Thunder's Place

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I am absolutely lost when it comes to hanging. I feel like Helen Keller in here.

I am absolutely lost when it comes to hanging. I feel like Helen Keller in here.

Without a doubt, the one aspect that I am absolutely baffled and confused as hell about is hanging. I don’t even know where to start because I am so handicapped when it comes to hanging, so don’t get mad at me if I sound like the dumbest person to ever stumble across Thunder’s Place.

I read Hanging 101 + Sample Routine and that all makes sense to me.

I read Wrapping drawings and first of all, I don’t even know what your wrapping around the penis but I understood step 1. In step 2, I don’t understand how you spiral down the wraps on your penis if your pulling it outward and it’s already wrapped around your penis. Do you add additional wrap? In step 3, I have no damn idea how I’m gonna make a hanger. You all say they are so easy, but I think they are confusing as hell.

I tried reading Homemade Hanger Instructions and that’s where I easily get lose the most. All those threads claim to be simple, easy, cheap hangers. Well, by the looks of them, I got a better chance building a pipe bomb.

Basically, I’m really getting hung up on the hangers. Without hangers, I just have a wrapped penis for me to look at. For Christmas, I’m getting golf weights, mainly because they double as golf weights for golf. I have a 10 lb. dumbbell in my house, and I’m sure I could find things with different weights.

I almost just want to duck tape my penis to a dumbbell and wish him good luck because I am so damn confused and so damn frustrated right now. On top of it all, a toddler is better at building things than I am. I’ve never been good at building anything my entire life, and I regularly fuck things up when I try to create them. I don’t wanna drop more than $20 on hanging, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Hopefully you guys can help me out, because if I don’t get help, I might be in the OR getting a roll of duck tape removed from my penis.

Don’t dick around with your dick. Get a bibhanger. I stopped hanging over a year ago so I don’t even know if they’re still available. But I can tell you it works.:)

Springer240, you could try to make a vacuum hanger like this : - Vacuum hanger/ads babbis style

I just bought a bib-hardcore starter (his newest hanger) and tried it a couple of times but quickly decided that it was not a device I would be using. I started out my hanging career with a vacuum hanger and can honestly say that it is WAY more comfortable then wise style hangers. Again, I am talking about comfort here, hanging is hanging for the most part, so anything that pulls your penis should work. There are allot of people that have had great success with bibs hangers.

Good luck!

If you have 2 left hands, buy, rather than build a hanger.

Instead a bib or any other compression type hanger I suggest considering to purchase a vacuum hanger.

Good luck

Later - ttt

Vacuum hangers are very comfortable for short periods of time at low weight but I can tell you that some of us have not had the greatest time with them — just a head’s up. I was expecting vacuum hanging to be this wonderful experience through which I would be able to realize better results than manual stretching, with more comfort, and less time (since can do it while just sitting at computer doing other things). However, so far, it has been an experience more of constant fear of blisters and lots of fluid buildup at low weight with maximum session lengths of 30m. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out ways of addressing the fundamental problem of edema from the vacuum, but every approach that I have tried so far has been frustratingly flawed in one way or another. I know a lot of other people seem to have success and are able to use higher weights for longer durations, but some of us don’t seem to be able to do more than like 5lbs without severe fluid buildup and fear of blisters. I think a lot of my trouble is related to being uncircumcised, however.

To describe the way the capabilities of my building, it would say that it needs to be “So easy, a caveman could do it.” I read the bib hanger and it does seem simple, but I don’t know how long the pvc pipe is in length from end to end. I feel like I have a high tolerance of pain as well, so I will go with cheapness here.

There’s some instructions I don’t understand. “Make a cut with a hand saw about 3-4 inches lengthwise (split it). Don’t split it in half, just cut it down one side. Then cut off about 3 inches of pipe (across).

Imagine now that you unroll the tube. With nippers, scissors, saw, whatever, cut out one quadrant of the plastic. In other words, if unrolled, measure down one side 1 1/2 inch and measure over 1/2 way across (about 2.36 inches on a 1 1/2 in ID pipe). Cut out this part.”

I also looked at the picture, wouldn’t that fall off your penis?

Originally Posted by Springer240
Without a doubt, the one aspect that I am absolutely baffled and confused as hell about is hanging. I don’t even know where to start because I am so handicapped when it comes to hanging, so don’t get mad at me if I sound like the dumbest person to ever stumble across Thunder’s Place.

I read Hanging 101 + Sample Routine and that all makes sense to me.

Try watching the video too.
Hanging Video

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