m 40 and a few years ago I noticed a dip in my sex drive. I’m not one to take drugs, so I looked for an alternative.and read about hanging. For me, it’s a sex drive boost and that hanger seems to do the trick. My sex drive is no different now than when I was 20, and it just takes a few sets of hanging per week to keep the sex drive at peak levels and erections rock hard.

Sorry I missed this post. With hollow I mean when closed there’s room for a tube to go through. So the amount you can compress the sides of your penis is limited. Also you will put pressure all around your penis including the top of your shaft where the nerves are. I think your device acts more like an Uli device or weighted clamping.

When the sides are flat you can tighten the hanger a lot more, the more rigid the sides the better your grip.

Hi Guys, I need a homemade ADS idea. Does anyone know one ? I could not find any in this forum. I don’t want to use the silicon ones.

Also guys what is the best silicon ads to buy ? I checked out but there are a lot of them being sold so I want to know which one get the most positive feedback.I will order it from the U.S.A to another country so I don’t wanna make a mistake. Please help me out.

Hi Thriller,

this forum has an excellent search engine (5th button from left to right at the top of any page). I found these in few seconds
My homemade PE gear
Homemade ads
Homemade ADS

there are more, just search - ‘title only’ option is better, most of times. Search for ‘homemade stretchers’ also, it could be interesting.

I’m making the captains wench but can’t find where to buy the soft touch grippers pad. I’ve looked everywhere but can’t seem to find a store that has them. Oh, I live in Vancouver, Canada.

Have just found a new ADS weight that I am playing with. It is simple to use and relatively discrete for a weight clamped to your dick.

The weight is a zinc shaft anode used for salt water marine boats as a sacrificial metal. I got a 1” shaft anode and clamp it on. I use two strips of a medicine or vitamin bottle to keep the closing joint from pinching my skin. These are cut down to 3/4 inch wide strips slightly longer that the weight with rounded corners. I use a lycra fabric sleeve to protect my penis. This is a tube sewn with a thin lycra content polyester that I pull on first. I put on the sleeve, hold the two PET bottle pinch guards opposite each other and slide the anode on with the PET bottle pieces centered to the joint in the anode. I leave my glans sticking out so that I can monitor color and temp to ensure that I am not to tight. When I tighten up the anode I do not get skin pinched and can adjust the clamping pressure.

Careful that you do not do it too tight.

Do an image search for “zinc shaft anode” and it will all become clear. I do not know the weight of the one I have. It could be heavier but the goal is a long gentle tug with blood flow.

Damn that is a great idea. I have them in all sizes in my toolbox and never thought of that.

Have you had a reaction to the metal?

I need to read up on zink. This could be the best idea for an ads I have seen yet.


I wanted to order a bib but did not want to spend the money so I came up with something on my own.The size of the contraption is 4.25” X 2.75”. PVC is easily formed when heated to 300 degrees. I used the gripper padding like is used in the captains wench. I super-glued the strapping to the PVC and it has held up to 15lbs so far. Next time I will have to make it a little smaller.

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Instructions for the DIY muzzle hanger:

Muzzle Hanger

iHang Muzzle

:hanger: 15 lbs now. Angle: BTC

This is GREAT

Originally Posted by Piet
Sorry I missed this post. With hollow I mean when closed there’s room for a tube to go through. So the amount you can compress the sides of your penis is limited. Also you will put pressure all around your penis including the top of your shaft where the nerves are. I think your device acts more like an Uli device or weighted clamping.

When the sides are flat you can tighten the hanger a lot more, the more rigid the sides the better your grip.

This hanger seams to work pretty well, but I haven’t used any other types of hangers so my perspective is limited. When it’s properly attached, I basically feel a dull pull - no pain or pinching whatsoever.

The straps are malleable, and the rubber bands allow for adjustment as well, so the sides can be as flat as you need for it to be comfortable. Now that I look at how I use it, the flatter sides of the straps are at the sides of my penis, and the open areas (where the wing nut is) is at the top and bottom. When I wrap, I wrap up from the base towards the head, and then attach at the base. I use two layers of wrap, the top of which is an Ace bandage, and the initial layer is the ultra thin, paper-like wrap that is typically the first layer of wrap for sports wraps (the brand name escapes me at the moment).

I guess I’ll have to try another hanger to see if I feel a difference.

I’m currently hanging anywhere from 3 to 6 sets a day, 20 minutes per set, 3 days on and 1 day off.

Whats a good hanger to make for ads and light weight hanging that I can wear under warmups

in public and also use for an ads with the red tubes of MB?



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