Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More proof that long periods of hanging may be beneficial?

It seems that if you look at stats on members here, there was a point where their flaccid length almost become permanent. I am currently hanging with an lg and it works great. I have been really trying to take it slow so that I do not go to heavy and create scar or toughening of the ligament. I did newbie x4 extender all last summer and then moved to the lg. I started hanging late October and I am only up to 10 pounds twice a day for an hour each time. My BP I’m sitting at 7 and am starting to see some signs of length increases and my penis just feels more “plump” when erect. My question is, I still battle turtling. Some guys on here seem to reach a point where the turtling stops. I wear a girth band to prevent turtling but when I don’t have it on there are times that just aint good. I’m happy with my erect progress but would like insight from anyone on the flaccid side. Any experience you guys have would be great. Thanks.

Becoming a "shower"

Originally Posted by curt76
It seems that if you look at stats on members here, there was a point where their flaccid length almost become permanent. I am currently hanging with an lg and it works great. I have been really trying to take it slow so that I do not go to heavy and create scar or toughening of the ligament. I did newbie x4 extender all last summer and then moved to the lg. I started hanging late October and I am only up to 10 pounds twice a day for an hour each time. My BP I’m sitting at 7 and am starting to see some signs of length increases and my penis just feels more “plump” when erect. My question is, I still battle turtling. Some guys on here seem to reach a point where the turtling stops. I wear a girth band to prevent turtling but when I don’t have it on there are times that just aint good. I’m happy with my erect progress but would like insight from anyone on the flaccid side. Any experience you guys have would be great. Thanks.

It takes a significant amount of time to get your flaccid to not retract or turtle… try and think of the Girth Band like you would a dental retainer that’s worn after orthodontics realign your bite. Keep wearing one and when you’re done with your hang session or pump session wear as many as you can stack onto your shaft. Keep them on for 2-3 hours if possible to keep your flaccid from retracting. Over time you will find your flaccid to be less susceptible to retraction because of surrounding temperature or stress, which are the primary reasons your flaccid penis retracts.

(183.2 KB, 541 views)

Originally Posted by LGHanger
It takes a significant amount of time to get your flaccid to not retract or turtle.. Try and think of the Girth Band like you would a dental retainer that’s worn after orthodontics realign your bite. Keep wearing one and when you’re done with your hang session or pump session wear as many as you can stack onto your shaft. Keep them on for 2-3 hours if possible to keep your flaccid from retracting. Over time you will find your flaccid to be less susceptible to retraction because of surrounding temperature or stress, which are the primary reasons your flaccid penis retracts.

Does keeping your penis enlongated via a girth band really help it heal from penis exercises?

You sell girth bands?

recovery and healing

Originally Posted by Peispossible
Does keeping your penis enlongated via a girth band really help it heal from penis exercises?

You sell girth bands?

The theory behind keeping your flaccid under a mild amount of traction to prevent retraction while recovering from PE training definitely helps produce length an girth gains sooner.

Yes we offer Girth Bands - 4 different sizes.

LGH Girth Bands.webp
(223.2 KB, 443 views)


It seems after all this time I’ve lost most of the feeling and nerves in my shaft-and it hasn’t returned in months now… Not sure what to do. I dont want to stop maintenance stretching and hanging (3 times per week),not to lose gains, but.. There are benefits of course to hanging but so are downsides..

What type of hanger?

Originally Posted by dudedude1
It seems after all this time I’ve lost most of the feeling and nerves in my shaft-and it hasn’t returned in months now… Not sure what to do. I dont want to stop maintenance stretching and hanging (3 times per week),not to lose gains, but.. There are benefits of course to hanging but so are downsides..

What type of weight hanger are you using? I agree you must weigh benefits over downsides. I call them positive attributes and negative traits.
Sounds like you’re probably using a compression clamp type hanger if you are experiencing nerve damage or loss of feeling. This is exactly the downside of compression clamp hanging along with a few other negative traits.

So if you’re not sure what to do, I’d strongly recommend you stop using that particular device.

So I’ve been sticking with the previously mentioned 7.5 lbs, doing between 2-3 hours per day at 20-60 minute sessions. Keeping the LG Hanger on during the day as an extender, and I’ve also started using a 2.2 pound light wet between sets for about 30 mins at a time. For the past few days. Weekends tend to be off time with either no hanging or minimal. Over the past half week with full erections I have been recording 6.5” BPEL before hanging. BPFSL before a hang is ~7” and after ~7.25”. By comparison when I started I was 5.5BPEL/6BPFSL.

I’m going to stick with the same routine, not increase weight, and hopefully over the next 2 weeks verify that I’m getting 6.5” consistently.

I can be hopeful that future gains will follow the same pattern, but I can feel soreness in the ligs from this, so I know this must all be newbie gains so far, and it most certainly will Cree to a halt soon.

That being said I am ecstatic about the gain I have had over the past 5 months, and a little over 4 with the LG Hangar.

Seems to be working, I don’t want to mess with success, don’t need to injure myself. Just sit back and be patient if that’s possible.

Probably time to start my own progress thread.

Currently, I’m using lg hanger BTC sitting on a high chair at my computer when I hang. I also have a floor heater under the desk blowing directly on my penis while hanging. I hang for an hour twice a day and it works really well. I was looking at buying an infrared red light possibly if the heat is that much better. Does anyone have any input? LG can you comment? This is a great thread. Anyone’s experience would be appreciated.

Intuitive PE training

Originally Posted by Robotzorro
So I’ve been sticking with the previously mentioned 7.5 lbs, doing between 2-3 hours per day at 20-60 minute sessions. Keeping the LG Hanger on during the day as an extender, and I’ve also started using a 2.2 pound light wet between sets for about 30 mins at a time. For the past few days. Weekends tend to be off time with either no hanging or minimal. Over the past half week with full erections I have been recording 6.5” BPEL before hanging. BPFSL before a hang is ~7” and after ~7.25”. By comparison when I started I was 5.5BPEL/6BPFSL.

I’m going to stick with the same routine, not increase weight, and hopefully over the next 2 weeks verify that I’m getting 6.5” consistently.

I can be hopeful that future gains will follow the same pattern, but I can feel soreness in the ligs from this, so I know this must all be newbie gains so far, and it most certainly will Cree to a halt soon.

That being said I am ecstatic about the gain I have had over the past 5 months, and a little over 4 with the LG Hangar.

Seems to be working, I don’t want to mess with success, don’t need to injure myself. Just sit back and be patient if that’s possible.

Probably time to start my own progress thread.

Perfect example of intuitive training! I like your approach. It’s not always how much weight you’re hanging with, but how you hang with it!
My personal rule of thumb on increasing weight is to only do so when you can comfortably hang with a certain amount for a full hour, with absolutely no complications, for at least 2-3 weeks. It’s essential to develop tissue conditioning before going heavier.

My only advice would to be to see if you can get in an additional work out on the weekend, and include a few sessions during the week to work on erection quality. This would be done several hours after a hang session. Get a full erection and try and maintain 80-100% firmness for 15-20 minutes.

Infrared light

Originally Posted by curt76
Currently, I’m using lg hanger BTC sitting on a high chair at my computer when I hang. I also have a floor heater under the desk blowing directly on my penis while hanging. I hang for an hour twice a day and it works really well. I was looking at buying an infrared red light possibly if the heat is that much better. Does anyone have any input? LG can you comment? This is a great thread. Anyone’s experience would be appreciated.

Sorry I don’t have any experience with infrared light heat… but I do like the hanging setup you’ve devised! With more guys beginning to work from home your seated approach could definitely become more popular.

Originally Posted by curt76
Currently, I’m using lg hanger BTC sitting on a high chair at my computer when I hang. I also have a floor heater under the desk blowing directly on my penis while hanging. I hang for an hour twice a day and it works really well. I was looking at buying an infrared red light possibly if the heat is that much better. Does anyone have any input? LG can you comment? This is a great thread. Anyone’s experience would be appreciated.

I try and heat with my IR lamp for 15 minutes before hanging for 1 hour. I can’t say if it works or not, but it helps make my penis nice and soft. I hold my lamp up to about 6 inches away from my penis and move it around to heat all sides of it.

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"

I’d like some feedback from people who have had success. Particularly guys with a decent septum. I use an lg and hang with an ir lamp and have gained roughly 1/4 inch in the last year. I’m very reluctant to add weight because once you move up you condition you penis its hard to go back down. Once I added the heat to my program my flaccid immediately improved and I knew I was on the right track. I have hung with 12 pounds but once I added the heat I went back down to 7.5 and was able to reach fatigue. Now, I’m up to 10 pounds and want to get all the gains possible at this weight before I move up. How soon do others move up, do you always get fatigue? I know I have room to move up but I’m reluctant. I do some fulcrum hanging but not much so far. Does everyone reach fatigue here and once that goes away they move up in weight? I’ve been using the lg for almost a year now and its great. But keep in mind I don’t think anatomy wise every penis is the same. If they were you would have showers and growers. Forget size, but not all penis are the same. Thats why I ask guys with a septum and have had success.

Should I Go Back To Hanging Weights From Bungee Hanging?

Great thread. I’m wondering if I should go back to hanging actual weights mainly to basically using a bungee cord I got years ago w the bib hanger. The bungee is great for hitting many different angles but I’ve been fully committed hanging from a few 12 minute sets in April (had been doing PE on and off for a few months prior so not too consistent but my penis is conditioned well and could handle that) to now almost end of October I’m hanging (mostly with bungee) almost 2 hrs and 45 minutes a day every day except the odd maybe only 30 or 45 min days. I also use an ADS whenever possible while not hanging.

So almost 7 full consistent months now and really have gained maybe only 1/8” or a little more on both BPFSL and Erect Length. Hard for me to measure BC there’s a decent difference between my full turned on erection and getting hard for a measurement.

I’ve done PE on and off for 14 years. Really only about 1/4” total gain. 5.9” BPEL to 6 1/4” really hard BPEL and BPS FL from 6 3/4” to 7 1/4”

I’m fairly thick at 6” EG middle to 6 1/4” at base. Definitely have gained girth from PE was only about 4.5-5” EG when I was just starting out.

Problem is, I want length. I’m thinking I need to get back to targeting the tunica. The bungee hangar is great for the ligaments down at the base plus I think I got a lot more base girth from doing that for so long.

But definitely a little frustrated I just want to see some length gains. Going to go back to mainly hanging weights and using the fulcrum technique to hit the tunica. I just might not have done enough with it up till now.

Any suggestions would be awesome thank you!

Last edited by ko12020 : 10-28-2020 at .

Originally Posted by curt76
I’d like some feedback from people who have had success. Particularly guys with a decent septum. I use an lg and hang with an ir lamp and have gained roughly 1/4 inch in the last year. I’m very reluctant to add weight because once you move up you condition you penis its hard to go back down. Once I added the heat to my program my flaccid immediately improved and I knew I was on the right track. I have hung with 12 pounds but once I added the heat I went back down to 7.5 and was able to reach fatigue. Now, I’m up to 10 pounds and want to get all the gains possible at this weight before I move up. How soon do others move up, do you always get fatigue? I know I have room to move up but I’m reluctant. I do some fulcrum hanging but not much so far. Does everyone reach fatigue here and once that goes away they move up in weight? I’ve been using the lg for almost a year now and its great. But keep in mind I don’t think anatomy wise every penis is the same. If they were you would have showers and growers. Forget size, but not all penis are the same. Thats why I ask guys with a septum and have had success.

You’re doing good. Us old timers found best weight is 5 to 15lb. 10lb was a sweet spot on me. 20lb and higher is just too much trauma and causes turtle flaccid and a longer recovery.

I’ve just recently started hanging again with my LG, I have been busy with life and had to slow down my hanging for a few years.

I prefer hanging light with less weight. I had at one point, hung 35 lbs with my bib hanger.

With my LG I went up to 15 lbs. Now I am intending to stay lighter and add time instead of weight increases so quickly.


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