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My problems with upper angle hanging. Please help

My problems with upper angle hanging. Please help

<Please move this thread to the hanging forum>

Hey guys

I try to work in upper angle hanging into my hanging routine now, and have been trying it for quite some time without ever really getting the hang of it. Lately, even with a pre and post workout warm-up, I have been getting alot of red spots on the underside of my shaft close to the head as well as spots over the top of the shaft. The area where the spotting was really bad under the shaft has started to darken a bit and I am concerned.

I use the Captains Wench with a strap that I loop around my neck or shoulder to pull the unit up and away ( tighten for tension ). In downward angle hanging, it is pretty easy to understand if you are hanging properly because you should feel the stretch mainly on the ligs, but in upward angle stretching, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to feel where.or how much.

All I can tell so far, though, is that no matter how loosely or tightly I try to make my Wench grasp the inner penis, the wench almost always ends up pulled over the glans uncomfortably, and I can’t seem to avoid the spotting. I can endure the 20 min at a time sets just fine, but in the end I’m not sure if what I’m doing with upper angle hanging is having any true effect.

To all you hanging pros out there, may I ask what your methods have been for effective upper angle hanging gains? How do you avoid puling the wench over the glans- thus squishing the glands inwardly etc ? Is it avoidable?

Please help :)



How far down the shaft are you putting the wench on? I put mine a hair below my circumcision scar. Also, how much blood do you have in the glans? If you haven’t got enough blood in the head, it will be easier for the wench to ride over the head. It’ll take a lot of experimenting, but figure out what the ideal amount of blood to have in the glans for you is. Obviously if there is too much blood, it’ll look like it’s about to pop and then you’ll have red dots on the glans, or atleast I did. I leave a little blood in there as a nice “shoulder” for the wench to sit on.

I honestly haven’t got a freakin clue as to why there are red spots on your shaft though.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

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