Important Hanging Question
Twice now I’ve damaged a nerve with my Bib starter, once from hanging and once from using the device for manual stretching. The first time it took a few weeks to return to normal; the second time it took about a week, as I was careful to monitor for this kind of damage. Still, it’s scary!
I posted on this problem after the first incident and received some helpful feedback. But it has happened again! I’m quite certain that the problem is not with my wrap—unless I’m not using enough layers of wrap. I use one strip of theraband. I also paid close attention to my unit twisting in the hanger, so I don’t think this is the problem either. I was doing two 15 minute sets per day of manual stretching with the hanger, so it’s probably not a time issue.
What else could be the source of the problem?
My hunch is that I’m tightening the hanger too much. I tighten it as much as I can. Then every few minutes into a set, I tighten it some more as it loosens up.
So here’s the main question: How tight should I set the hanger? I’m afraid that if it’s not tight enough, things will slid and slip too much and generally make hanging less comfortable.
Please help. I want to start hanging again, but I’ve got to sort this problem out first.