Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More proof that long periods of hanging may be beneficial?

Originally Posted by curt76
I’d like some feedback from people who have had success. Particularly guys with a decent septum. I use an lg and hang with an ir lamp and have gained roughly 1/4 inch in the last year. I’m very reluctant to add weight because once you move up you condition you penis its hard to go back down. Once I added the heat to my program my flaccid immediately improved and I knew I was on the right track. I have hung with 12 pounds but once I added the heat I went back down to 7.5 and was able to reach fatigue. Now, I’m up to 10 pounds and want to get all the gains possible at this weight before I move up. How soon do others move up, do you always get fatigue? I know I have room to move up but I’m reluctant. I do some fulcrum hanging but not much so far. Does everyone reach fatigue here and once that goes away they move up in weight? I’ve been using the lg for almost a year now and its great. But keep in mind I don’t think anatomy wise every penis is the same. If they were you would have showers and growers. Forget size, but not all penis are the same. Thats why I ask guys with a septum and have had success.

We all have a septum, some are just tougher than others.

For me, I found that 7 to 10 lbs for a couple of hours per day worked well.

I had previously hung much heavier with a Bib Hanger which was a fantastic but it became hard for me to maintain with my life’s daily routine. I also experienced the beginning of numbness, likey due to something I may have been doing incorrectly at that weight.

I still gained though at a lighter weight. After hanging I would wear my LG as a stretcher. I rigged up a small belt and wore it below my knee with a price of elastic, my wife had sewn it into a circle. She made me 3 different sizes for different amounts of tension.

I wore this after work with very baggy sweat pants at home and could get 3 to 4 hours of what I called tension hanging.

At one point with the hanging and my rigged up tension hanger, I was logging 4 to 6 hours a day combined.

I gained 3/8ths to 1/2 of an inch in about a year and a half but this was after my original newbie gains of 1/2 of an inch then another 1/2 toths from hanging with my bib.the approximations in measurements are due to me not really measuring very often and some better EQ days than others.

I would consider my septum tougher than average and I do believe that people with the “chord” benefit from longer sessions of hanging/resistance but that is just my experience

I went up in weight when I felt my sessions were to easy but at two hours of hangtime that will be a slow progression. I usually dropped weight as the sets went on, I use fishing weights in various sizes so when I could hang a specific weight for the full 2 hours without dropping, and could do that for 3 straight days, I upped the weight.

If you are using the lg hanger, I recommend working up to the heaviest weight the product will allow. This will bring the fastest gains in the shortest time and you don’t want to work back down.

Originally Posted by Threshold
If you are using the lg hanger, I recommend working up to the heaviest weight the product will allow. This will bring the fastest gains in the shortest time and you don’t want to work back down.

What makes you say that?

(06-2017):NBPEL: 6.3 MSEG: 4.8

Now: NBPEL: 6.7 MSEG: 5.9

If you didn’t have to get stronger tissue you could hang the same weight for the rest of your life and make the same gains every year. This just doesn’t happen.

Fulcrum hanging

So I been at this for about a year and half. Using an LG hanging straight down with an heat lamp and staying below 10 pounds. I started to fulcrum hang recently and I noticed my flaccid was really good so of course I kept at it and I think I did too much. I eventually reached a point where I started to turtle again and I felt that this was the point where I had overtrained. I backed off and gave my penis a couple days rest and then the good flacid came back. I had the floppy cock that we all like. I use a dow rod that I bought at Home Depot an wrapped it with a plastic and when I go to hang I put Vaseline where my penis will be so it can slide over the plastic and the skin don’t catch. But I am a newbie on fulcrum and was looking for feedback on weight, overtraining, and etc. My flaccid greatly improved until I hit the overtraining part so I know I was on the right track. I also turn my cock over so that the septum is running flat with the dow rod. My skin on my cock is dry now also cause I am stretching it like it has not ever been stretched. Right now I am doing about 5 pounds for about 15-30 minutes and then I finish it off with a straight down hang with about 7-9 pounds and a heat lamp. I got a pretty strong septum. I have gained about a 1/4 inch after 1.5 years of hanging. Non bone pressed I am 5.75 and now hitting 6 and 5.6 girth with good EQ. I want to break the 7x6 barrier and then I’m good. Any feedback on this training or what anyone has learned would be greatly appreciated. This is a great website and learn a ton from others. Thanks.

Originally Posted by curt76
So I been at this for about a year and half. Using an LG hanging straight down with an heat lamp and staying below 10 pounds. I started to fulcrum hang recently and I noticed my flaccid was really good so of course I kept at it and I think I did too much. I eventually reached a point where I started to turtle again and I felt that this was the point where I had overtrained. I backed off and gave my penis a couple days rest and then the good flacid came back. I had the floppy cock that we all like. I use a dow rod that I bought at Home Depot an wrapped it with a plastic and when I go to hang I put Vaseline where my penis will be so it can slide over the plastic and the skin don’t catch. But I am a newbie on fulcrum and was looking for feedback on weight, overtraining, and etc. My flaccid greatly improved until I hit the overtraining part so I know I was on the right track. I also turn my cock over so that the septum is running flat with the dow rod. My skin on my cock is dry now also cause I am stretching it like it has not ever been stretched. Right now I am doing about 5 pounds for about 15-30 minutes and then I finish it off with a straight down hang with about 7-9 pounds and a heat lamp. I got a pretty strong septum. I have gained about a 1/4 inch after 1.5 years of hanging. Non bone pressed I am 5.75 and now hitting 6 and 5.6 girth with good EQ. I want to break the 7x6 barrier and then I’m good. Any feedback on this training or what anyone has learned would be greatly appreciated. This is a great website and learn a ton from others. Thanks.

If you’re experiencing dry skin, simply use a bit of coconut oil. It’s amazing, ez to get, and naturally moisturizes.

I’ve been doing a 6-7 hour stretch about five months with the phallosan band but my own custom clamp. And then I’ll hang weight for about an hour. I notice I’ve gotten a little gain but getting impatient. Does anyone else do long stretching and have good results? In the beginning I noticed flaccid gains and erect gains but I feel I’m stuck. Probably got 1/4-1/2” in that time. Is this good for how long I’ve been doing the long term stretch and weight hanging?? Thanks


Nothing will hurt you more than impatience.

You might just be a slow gainer, and that’s fine. I’m probably slower!

If you are getting slow gains, my advice is keep taking the slow gains. Better than risking injury because you wanted to gain faster.

PE is a slow game. There is no faster “hard mode”. If you want, try experimenting with mixing in other exercises. It’s possible other workouts targeting other areas might enhance the effectiveness of your routines. Just don’t forget the PI’s.

could anybody explain to me what exactly is “fulcrum hanging”??? I’m really finding trouble to understand the concept.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Originally Posted by bigee
We all have a septum, some are just tougher than others.

For me, I found that 7 to 10 lbs for a couple of hours per day worked well.

I had previously hung much heavier with a Bib Hanger which was a fantastic but it became hard for me to maintain with my life’s daily routine. I also experienced the beginning of numbness, likey due to something I may have been doing incorrectly at that weight.

I still gained though at a lighter weight. After hanging I would wear my LG as a stretcher. I rigged up a small belt and wore it below my knee with a price of elastic, my wife had sewn it into a circle. She made me 3 different sizes for different amounts of tension.

I wore this after work with very baggy sweat pants at home and could get 3 to 4 hours of what I called tension hanging.

At one point with the hanging and my rigged up tension hanger, I was logging 4 to 6 hours a day combined.

I gained 3/8ths to 1/2 of an inch in about a year and a half but this was after my original newbie gains of 1/2 of an inch then another 1/2 toths from hanging with my bib.the approximations in measurements are due to me not really measuring very often and some better EQ days than others.

I would consider my septum tougher than average and I do believe that people with the “chord” benefit from longer sessions of hanging/resistance but that is just my experience

I went up in weight when I felt my sessions were to easy but at two hours of hangtime that will be a slow progression. I usually dropped weight as the sets went on, I use fishing weights in various sizes so when I could hang a specific weight for the full 2 hours without dropping, and could do that for 3 straight days, I upped the weight.

you’re so lucky to have a woman that not only accepts PE, but helps you with it.

Question: can BTC stretching lead to similar results as hanging if done properly and long enough per session?

Start: BPEL 6 3/4 MEG 4 3/4 BPFSL 6 7/8

Goal: at least 7 1/2 NBPEL x 5 1/2 MEG.

Perspective is everything. Progress thread: From anxious to confident

Originally Posted by redmorsilla
could anybody explain to me what exactly is “fulcrum hanging”??? I’m really finding trouble to understand the concept.

Place a wood dowel/rod or similar over your thighs and drape your penis over it. Part of your penis is stretched laterally and part of your penis bends over the rod and is stretched down. The fulcrum (rod) is moved every so often to change the bend point.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters

Place a wood dowel/rod or similar over your thighs and drape your penis over it. Part of your penis is stretched laterally and part of your penis bends over the rod and is stretched down. The fulcrum (rod) is moved every so often to change the bend point.

I can’t thank you enough, so I’ll try on a different languate Muchisimas gracias!

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

This is one of my favorite threads going right now. I had good success with using an extender, but had to stop due to lymph blockages caused by the base.

Since then I’ve tried a lot of different forms of hanging (US and FIR) and kept it at low weights - less than 6lbs, which has given me good short term measurements - unfortunately all of that reverted after a three month break and didn’t come back quickly.

So, knowing one of the universal truths of PE is that everyone’s different and what works for one may not work for the other. Thinking that way, I decided to try another approach - vac hanging using FIR with a little more weight - I’m at 8lbs now - I’ll keep it under ten lbs and for as many hours in a week as I can - sort of like an extender approach.

Im ideally aiming for 20h per week. I’ve hit 15 hours the last three weeks and see some signs similar to when I was extending, so maybe this is what works for me - only time will tell.

If that doesn’t do it, then I’ll move on to the next approach. FWIW, today I measured at 18.75cm BPEL.

Mar21 - BPFSL: 6.5", BPEL: 6.5", NBPEL: 6", MEG: 5.5"

Feb25 - BPFSL: 8" (cold), BPEL: 7.5", NBPEL: 6.875", MEG: 6.5"

One Day - BPFSL: 9.5", BPEL: 9", NBPEL: 8.5", MEG: 6.5”

Originally Posted by Anxious Stoic
you’re so lucky to have a woman that not only accepts PE, but helps you with it.

Question: can BTC stretching lead to similar results as hanging if done properly and long enough per session?

Sorry for the long wait on my reply. I haven’t been as active on forums as I used to be.

Yes, BTC stretching could produce the same gains as hanging if one could hold a steady force for long enough.

In reality, hanging will win out in my opinion but if you don’t have a hanger then adding in some BTC stretching will still target the inner penis and suspension ligaments.

Starting Vac Hanging Soon

Wish me luck boys I’m gonna try a vac hanger hope I don’t get a blister. Can a condom as wrap help for anti blister effect?


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